Website Design, Website Development

What Is ADA Compliance? (And What Does ADA Compliance Mean for Your Website?)

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

Have you ever considered the importance of ADA Compliance for your business site? Probably not. It’s not what most business owners think about daily. And yet, its importance can’t be overstated.

What is ADA Compliance?

ADA stands for the Americans with Disabilities Act, designed to ensure that people with disabilities get equal opportunities. When talking about websites, it means ensuring that your site is accessible to all, including those with disabilities. It involves making your site visually, auditorily, and cognitively accessible, as well as accommodating mobility needs. A website design company can help achieve this.

A website should be auditory, mobile, cognitive and visual to abide to ADA Compliance.

Symptoms and Effects

1. Frustrations from Non-compliance: Many business owners report customer complaints or lose out on potential business opportunities due to non-accessible sites.

2. Outcomes Prevented: Think of the lost sales, potential collaborations, or partnerships you’re missing out on. This isn’t just about being legally compliant—it’s about being inclusive and maximizing business potential.

3. Emotional Costs: Ever thought about the emotional cost to a person with disabilities when they find that yet another website doesn’t cater to their needs?


Root Causes of the Problem

You might think the issue lies in not knowing about ADA or the costs associated with it. But:

  • Lack of Awareness: Many assume their site platform automatically compiles, which is often not the case.
  • Misinformation: Many believe that making a site ADA-compliant will ruin its aesthetics or functionality.


Failures of Common Solutions

The usual “fixes”? Using automated tools to make your site compliant or assuming that a simple plugin will do the job. These solutions don’t work because they only offer superficial changes, not addressing the real issue of making your site truly accessible.

A New Superior Method

Now, you don’t need a complete site overhaul. The key is understanding specific ADA guidelines and implementing them step by step. It’s more about being proactive and keeping ADA guidelines in mind during each site update.


Benefits of the Superior Method

1. Emotional Impact: Making your site ADA-compliant resonates with your audience, showcasing your brand as caring and inclusive.

2. Identity/Social Status Uplift: As businesses increasingly value inclusivity, ADA compliance is becoming a badge of modern, progressive brands.

Who Needs to Follow ADA Requirements?

The ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) serves as a benchmark to ensure equal access to goods, services, and communication mechanisms for individuals with disabilities. While the scope of ADA compliance is vast, when it comes to businesses and digital spaces, there are specific sectors and industries that must prioritize adherence.

At its core, ADA compliance isn’t just about ticking off a checklist; it’s about providing an inclusive experience to all, ensuring that no individual feels left out or overlooked due to their disabilities. For businesses, this doesn’t only pertain to their physical premises but extends to their digital presence as well, including websites and applications.

Primarily, any business that has interactions with the public, whether they’re offering services, goods, or information, should earnestly consider becoming ADA-compliant. This includes entities ranging from small local shops to large multinational corporations. It’s not just about avoiding potential legal ramifications but also about creating an inclusive brand image, reaching a broader audience, and upholding ethical standards of operation.

Certain sectors, however, have a more pressing need for ADA compliance due to the nature of their services. For instance:


1. Healthcare: Hospitals, clinics, and other medical facilities have a pressing obligation to be ADA-compliant. Given that they cater to the public’s health and well-being, it’s paramount that their services and information are accessible to all, including those with disabilities.

2. Finance: Financial institutions like banks, credit unions, and loan providers are pillars of our daily lives. From checking accounts to understanding complex financial products, individuals with disabilities should have the same access and comprehension as anyone else. In this sector, ADA compliance ensures that financial tools, apps, and documentation cater to everyone, regardless of their physical or cognitive capabilities.

3. Education: With the rise of e-learning and digital education platforms, ADA compliance becomes even more crucial. Students with disabilities should have equal opportunities to learn, access course materials, and participate in online classes without any barriers.

4. Government Services: As entities serving the entire populace, government websites, and platforms must be ADA-compliant to ensure that every citizen, irrespective of their abilities, has equal access to information, resources, and services.

5. Retail & eCommerce: In an age where online shopping is ubiquitous, ensuring that e-commerce platforms are ADA-compliant can significantly expand a business’s market reach. It ensures that shoppers with disabilities have a seamless experience, from product selection to checkout.

How to Check Your Website for ADA Compliance

Ensuring that your website is ADA-compliant is not just a matter of social responsibility but also essential to cater to a wider audience and avoid potential legal complications. As digital platforms become more integral in today’s world, making them accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities, is paramount. But how can a website owner ascertain that their website meets these standards? Thankfully, there are ways to evaluate and enhance the accessibility of your website.

