Website Development

How to Make Your Site Migration Smooth Without Losing Any Traffic?

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

Migrating a site is never fun, especially when you’re juggling too much stuff at once. Will your bounce rate go through the roof or even cause your traffic to plummet?

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How will your visitors react when they see you’ve moved? Moving from one domain name to another can cause massive issues. These problems arise due to the inability to redirect visitors from the old domain to the new one. This is why marketers should consider migration as a part of their strategy.

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Website migration is an arduous task that demands a lot from the website owner. From the time they notice a website issue or impending website downtime, they all the way to the launch of the new website, have to stay alert and handle every eventuality with deftness. Some might go overboard with their website migration plans, resulting in a site that is not user-friendly, misses out on crucial traffic, or both. In order to prevent any of these things from happening, here are a few tips on how to make your site migration smooth without losing any traffic.


So, let’s take a look at the tips for smooth migration of your website without losing any traffic:-

1. Changing Platforms Only

There are a few reasons why you should only change the platforms in order to make the website migration process smooth. First, by keeping the original website and content, you are ensuring that your customers and followers are not lost during the migration process. This can be a major headache for businesses, as it can cause a loss in traffic and revenue. Additionally, by keeping the website and content intact, you are also keeping your branding intact. This is important, as your customers and followers will likely prefer to use the same website when looking for information on your products or services.

Finally, by changing only the platforms, you are ensuring that all of your website’s settings, such as login credentials and contact information, are automatically transferred. This eliminates any need for you to manually enter these details into the new platform. This can save you time and hassle, and ultimately, help to make the migration process smoother.

2. Create an Updated XML Sitemap

An XML sitemap is a great way to ensure that your website is easy to find by search engines and users. By updating your XML sitemap, you will ensure that all the pages on your website are documented and categorized in an easy-to-use format. This will make the migration process much smoother, as all the pages will be easily accessible. Additionally, you will also be able to track the progress of the migration and make necessary changes as and when required.

Each website is unique and requires specific documentation, so make sure to include all the important information like the title, description, keywords, and images of your pages. Also, make sure to include the page URLs and meta-data, such as the description, keywords, and target audience. This will help search engines index your pages properly and provide users with a comprehensive and accurate search experience.

3. Changing the Primary Domain

If you are planning on making a website migration, then it is important to change the primary domain in order to make the process smoother. This will ensure that all of your website’s content, images, and other data are transferred over properly. Additionally, this will help to protect your website’s ranking in search engines. To change the primary domain, you will need to contact your web hosting provider and have them change your domain name for you.

Once this has been completed, you will need to update all of the information on your website, including the URL, title tags, and metadata. Lastly, you will need to update all of your links to point to your new domain. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your website migration goes smoothly and that your website remains ranking well in search engines.

4. Have Your 301 Redirects from all old URLs that are getting traffic to the new one

Redirecting 301 from all old URLs can help in preventing any confusion or inconvenience for website visitors who are trying to access your website from an old URL. It will help to conserve resources on your website, as all old URLs will be redirected to the new URL. This will help to improve your website’s SEO ranking, as search engines will see the website as being updated.

There are a few resources that can help you with this process. The first is a URL Redirector, which is a tool that can automatically create and maintain redirects. Another option is using a URL Forwarder, which is a Chrome extension that can be used to automatically forward broken links to new URLs.

5. Save Your Old Site’s Analytics

Transitioning from one website to another can be a difficult task, but it can be made much smoother by saving your old site’s analytics. By doing this, you can ensure that you don’t lose any traffic as you make the switch. Additionally, you can use the data to make informed decisions about how to improve your website’s design and layout.

Analytics can be used to track the effectiveness of your website migration strategy. This information can help you to determine whether you are losing traffic as a result of the migration process or whether the traffic that is being generated is of a higher quality. Finally, analytics can be used to improve the design of your new website based on the feedback that you have received from the old site’s analytics.

6. Changing the URL Structure

When you make the decision to migrate your website to a new hosting provider, it is important to make sure that the URL structure is changed in order to minimize any loss of traffic. This can be a difficult task, but by following these simple guidelines, you should be able to migrate your website without any disruption to your traffic. The first and most important step is to find the right hosting provider. Once you have chosen a provider, you will need to create a migration plan.

This plan should include the details of the URL structure, the date and time of the migration, and a list of all the pages and files that will be transferred. You will also need to specify which domain name will be used during the migration process. Once you have created your migration plan, it is time to prepare your website. You will need to update your web server software with the new URL structure and make sure that all the links are updated.

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7. Verify Your SSL Certificate

SSL or Secured Socket Layer is a protocol used to protect data transmissions on the Internet. It ensures that all data sent and received is encrypted, preventing unauthorized individuals from intercepting and accessing your information. In addition to providing security, SSL also enhances the user experience by providing a more reliable and consistent online experience.

By verifying your SSL certificate, you can ensure that your website is appearing as intended. This includes providing a secure and trusted online experience for your customers, as well as preventing malicious actors from stealing your data or spoofing your site’s identity. Additionally, many browsers now offer the ability to verify your SSL certificate automatically, so there is no need to visit a separate website to do so. By verifying your SSL certificate, you can make your website migration smoother and avoid any loss of traffic.

8. Update Your Robots.txt File

Updating your Robots.txt file can help to make your website migration smooth without losing any traffic. When you update your Robots.txt file, you can specify which pages on your website should be blocked from being accessed by robots. This can help to minimize the disruption to your website traffic and optimize your website for search engine indexing. Robots.txt is a text file that you can use to control the crawling and indexing of your website by search engines.

By specifying which pages on your website should be inaccessible to robots, you can help to protect your website from being scraped or indexed. This can help to keep your website clean and free of broken links. Additionally, by blocking specific pages, you can prevent your website from being used as a source of malicious content. You can update your Robots.txt file using any standard text editor, such as Notepad or Microsoft Word.


Migrating your website from one platform to another is always a daunting task. However, by following these few tips, you can make the process as smooth and as painless as possible. By taking the necessary precautions to preserve your website’s traffic, you can rest assured that you won’t lose any ground in the race to capture your target market.

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