Website Development

Website Planning Guide As Told By Experts

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

Picture this: You’re a business owner who’s pumped to get a brand-new website up and running. You envision it — clean design, smooth user experience, and content that converts visitors into paying customers. But weeks turn into months, and you’re stuck in a planning rut. Frustration mounts. The clock ticks and the following happens:

  • Lost Revenue: Every day your website isn’t up is a day you’re not capturing leads.
  • Missed Opportunities: While you’re agonizing over details, competitors with subpar products are making sales.
  • Overwhelming and Burnout: The longer you go without a plan, the more daunting the task seems.
  • Reduced Team Morale: When you’re frustrated, the team feels it too.
  • Unclear Messaging: Without a plan, your brand message becomes inconsistent and confusing.
  • SEO Nightmares: Google is practically ignoring you, and you have no idea why.
  • Overspending: The budget slowly creeps up due to inefficiencies and do-overs.
  • Wasted Time: Endless meetings that lead nowhere.
  • Lost Trust: Your audience wonders why you can’t even get a simple website up.
  • Self-doubt: You start questioning your ability to run a business.

The Surprising Truth: Why You’re Really Struggling

Now, you might think the problem is your lack of technical skills, the wrong team, or insufficient budget. But get this: It’s NOT what you think.

Here’s the harsh truth: You’re missing a strategic website planning guide tailored by experts. That’s right, it’s not just about the coding languages, the color schemes, or even hiring a pricey designer. If you’re considering working with a UI/UX designer in India, know that it’s about having a plan that is deeply rooted in expert methodology. This ensures that your website not only looks good but also provides an exceptional user experience.

Why Most Common Solutions Fail

You’ve tried following the “best practices” and “ultimate guides” to website planning but have been left frustrated. The reason? They often miss out on aligning business goals, target audiences, and SEO strategies in a comprehensive plan. They treat website planning like a cosmetic exercise.

What Needs to Be Done

So, to sort this top 10 list of horrors, you need an expert-crafted, business-focused website planning guide. Forget about juggling 15 different “best practices.” Focus on strategic steps tailored to your specific business.

What Is Website Planning?

Website planning is more than just figuring out the look and feel of your site. It’s a comprehensive strategy that outlines your business goals, target audience, and how your website will help you reach those milestones.

How To Plan A Website

Let’s break down each step in detail:

1. Document Your Goals & KPIs

Why It’s Important:

Understanding your end goal sets the direction for your entire website project. Without specific goals, you can easily veer off track and waste resources on aspects that don’t contribute to your business objectives.

How To Do It:

  • Determine your main objectives (e.g., increase sales, improve customer engagement, build brand awareness).
  • Identify Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that align with these objectives (e.g., Conversion Rate, Bounce Rate, Average Time on Site).

2. Define Your User Personas

Why It’s Important:

Understanding your target audience helps tailor the content, design, and functionality of your website to meet their specific needs.

How To Do It:

  • Collect demographic and psychographic information (age, gender, occupation, pain points, etc.).
  • Create 3-5 different personas to represent your customer base.

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3. Analyze Your Direct Competitors

Why It’s Important:

This will help you understand market standards, identify opportunities, and gauge the competitive landscape.

How To Do It:

  • List your top 3-5 competitors.
  • Analyze their website design, content, and user experience.
  • Identify their strengths and weaknesses.

4. Find Inspiration Websites

Finding Inspirational Websites

Why It’s Important:

You don’t need to reinvent the wheel; studying high-performing websites can inspire your design and functionality choices.

How To Do It:

  • Identify websites (not necessarily in your industry) that you find user-friendly or aesthetically pleasing.
  • Take note of features that you can incorporate into your website.

5. Create An SEO Plan

Why It’s Important:

Good SEO ensures your website will be found by your target audience.

How To Do It:

  • Research relevant keywords.
  • Plan your site structure to be SEO-friendly.
  • Think beyond keywords: Consider long-term strategies like content marketing and link-building.

