Mobile Apps Development, Reactive Native Application

How Can You Speed up React Native App Performance?

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

React Native has become a popular choice for building Mobile app development due to its ability to deliver smooth and fast user experiences. However, as the app grows in size and complexity, its performance can start to suffer, leading to slow load times and poor user experience. The good news is that there are several ways to speed up the React Native application performance.

In this blog, we will explore a range of optimization techniques that can be applied to improve the performance of your React Native app. From improving code quality to leveraging native modules, we will provide you with the tools and tips you need to take your app’s performance to the next level.

10 Ways How to Speed Up React Native Application Performance

How Can You Speed up React Native Application Performance

Here are the top 10 best practices to improve the react native app performance:

1. Render Animations with NativeDriver

code to render animations with NativeDriver

One effective way to speed up the performance of your React Native app is by using NativeDriver for animations. The NativeDriver is a feature in React Native that allows for animations to run on the native side of the app instead of JavaScript. This can significantly improve the performance of animations, making them smoother and more responsive.

When animations are run on the JavaScript thread, they can be slow and janky because of the overhead of the JavaScript runtime. The NativeDriver solves this issue by allowing the animations to run on the native side, which has access to the device’s graphics processing unit (GPU) and can perform animations much more smoothly.

To use the NativeDriver in your React Native app, you simply need to pass an option to the Animated library when creating your animations. For example:

React Native Application Performance

In this example, the useNativeDriver option is set to true, which tells the Animated library to use the NativeDriver for this animation.

It’s important to note that not all animations can be run on the NativeDriver. Some animations, such as those that require JavaScript-based calculations, cannot be run on the native side and must be run in JavaScript.

2. Use key attributes on list items

Using the ‘key’ attribute on list items is another important technique for optimizing the performance of your React Native app. When rendering lists in React Native, it’s important to use the key attribute on each list item to provide a unique identifier. This helps React optimize the render process by keeping track of which items have changed and which have not, reducing the number of unnecessary updates and re-renders.

For example, if you have a list of items like this:

React Native Application Performance

You can improve the performance of the list by adding a key attribute to each list item:

React Native Application Performance

Here, the ‘key’ attribute is set to, which provides a unique identifier for each list item.

It’s important to choose the ‘key’ attribute value carefully. It should be a value that will not change between re-renders, such as an ID from a data source. Using an index, such as the item’s index in the array, can lead to performance problems as the list changes.

By using the ‘key’ attribute on list items in your React Native app, you can help React optimize the render process and improve the overall performance of your app.

3. Speed up the Launch

Speeding up the launch of your React Native app is a main thread of overall app performance. A slow-loading app can negatively impact the user experience and result in higher bounce rates.

There are several techniques that can be used to improve the launch speed of your React Native app.

Minimize the size of your app:

The larger the size of your app, the longer it will take to launch. You can reduce the size of your app by optimizing images, compressing assets, and removing unused code.

Optimize your code:

Improving the quality of your code can help improve the launch speed of your app. You can use tools such as the ‘react-native-debugger’ and ‘redux-devtools’ to identify and resolve performance issues in your code.

Use the ‘splash-screen’ package:

This package provides a customizable splash screen that can be used to improve the launch experience of your app. The splash screen can be used to display a logo or other branding information while the app is loading.

By implementing these techniques, you can improve the launch speed of your React Native app and provide a better user experience to your users.

4. Optimize images and React Native code

Optimizing images and React Native code is an important aspect of enhancing the performance of React Native apps. React Native is an open-source platform for building high-performance, cross-platform mobile applications using JavaScript and React.

When it comes to images, the biggest performance challenge is size. Large image sizes can slow down the app and cause it to consume more memory.

To optimize images, developers can perform the following steps:

Use vector graphics:

Vector graphics are resolution-independent, meaning they can be scaled up or down without losing quality. They also have smaller file sizes compared to raster images.

Use image caching:

Code for image caching in React Native

Image caching is a technique of storing images on the device to reduce the time it takes to load them. This can be achieved using libraries like React Native Fast Image.

Another important aspect of optimizing React Native apps is to ensure the efficiency of the code.

Here are some tips to help optimize React Native code:

Use Native Modules:

Native modules allow developers to access native code libraries directly from JavaScript. This can lead to significant performance gains compared to using JavaScript code alone.

Avoid unnecessary re-renders:

Code to Avoid unnecessary re-renders

Re-renders can cause the app to slow down. Developers can use shouldComponentUpdate or React.memo to optimize the performance of the app.

5. Incorporate suitable navigation

Incorporating suitable navigation is another critical aspect of enhancing the performance of React Native apps. Navigation is a functional component of any mobile app as it allows users to move between different screens and access the functionality they need. A well-designed navigator system can make a significant impact on the user experience and overall performance of the app.

Here are some tips for optimizing navigation in React Native apps:

Use native-based navigation libraries:

React Native developer provides a range of navigation libraries that are built on native components. These libraries provide a more optimized and responsive experience compared to JavaScript-based navigation solutions. Examples of native-based navigation libraries include React Navigation and React Native Navigation.

