Website Design

Website Design Checklist: 40+ Items To Review Before Launch

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

Picture this: You’ve poured blood, sweat, and tears into your new website. You’ve spent countless hours on design, even more on web development, and a chunk of change on paid ads to drive traffic. And yet, you’re greeted with high bounce rates, low conversions, and complaints from users who can’t navigate your site. Sounds nightmarish, right? To avoid this, partnering with a top website development company is crucial for a seamless user experience.

The Emotional and Tangible Cost of Missing Out On a Website Design Checklist

  • Missed Business Opportunities: Every lost visitor is a lost customer, which directly affects your revenue.
  • High Bounce Rates: Potential customers leave within seconds, never to return.
  • Negative Brand Image: A bad first impression can permanently tarnish your brand.
  • Frustration Over Inefficiency: You’re paying a development team, but not seeing the results.
  • SEO Nightmares: Poor design choices affect your search ranking.
  • Wasted Marketing Spend: Your paid ads serve no purpose if your website isn’t up to the mark.
  • Lost Trust: Visitors question your credibility.
  • Constant Revisions: You’re always stuck in a loop of design and redesign.
  • Lack of Mobile Optimization: Alienating a huge chunk of mobile users.
  • Overwhelm: Simply not knowing where to start or how to correct course.

Why You’re Struggling with Your Website’s Performance: It’s NOT What You Think

You might blame poor performance on inadequate marketing, tough competition, or even bad luck. But, guess what? The real root cause is often a lack of structured planning and evaluation. Sure, you’ve been told to focus on high-quality content and SEO, but if the foundational design services of your website are flawed, even the best content and SEO tricks won’t save you.

Why Common Solutions Fail

  • Aesthetic Focus: Just making it pretty doesn’t make it functional.
  • Ignoring User Experience: Navigation and usability are often afterthoughts.
  • Band-Aid Fixes: You tackle problems as they come, not before they occur.
  • Incomplete SEO Strategy: You think stuffing keywords will do the trick.
  • Lack of Tracking: If you’re not measuring, you’re not improving.

What Needs to Be Done: Meet The Website Design Checklist

To break out of this vicious cycle, you need a structured Website Design Checklist before you even think about launching. This becomes your bible, ensuring every aspect of your site is up to scratch. Partnering with the best website design company can help you create and execute this checklist effectively.

The Benefit-Rich Results of Using a Website Design Checklist

  • Boosted Revenue: By avoiding design hiccups, you increase conversions.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Lower bounce rates and higher engagement.
  • Solid Brand Image: People will love interacting with your website.
  • Cost Efficiency: A single mistake could cost you hundreds; a checklist is your safety net.
  • SEO Success: Rank higher and be more visible.
  • Time-Saving: No need to revisit and revise constantly.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing you didn’t miss anything before launching.

What Is A Website Design Checklist?

What Is A Website Design Checklist?

A Website Design Checklist is essentially your blueprint for web development success. It’s the go-to guide for web designers, developers, and even clients to make sure every step of the website creation process is accounted for. Whether you’re grappling with lines of code, setting up the layout, running tests, or navigating client expectations, this checklist is your roadmap.

Specifically, it’s your lifeline for crucial aspects like coding standards, user interface design, testing, and even dealing with client preferences. A reliable UI/UX Development Company can help you achieve the best results. From ensuring top-notch usability to accessibility with industry standards, it covers the full spectrum—right from the first draft to the live launch.

Why Use A Web Design Checklist?

Think of a Web Design Checklist as your team’s ultimate sidekick. It’s the organizational tool that ensures you’re always on the ball, hitting deadlines, and never letting any critical visual elements slip through the cracks. When the clock is ticking and stress is high, it’s easy to forget the smaller, yet vital, aspects of a project. That’s where the checklist swoops in to save the day.

By adhering to a well-crafted checklist, you stand to gain several powerful advantages:

  • Your website turns out user-friendly because it ensures that your team nails both UX and UI best practices.
  • The messaging is spot-on, thanks to rigorous proofreading and formatting checks.
  • You dodge legal and compliance headaches by ticking off all industry standards and regulations.
  • Visitors will feel an instant connection with your brand due to voice and design elements that are meticulously researched and harmonized.
  • Say goodbye to security nightmares, as your checklist ensures that all backup protocols and safeguards are active.
  • Get ready for an SEO high-five, as the checklist guides you through the do’s and don’ts of search engine optimization.
  • Tracking success becomes a breeze, thanks to embedded analytics that let you monitor, learn, and tweak as you go along.

