Mobile Apps Development

What it takes to develop a Mobile Game – A general overview

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

Mobile game development

Mobile gaming development is similar to gaming development on other platforms, in the sense it takes a lot of dedication and attention to detail. For a mobile App developer, it is not sufficient to simply have general knowledge about game development since there is more to mobile games development that simply knowing how to write a program.

Tips on mobile games development solutions:

  • The initial planning stage for any game development should consist of developing the main storyline. There are several types of games like FPS (first person shooter), Strategy, Crime, Puzzle, etc. Each type of game is unique and have different requirements. However, a base story is essential for almost every time of game to some extent.

  • By defining the base story of the game early there is an overview of the game to work with where the inner stages can be defined in depth at a later stage.

  • GameCanvas is a one of the tools available to develop the game skeleton and hence is one of the tools used while developing the game design specification.

  • Mobile games development has come a long way and is expected to evolve further. There are a wider range of mobile platforms and mobiles with different screen sizes and resolutions. Hence it is challenge for the mobiles games developer to get it to work on every platform.

  • There are several developing environments available. Unity3D Game Development Solution is one of popular mobile gaming platforms that is quite versatile and can be used to develop games on multiple platforms.

  • Developing mobiles games is tedious and complicated and there are times when one may have urge to give up, however persistence and using proven coding and problem solving techniques can save the day.

  • Testing a mobile game is also quite important. Although the developing platform is likely to provide emulator verify it’s performance on several platforms it is a good idea to have the real thing. Besides the developing environment there are several independent emulators available too however none can beat physically testing the game on multiple types of mobile devices.

Getting started with mobile development:

Mobile game development is different from simple mobile app development in several ways. There are many elements that ned to be thought of early on and other during development. A few elements of mobile gaming development are mentioned here to provide a clearer picture of what is involved:

  • Type of game: There are several types games like RPG, Strategy, FPS, etc. Hence it is important to first decide the type of game you want to develop.

  • Programming language: There are several programming languages that allow great level of customization and coding features to be able to code properly. Some offer a large number of tools are resource to develop 2D games while others offer special resources required for 3D games development.

  • Other factors: The other factors important in mobile game development are the basic mobile platform as well as the specifications. Depending on how demanding the game is in terms of resources you can define the minimum specifications like memory, disk space, processor power, graphics definition, etc. This is also a good time to select the type of game engine you want to use to develop the game.

Mobile game development with Alakmalak:

Alakmalak have been helping businesses and other organizations establish their online presence since very long time now. It is quite an achievement for them to successfully complete more than 2000 projects for clients worldwide. Alakmalak is more than just a Web Development firm, they have also developed some stunning apps and are actively involve iOS and Android projects.

Besides which they also involved in game development and have all the necessary resources for the same.

Thus Alakmalak is capable of handling almost any kind of project, from dedicated iPhone developers to large iPhone projects that may require additional resources. Being a firm that offers multiple technology solutions has it benefits since then there are always plenty of skilled resources to get the task done on time. In fact, Alakmalak has begun to expand their infrastructure and resources. They have also started offering a wider range of service when it comes to the mobile gaming platform.

  • A general overview of Mobile Game development
  • Tips on mobile games development solutions

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