6. Create A Sitemap

Why It’s Important:

A sitemap outlines the structure of your website, helping both developers and stakeholders understand the scope of the project.

How To Do It:

  • List all the pages that will be part of the website.
  • Use tools like to visually map the relationships between these pages.

7. Map Out User Journeys

Why It’s Important:

Understanding the path that users will take helps in creating a more intuitive and efficient experience.

How To Do It:

  • Identify the most common actions you want users to take (e.g., make a purchase, or sign up for a newsletter).
  • Chart the steps required to complete these actions.

8. Plan Landing Page Content

Why It’s Important:

Each landing page should serve a specific purpose, guiding the user toward a particular action.

How To Do It:

  • Identify the main goal for each landing page.
  • Decide on the necessary content elements (text, images, CTAs) that will help achieve this goal.

9. Create A Design Brief

Why It’s Important:

A design brief consolidates all the aesthetic and functional requirements of the website into a single document, streamlining the development process.

How To Do It:

  • Outline color schemes, typography, and UI elements.
  • Include any brand guidelines that need to be followed.

10. Define Your Budget

Why It’s Important:

Having a clear budget ensures you allocate resources effectively and sets expectations for what can be achieved.

How To Do It:

  • Itemize expected costs like domain registration, hosting, development, and marketing.
  • Account for unplanned expenses by setting aside a contingency fund.

Mistakes To Avoid When Planning A Website

Absolutely, avoiding mistakes in website planning is crucial for the overall success of the project. Here’s a detailed look at the mistakes you’ve listed:

1. Skipping the Planning Stage

Why It’s a Mistake:

In the world of website design and development, diving in without a clear plan can lead to valuable time and resources going to waste, often resulting in a website that falls short of its intended objectives. This applies to Website design and development in India as well.

How to Avoid It:

Invest time in research, setting goals, defining your target audience, and mapping out the site structure. These planning steps are foundational and will guide all subsequent stages.

2. Ignoring SEO

Why It’s a Mistake:

Ignoring SEO essentially means ignoring how your website will perform in search engine rankings, which in turn can drastically limit the visibility of your website.

How to Avoid It:

From the outset, plan a comprehensive SEO strategy that includes keyword research, meta descriptions, and a mobile-friendly design. Make sure that SEO is integrated into every aspect, from the site architecture to the content strategy.

3. Failing to Consider the User Experience

Why It’s a Mistake:

Ignoring the user experience can result in a confusing or frustrating interface that may drive potential customers away.

How to Avoid It:

Investing in user experience (UX) design is crucial for any successful digital project. If you’re looking for a UX design company in India, it’s important to ensure they specialize in creating user personas, mapping out user journeys, and prioritizing usability and accessibility. Regularly conducting usability tests and making necessary adjustments based on feedback is also essential for enhancing the user experience.

4. Overcomplicating Things

Why It’s a Mistake:

Adding too many features, complex graphics, or excessive information can overwhelm users and make your site difficult to navigate.

How to Avoid It:

Simplicity is key. Stick to essential features and a clean, intuitive design. Always refer back to your user personas and objectives: if a feature doesn’t serve them, consider removing it.

5. Blowing the Budget

Why It’s a Mistake:

Exceeding the budget can stall or even halt development, leaving you with an unfinished site and financial strain.

How to Avoid It:

Set a realistic budget, accounting for all potential costs such as hosting, domain registration, development, design, and unexpected contingencies. Monitor spending meticulously and keep stakeholders informed.


You’ve got the inside scoop on how to plan a website like a pro, right from setting goals to dodging costly mistakes. Remember, planning isn’t just damage control; it’s your ticket to sky-high ROI and a killer user experience. So don’t wing it. Use this guide to make a website that not only works but wows.

Ready to transform your website planning game with expert guidance? Contact us today and let’s turn your digital dreams into reality!


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