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Website Design Audit Checklist: 40+ Items To Check Before Launching A Website

A robust web design checklist isn’t just a list; it’s a roadmap that guides your team through the maze of tasks needed to build a killer website. To make this roadmap user-friendly, it’s smart to break it down into distinct categories, each focused on a specific facet of website design.

Your ultimate web design services checklist should be compartmentalized into these thematic sections, each containing pertinent checkpoints and tasks:

This structure ensures that every critical aspect of web design gets its moment in the spotlight, making the design process smoother and more efficient.

Website Design Checklist related to design and functionality.

1. Design

1. Ensure cross-device and cross-browser compatibility.

2. Thoroughly validate HTML and CSS codes.

3. Streamline scripts for peak performance on all web pages.

4. Compress and resize images for optimal loading speed across the site.

5. Refine CSS for seamless rendering and faster page loads.

6. Upload a well-designed favicon and confirm its correct display.

7. Double-check that paragraph elements like quotes, lists, and headers are styled and functioning as intended.

2. Functionality

8. Verify that forms not only submit data accurately but also display a confirmation message upon submission.

9. Confirm that submitted form data is saved in the company’s database and automatically sent to the designated email recipient.

10. Test auto-responder functionalities for reliability.

11. Validate the integrity of all internal website links.

12. Double-check that external links are functional and configured to open in new tabs.

13. Ensure that social media sharing buttons are fully operational.

14. Verify that news feeds, social media streams, and RSS features are up-to-date and functional.

15. Make certain that clicking the company logo redirects users to the homepage.

16. Optimize the website for fast load times.

17. Implement and test 404 error redirect pages.

18. Confirm the successful integration of any third-party tools or widgets.

Website Design Checklist related to Content and SEO

3. Content

19. Verify the layout and styling of headers, bullet lists, and text paragraphs for consistency.

20. Update the copyright date in the website footer to reflect the current year.

21. Ensure that company contact information is accurate and easily accessible.

22. Replace any placeholder or filler content with the finalized, relevant material.

23. Confirm that all multimedia elements like images, videos, and audio clips are correctly positioned and functional across various devices.

24. Test the accessibility and functionality of downloadable resources such as e-books or white papers.

25. Secure and document the appropriate licenses for images, fonts, and other media used on the site.

4. SEO

26. Ensure each webpage has a distinct H1 header and SEO-friendly title that incorporates relevant keywords.

27. Verify that each page has a unique meta description.

28. Insert metadata for articles or posts included in the RSS feed.

29. Generate a dynamic XML sitemap for the website.

30. Submit the dynamically created XML sitemap to major search engines for indexing.

31. Confirm that the structure of page URLs aligns with the site’s information architecture.

32. Implement 301 redirects for any outdated or changed URLs.

33. Apply a rel=”nofollow” attribute to appropriate outbound links.

Website Design Checklist Items: Analytics, Backups & Security and Compliance

5. Analytics

34. Embed the tracking code for analytics on your website.

35. Omit specific IP addresses from being tracked in your analytics data.

36. Configure conversion paths and objectives within your analytics platform.

37. Link Google Search Console with Google Analytics for comprehensive data tracking.

38. Integrate Google AdWords and Google Analytics to measure advertising ROI.

6. Backup & Security

39. Implement scripts for real-time monitoring of website performance.

40. Make a duplicate of the completed website as a backup.

41. Schedule and maintain periodic website backups for data security.

42. Safeguard all website login details and other sensitive credentials in a secure database.

7. Compliance

43. Ensure the website is accessible to users with various disabilities.

44. Notify visitors if cookies are being used on the site.

45. Ensure compliance with licensing requirements for purchased code, fonts, and imagery.

46. Display terms of service and privacy policies prominently for visitor reference.

47. Achieve PCI compliance if the site handles credit card transactions.

A comprehensive website design services checklist is an indispensable tool for ensuring a smooth and efficient launch of your website. Covering everything from functionality, content, and SEO to analytics and security, this checklist serves as a roadmap to guide your team through the complexities of web design and development. By adhering to this structured approach, you’re less likely to overlook critical elements that could impact your website’s usability, performance, and overall success.

Whether you’re a seasoned developer or embarking on your first website project, keeping this checklist handy will help you stay organized, meet deadlines, and ultimately create a website that not only looks great but also performs optimally across various devices and browsers.

Need help navigating the 40+ items on your Website Design Checklist before launch? Contact us today and ensure your website is set for success!


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