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What are the Main Outsourcing Risks and How to Mitigate Them?

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

You want to outsource some or even all of your IT projects. Should you go for it? Or should you choose to take care of them yourselves? There are lots of advantages to outsourcing certain types of tasks. In today’s highly competitive business environment, companies can no longer afford to staff their own IT departments full-time, nor pay hefty salaries to in-house IT specialists.

As businesses grow, the need for a variety of services and support increases. This can be a great thing, as it allows companies to focus on their core business and outsource the tasks that don’t fit that profile. However, there are a number of risks associated with outsourcing, and it’s essential to take these into account when making decisions. In this article, we’ll discuss the main outsourcing risks and how to mitigate them. So, let’s get started.

What are the Main Outsourcing Risks and How to Mitigate Them

Here is the list of risks that are involved in outsourcing projects and the ways how to mitigate them:-

1. Unforeseen and Hidden Costs

A person looking through a magnifying glass, signifies he is looking for some hidden cost.

When outsourcing your projects, it is important to have a plan in place for mitigating the Unforeseen and Hidden Costs that can occur. This includes things like ensuring top quality standards are met, having backup plans in case of unexpected delays or issues, and making sure all contractual obligations are met.

Additionally, it’s important to make sure that you understand the tax implications associated with outsourcing your projects. There may be certain taxes related to income earned from an outsourced project that you need to pay attention to, such as social security contributions or withholding taxes on foreign earnings. Lastly, always maintain copies of all contracts and negotiations so that any disputes can be resolved easily and quickly.

2. Trust Issues

Trust Issues related to outsourcing.

When outsourcing it is important to ensure that the outsourcing relationship is healthy and trusting. There are a few things you can do in order to mitigate any potential Trust Issues.

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First, conduct due diligence on the candidate or contractor you’ve selected before awarding them the contract. This means checking references, investigating their past work ethic, and asking questions about their ethical code of conduct.

Make sure that all parties involved know what expectations are (elements of the project should be completed by when?, milestone dates?), and make sure everyone understands who will be responsible for what once the project has started (you as contracting party? The external provider?). Next, agree on clear communication channels between yourself (the contracting party) and the outsourced provider(s). This includes regular updates on progress along with clarification if there are any changes or issues that arise during the execution of the contract.

3. Privacy and Security Concerns

Privacy and Security Concerns

Outsourcing your projects can be a great way to increase efficiency and reduce costs, but it is important to remember that privacy and security are top priorities. There are a number of ways you can protect yourself from potential privacy breaches or incidents that could occur while your project is in-process or after it has been completed.

One way to mitigate these concerns is to use secure email platforms like Gmail or Outlook for communication between parties involved in the outsourcing process. Additionally, make sure all files containing confidential information are encrypted before being transferred over the internet. In addition, establish strict protocols governing access to data so that only authorized personnel have access.

4. Lack of Transparency

Lack of Transparency

One of the biggest challenges that companies face when outsourcing their projects is transparency. This can be difficult to achieve, as many times the person doing the outsourcing may not have firsthand knowledge of what is happening on your project. One way to mitigate this lack of transparency while still ensuring quality workmanship is to use a third-party auditor or mediator.

These professionals are skilled in providing feedback and guidance throughout the entire process, from contract negotiation all the way through execution and delivery. They help protect you by overseeing all aspects of the project so that you know exactly what is being done and why it matters. Additionally, they can provide insights into potential problems early on so that they can be addressed before they become serious issues.

5. Loss of Control

There are a number of steps that you can take to help mitigate the loss of control while outsourcing your projects. One way is to ensure that all aspects of the project are properly documented and communicated. This will allow you to track progress, make any necessary amendments as required, and remain in control throughout the process.

Another important step is ensuring regular communication with your contractor. Make sure that you understand their plans for the project and provide feedback so that it meets your expectations. It’s also important to be clear about payment milestones so there are no surprises later on. And finally, make sure to have backup plans in place should anything go wrong or require additional resources beyond what was originally planned for the project.

6. Tracking Your Project Progress

A magnifying glass on a upward graph signifies tracking the progress of the project.

Having an effective tracking system in place when outsourcing your projects is essential to ensuring that the project stays on schedule and on budget. One of the simplest ways to track progress is by using project management software. The software allows you to manage all aspects of the project, including tasks, deadlines, files, and comments. It can also be used for version control so that you can keep track of changes made throughout the course of the project.

Additionally, it’s important to make sure that communication between yourself and your outsourced team is kept open and positive. Ensuring timely updates about progress will help avoid misunderstandings or delays caused by miscommunication. And lastly, always remember to include contingency plans should any unforeseen issues arise during this process!

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7. Lack of Flexibility

When you outsource your projects, it can be difficult to maintain a consistent level of flexibility. However, there are a few things that you can do in order to mitigate this issue and keep both sides happy. First, make sure that the contractor or subcontractor is clear about what is required in order for them to meet your expectations and timeline. This will help avoid any surprises down the road. Next, make sure that all communication channels between yourself and the contractor/ subcontractor are open and transparent.

Enable remote access so that you can check progress regularly without having to be present on-site, use chat software if possible so that issues can be resolved quickly, and set up automatic payments so money isn’t tied up in billing disputes (especially important when working with overseas contractors), etcetera. Finally, measure results frequently but don’t micromanage; trust experts who know their business well enough not to require constant input from you.


Outsourcing can be a beneficial way to reduce costs while increasing efficiency, but the risks associated with it must always be taken into account. By reading this blog, you’ll know the main risks that outsourcing poses and how to mitigate them with proper planning and execution. Stay safe and sound while engaging in outsourcing!

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