1. Online ADA Compliance Checking Tools

Several online tools are designed to scan and evaluate the accessibility of websites. When you input your website’s URL, these tools crawl your site and provide a detailed report highlighting areas of potential non-compliance. Some popular ADA compliance checking tools include:

  • WAVE (Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool): This free tool offers a visual representation of your website with errors, contrast errors, and alerts.
  • Axe: Available as a browser extension, Axe checks individual pages for accessibility issues and provides suggestions for improvements.
  • Siteimprove: Beyond basic scanning, Siteimprove gives actionable insights and offers guidance on how to address each issue.

2. Understanding the Results

While these tools are incredibly beneficial, it’s crucial for an HTML Development Company to interpret results discerningly. They spot code-level issues but might miss nuanced accessibility problems.

3. Manual Testing

While automated tools provide a solid foundation, comparing manual testing to automation testing, real users – especially those relying on assistive tools – provide a deeper grasp of your site’s accessibility. Tools can’t replicate human intuition or experience. For instance, a visually impaired individual using a screen reader could provide invaluable feedback about the navigability of your site.

4. Seeking Expert Consultation

If you’re serious about ADA compliance, consider seeking expertise from professionals who specialize in web accessibility. These experts can provide a thorough evaluation, recommend specific changes, and guide you through the nuances of making your site truly accessible.

5. Continuous Monitoring and Updates

ADA compliance isn’t a one-time task. As you update your website, add new content, or implement new features, you need to ensure that these additions also adhere to accessibility guidelines. Regularly scanning your site and keeping abreast of updates in ADA requirements will help maintain its accessibility over time.


What Happens if Your Website Isn’t ADA Compliant?

In today’s interconnected world, websites act as digital storefronts for businesses, welcoming customers from all over the globe. As such, ensuring that your website is ADA-compliant has never been more crucial. While many understand the moral and ethical reasoning behind having accessible websites, some might not be fully aware of the tangible consequences that arise from non-compliance. Here’s a closer look:

1. Legal Ramifications

The most immediate and potentially damaging outcome of non-compliance is the threat of legal action. Over the past few years, there has been a significant uptick in lawsuits related to ADA compliance. Businesses, both big and small, have faced legal challenges from individuals who find their websites inaccessible.

  • Lawsuits and Settlements: Even if the legal action doesn’t reach the courtroom, the process can be lengthy, stressful, and expensive. Often, businesses end up settling these suits, which means paying out significant amounts to the complainants and covering legal fees.
  • Mandatory Changes Under Legal Oversight: If the lawsuit does proceed, and the business is found non-compliant, it may be mandated to make changes to its website under legal supervision. This process can be more stringent and costly than voluntarily updating a site for accessibility.

2. Reputational Damage

Beyond the immediate financial concerns of a lawsuit, there’s the damage done to a brand’s reputation.

  • Negative Publicity: In the age of social media and instant news, word of a lawsuit or a non-compliant website can spread rapidly. Such news might deter potential customers or clients from engaging with a business.
  • Lost Trust: Accessibility is about inclusivity. When a company fails to address this, it can appear as though they don’t care about all their customers equally. This perception can erode the trust and loyalty that existing customers might have had.

3. Missed Business Opportunities

A non-compliant website isn’t just a legal liability; it’s also a missed opportunity.

  • Lost Traffic and Sales: By not being accessible, a website effectively shuts out a segment of the population. This exclusion translates to fewer visitors and, by extension, fewer sales or conversions.
  • SEO Impacts: Search engines like Google have started to factor in website accessibility as part of their ranking algorithms. Poor accessibility can potentially harm a site’s search ranking, leading to decreased visibility online.

Understanding ADA Compliant Website Requirements

In the realm of digital accessibility, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has played a pivotal role in ensuring that all individuals, regardless of their physical or cognitive abilities, can access and engage with online content. The importance of adhering to ADA requirements isn’t merely a legal obligation; it’s a commitment to inclusivity and equal access. Here’s a deeper dive into some key ADA-compliant website requirements:

1. Alt Text for Images

  • What is it? Alternative text, commonly known as “alt text,” is a brief description attached to images, providing context to those who can’t see the image.
  • Why is it important? For visually impaired users, screen readers will read out the alt text, giving them a clear understanding of the image’s content and purpose.

2. Keyboard Navigation

  • What is it? Websites should be fully navigable using only a keyboard. This means users should be able to access links, buttons, forms, and other interactive elements without the need for a mouse.
  • Why is it important? Many individuals with mobility challenges or certain disabilities rely solely on keyboards or keyboard-like devices to navigate the internet.

