Website Development

9 Factors to Consider While Hiring a Development Agency

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

Website development is the need of every business nowadays. Every business owner thinks of getting a website for his business at least once in his lifetime and if the business is totally based on online services being provided, then the website is just the need of the hour.

Getting a phenomenal website, developed by an agency is a difficult task as you first need to finalize the agency to get the website developed as per your need within your budget.

9 Factors to Consider While Hiring a Development Agency

Below is the Checklist that will Give you a List of 9 Factors to Consider While Hiring a Development Agency:


  1. Number of Websites Built by the Company
  2. The Reputation of the Company
  3. Platforms Provided by the Company
  4. Parameters on which the Company Works Before Starting
  5. Timeframe for Development
  6. Budget-Friendly Packages Provided by the Company
  7. Ways to Ensure that the Site is SEO Friendly
  8. How Much Involvement Will you Get to Have?
  9. Will you be Able to Get to See Some Examples of their Work?

1. Number of Websites Built by the Company

  • Like everything, experience speaks for itself.
  • The number of websites built by the company that you are going to or thinking to hire plays a major role in deciding whether to hire that company for your website development project or not.
  • You will get to know about the company’s already made websites and especially on those

2. The Reputation of the Company

  • The reputation of a company is decided by the reviews and the number of feedbacks the company has got for its performance.
  • The company which you are thinking of hiring will also be having reviews and feedbacks from its clients on their website or on Google reviews.
  • So before taking the final decision, you must review the feedbacks and ratings of that company.

3. Platforms Provided by the Company

  • Magento. Wix. Shopify. WordPress. There are so many platforms on which your website can be build based on your requirements. Web platforms are the foundations of any website.
  • Besides just knowing about the platform on which the company is going to build your website, you should also know the reason behind choosing the platform.

4. Parameters on which the Company Works Before Starting

  • The parameters are many to look after when you start a project. The parameters on which the company works should be clear from their side and you should know the list of tasks that they’re going to perform.
  • The work can be divided into different stages or phases as per your website’s requirement and it must be followed thoroughly to ensure everything is going a planned and on time.

5. Timeframe for Development

  • As the parameters for hiring a company for website development is important, the other factor highly related to it must also be taken into consideration.
  • The timeframe for developing the website and delivering it to the client as per his expectations is also an important factor. Knowing the timeframe for your project will also give you an idea of other things related to it.
  • After analyzing the facts and figures, the company should provide you the approximate or relatable timeframe for completing the website.

6. Budget-Friendly Packages Provided by the Company

  • The assessment of the requirement of your website gives the estimated cost for developing the project.
  • It is not always recommended to look for the cheapest option you get, but to ensure the quality of the project, you can set your budget.
  • Don’t fall for the cheap pricing that the companies offer you, but try going for the quality over price factor, that can also fit in your budget.

7. Ways to Ensure that the Site is SEO Friendly

  • Development of the website takes place in its way and by the process, it needs to be followed, but the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) planning for your website can start as soon as you finalize all the things with the company and start the project development work.
  • Ensured ranking of your website on Google is a big step to think on and it can be done by the SEO team of the company.
  • So while choosing the company, you must take into consideration, the SEO factor for the website.

8. How Much Involvement Will you Get to Have?

  • Involving in every step and in the whole process of the website development is your sole choice and it should be taken into consideration by the company in the initial stages.
  • Giving approvals and feedbacks for the changes in the website or in any design can be provided by you. And this whole involvement factor needs to be taken care of and clearly agreed upon upfront.

9. Will you be Able to Get to See Some Examples of their Work?

  • Watching and reviewing examples of one’s work can help you very much for deciding whether it can fulfill your requirements or not.
  • This can be the easiest factor that can directly give you the idea of the company’s work and your expectations ratio.


Hiring the right company for your website development process may seem a tough task, but by taking one step at a time and by considering the above factors you can try to get the right and desired a company that can give the output as you wish to get from it.

Why Choose Alakmalak?

Looking to Outsource Website Design & development Work?

Alakmalak is a Web & Mobile App Development Company in India that offers services for several technologies. There have been around for a very long time and have developed over 2500 projects for clients all around the world. They have highly skilled web developers with a great deal of experience.

  • Best web development company
  • Hiring a Development Agency
  • web development company in India

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