Minimize the use of deep linking:

Deep linking involves navigating directly to a specific screen within an app. While this can be useful in some cases, it can also lead to increased memory usage and slow down the app.

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Developers should consider alternative navigation solutions, such as using a bottom navigation bar or a side menu.

6. Avoid using the Scroll View

The Scrollview component is a powerful tool for creating scrolling lists and pages, but it can be slow and unresponsive if used improperly. This is because the Scroll View component needs to render all of its child components in the memory footprint, even if they are not currently visible on the screen. This can result in a slow and laggy user experience, especially on older or lower-end devices.

To avoid these performance issues, there are a few strategies you can implement in your React Native app:

Strategies to Implement in Your React Native App

Optimize the components inside the Scroll View:

Make sure that the components inside the Scroll View are optimized for performance, as this will help to ensure that the Scroll View remains smooth and responsive.

Use a FlatList instead:

If possible, consider using a FlatList component instead of a Scroll View. The FlatList component is optimized for performance and is specifically designed for displaying large lists of data in a performant manner.

By following these strategies, you can significantly improve the performance of your React Native app and create a smoother and more responsive user experience for your users.

7. Implement memory optimization

Memory optimization is an important aspect of improving the performance of your React Native app. If your app size is consuming too much memory, it can result in slow performance, crashes, and a negative user experience. Here are some strategies you can use to optimize the memory usage of your React Native app:

How to Optimize Memory Usage of React Native App

Reduce the number of components:

One of the simplest ways to reduce memory usage is to reduce the number of components in your app. This means avoiding the creation of unnecessary components and using state management libraries, such as Redux or MobX, to keep your component tree as small as possible.

Use the ‘shouldComponentUpdate’ lifecycle method:

The ‘shouldComponentUpdate’ lifecycle method allows you to control when a component re-renders. By using this method, you can prevent a component from re-rendering unnecessarily, which can help to reduce memory usage.

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By implementing these memory optimization strategies, you can significantly improve the performance of your React Native app and create a smoother and more responsive user experience for your users.

8. Improve Debugging Speed

Debugging is an essential part of developing a React Native app, but it can also be time-consuming and slow down the development process. Here are some strategies you can use to improve the debugging speed of your React Native app:

How to improve the debugging speed of your React Native app

Use remote debugging:

React Native allows you to use remote debugging to debug your app on a physical device or emulator. This can be faster than debugging on a physical device, as it eliminates the need to recompile the app the first time you make a change.

Use the React Native Debugger:

The React Native Debugger is a powerful tool for debugging React Native apps. It allows you to inspect the state of your app, view network requests, and interact with your app in real-time.

9. Cache the Image Files

Caching image files is an effective way to improve the performance of your React Native app, especially if you have a lot of react-native-fast-image or if your users need to load the same images repeatedly. Here are some strategies you can use to cache image files in your React Native app:

How to cache image files in your React Native app?

Use a caching library:

There are several caching libraries available for React Native that allow you to cache images for faster access. Some popular libraries include FastImage and React Native Fast Image. These libraries provide an easy way to cache images, allowing your app to load them faster and reduce data usage.

Cache images in memory:

You can cache images in memory by using the ‘LRU’ (Least Recently Used) cache algorithm. This will help to reduce the number of times that images need to be loaded from the disk, which can improve the performance of your app.

By implementing these caching strategies, you can significantly improve the performance of your React Native app, reduce data usage, and create a better user experience for your users.

10. Recheck Style Measurements

Rechecking style measurements is a simple but effective way to improve the performance of your React Native app. The style system in React Native is designed to calculate the styles for a component only when it is necessary, such as when the component is first rendered or when its style prop changes. However, in some cases, the style system may be performing unnecessary calculations, which can slow down your app.

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Here are some strategies you can use to recheck style measurements and improve the performance of your React Native app:

How to Improve React Native Application Performance using recheck style

Avoid using inline styles:

Inline styles can be slower than using a style sheet, as they cannot be cached and reused. Try to use a style sheet instead of inline styles, or use the ‘StyleSheet.create’ method to create a cached style sheet.

Use the ‘useMemo’ hook:

The ‘useMemo’ hook allows you to memorize the value of a style calculation so that it is only recalculated when necessary. This can help to improve the performance of your app by reducing the number of style calculations.

By following these strategies, you can reduce the number of style calculations and improve the performance of your React Native app. This will help to create a smoother, faster, and more responsive app for your users.


So this was about How to speed up React Native App performance, which requires a combination of different techniques, including reducing the number of components, optimizing images, debugging efficiently, and improving the style system. By carefully selecting the right techniques for your app, you can make it faster, smoother, and more responsive for your users.

It’s important to note that performance optimization is an ongoing process that requires regular monitoring and testing to ensure that your app continues to perform well. By making performance a priority, you can create a better user experience and increase the popularity of your React Native app.

For any questions or feedback about how to speed up your React Native app performance, please don’t hesitate to Reach out to us. We’re here to help you get the most out of your app!


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