3. Text Transcripts for Audio and Video Content

  • What is it? Any audio or video content on a website should have accompanying text transcripts. These transcripts are textual representations of the spoken content.
  • Why is it important? For users with hearing impairments, transcripts ensure that they don’t miss out on information presented in audio or video format.

4. Adjustable Text Size and Fonts

  • What is it? Users should have the ability to adjust the text size and, ideally, the font style, to improve readability based on their preferences.
  • Why is it important? For individuals with visual impairments, being able to tweak text size and font can drastically enhance their reading experience.

5. Descriptive Links

  • What is it? Instead of generic link texts like “Click here,” links should be descriptive, indicating their purpose or destination.
  • Why is it important? This provides context for all users, especially those using screen readers, helping them understand the link’s purpose without needing additional surrounding text.

6. Consistent Navigation

  • What is it? The navigation structure, like menus and buttons, should be consistent throughout the website.
  • Why is it important? This promotes ease of use and familiarity, especially for individuals with cognitive challenges who benefit from predictable site layouts.

7. Captions for Multimedia

  • What is it? Videos with speech or important audio elements should have corresponding captions.
  • Why is it important? This aids individuals with hearing impairments, ensuring they can access the same content as those without any impairments.

How to Make Your Website ADA Compliant

The digital age has transformed how we access and consume information. With such vast possibilities online, it becomes crucial to ensure that all users, including those with disabilities, can access web content freely and easily. Making a website ADA-compliant means ensuring it’s accessible to everyone, thereby fostering inclusivity. Below is a detailed guide to help you make your website ADA-compliant:

1. Understand the ADA Web Accessibility Guidelines

Before diving into the changes, you need a solid understanding of what’s required. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) is the go-to standard for web accessibility.

  • Levels of Conformance: WCAG has three levels of conformance: A, AA, and AAA. Most businesses aim for AA compliance as it offers a good balance between user accessibility and implementation feasibility.
  • Guidelines Breakdown: Familiarize yourself with the primary pillars of WCAG: Perceivable, Operable, Understandable, and Robust. Each pillar offers specific guidelines on different aspects of website functionality and design.

2. Conduct an Accessibility Audit

Before making changes, you need to know where your website stands in terms of ADA compliance.

  • Automated Testing Tools: There are online tools, such as WAVE or AXE, that can scan your website and highlight potential accessibility issues.
  • Manual Testing: While automated tools are helpful, they can’t catch everything. Manual tests, especially with assistive technologies like screen readers, give a more comprehensive insight into the user experience.
  • Seek Feedback: Engage with users who rely on assistive technologies. Their first hand feedback can offer valuable perspectives and areas of improvement.

3. Implement Changes Step-by-Step

Once you have a list of areas that need improvement, begin the implementation process.

  • Prioritize Critical Issues: Address major roadblocks first, such as missing alt text for images or non-functional keyboard navigation.
  • Refine Content: Ensure text is readable, both in terms of font style/size and language clarity. Videos and audio should have captions and transcripts, respectively.
  • Responsive and Adaptive Design: Make sure the website is usable across devices, especially for users who might rely on mobile screen readers or magnification tools.

4. Focus on Genuine User Experience Improvements

ADA compliance isn’t just about ticking boxes. The core objective is to provide a seamless, inclusive user experience.

  • User Testing: Regularly test with a diverse group of users to ensure the implemented changes genuinely improve accessibility and usability.
  • Continuous Learning: Web accessibility is a continuous journey. Stay updated with the latest guidelines, tools, and user feedback to refine and optimize the experience further.

5. Regular Reviews and Updates

Digital landscapes evolve, and so do the needs and tools of users with disabilities.

  • Schedule Regular Audits: Just as you might review website performance or security, set a schedule to regularly check ADA compliance.
  • Stay Updated: As technology and user needs evolve, so do accessibility standards. Ensure you keep pace with updates to guidelines and best practices.


The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was established to ensure equal opportunities for individuals with disabilities, extending its reach from physical spaces to the digital realm. ADA compliance for websites, therefore, signifies a commitment to digital inclusivity. It means ensuring that online content, features, and functionalities are accessible to everyone, irrespective of their physical or sensory abilities.

Beyond the legal implications and potential penalties for non-compliance, an ADA-compliant website showcases a brand’s dedication to equality and broadens its reach to a wider audience. In this digital age, where websites play a pivotal role in information dissemination and commerce, ADA compliance is not merely a checkbox to be ticked, but a testament to a brand’s ethos and its genuine commitment to serving all members of society.

Need help with ADA compliance for your website? Our team of experts is dedicated to ensuring your online platform is accessible to all. Contact us today to learn how we can assist you on your journey to digital inclusivity.


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