Digital Marketing

Is Your Social Media Right for Your Business?

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

Is Your Social Media Right for Your Business?

Massive developments in the field of information technology in the last 4-5 decades have really bought the world at our fingertips today. Indeed, now we can talk with people in real-time while being thousands of miles apart physically. This virtual network among humans irrespective of physical or geographical boundaries forms the basis of social media on the Internet and has revolutionized the world as we know it.

So, as a business owner or service provider, you cannot ignore the power of online social media marketing today. But, does this require you to forgo other online influencing instruments like website user engagement, great content and, most notably, meaningful blogging pertaining to your field?

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But, first, let’s have a look at some of the positive effects of hiring a professional web development firm for increasing your visibility in various social media platforms.

Below is the Checklist that will Give Benefits of Social Media for Your Business:

  1. Social Media makes you visible
  2. Presence in Social Media improves your SERP rankings
  3. Social Media helps build relationships
  4. Should we choose between Blogging and Social Media?

1. Social Media makes you visible

Your presence in social media helps with the visibility of your business – it becomes a platform for advertising your products or services online. You can really propagate your business on various platforms which will make your brand more recognizable within a comparatively short span. Social media can also help with increasing your product or service sales simply by reaching a wider market of potentially interested customers.

2. Presence in Social Media improves your SERP rankings

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High SERP (Search Engine Result Pages) rankings almost certainly translate into higher traffic for your website, which, in turn, brings good online business. According to a comprehensive study conducted in 2016, a strong and focused presence in social media is positively correlated with better website rankings in SERP. This study further ascertains that higher sharing numbers and other such signals for your content lead to better visibility and positioning of your website on search engine results.

3. Social Media helps build relationships

As we can infer, one of the main reasons for the rapid rise in popularity and population of active social media users is its capacity for building relationships. This is irrespective of geographical location and cultural differences – the power of social media platforms is in its ability to form common bonds of sharing between the widely diverse human populations. The same holds true for your business – social media can help you to connect with individuals, groups or other businesses interested in just the kind of products or services you are offering, thus forming a so-called “relationship of need” which is beneficial to all concerned.

4. Should we choose between Blogging and Social Media?

Now that you are somewhat wiser towards appreciating the positive effects of being on social media propagating your business, should you instruct web development companies in India managing your digital marketing to forgo all other avenues online? Well, the best strategy is focused on integration among these different aspects of online marketing.

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Let us take blogging as an example. We know that is a powerful and required tool for meaningful presence in third-party platforms. Thus, to derive the maximum benefit from both, you need to create a marketing strategy that integrates social media and blogging – so that in future you can actually interact personally with your blog followers through social media. The key lies in forging long-term meaningful relationships with people or businesses in need of your products, services or expertise through blogs and social media, ensuring long-term cohesiveness much like those “real life-long friends” around you.

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Social Media


In today’s world, a business owner cannot ignore the massive influence of social media irrespective of geographical and cultural limitations. A strong and meaningful presence in various social media platforms ensures higher visibility for your business, better SERP rankings bringing in higher traffic and potential customers and helps build long-term relationships among individuals, groups, and businesses. While the focus is definitely required for creating a strong online presence, it does not mean you completely forgo other online marketing avenues like blogging. The key lies in meaningful integration wherein one complements the other and helps to create a fruitful, mutually beneficial, long-term relationship between your business and its customers.

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