Application Development, iPhone App Developer

9 Facts About Application Development – and Why You Need to Know Them?

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

In today’s digital age, computers and mobile smartphones with Internet connectivity are the new areas of developing potential customers and increasing revenues with a little smart investment into hiring a professional digital marketing agency. So, it always helps to know about the digital application development industry and mobile application development in India or other countries in order to select the online marketing services most suited to your business model.

Interesting Web Application Development Facts

9 Facts About Application Development And Why You Need To Know Them?

Below is the Checklist that will Give you a List of 9 Facts About Application Development:

  1. Looks of a Website Changes according to the Medium of Display
  2. Most online Visitors Simply Scan the Website
  3. A website is viable for 3 years only
  4. Search Results’ Ranking of a Website is influenced by its Source Code
  5. Pre-made Templates are restrictive to the Website’s Capabilities
  6. Multimedia Content Can be Both Positive or Negative for Your Website
  7. Mobile devices account for about Two-Thirds of Total Web Usage
  8. User Behavior online is impacted by Demographics
  9. Websites have only 0.9 Seconds to influence User Opinions

1. Looks of a Website Changes according to the Medium of Display

You must have noticed the difference in the look and feel of the same website when viewed on Google Chrome or Apple Safari browsers. This happens because different browsers use different methods of translating the website’s design code during display.

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Different devices such as desktops and mobiles often have separate versions of the same website created due to the differences in screen resolution and bandwidths between them.

2. Most online Visitors Simply Scan the Website

In a large-scale study by a popular survey company, it was found that the average person i.e 79% of the sampled viewers choose just to browse through the website’s content, while only 16% actually read it thoroughly. This survey showed that a website intending to reach the maximum number of viewers must include highlighted or easily scan-able content, suitable keywords, headings, sub-headings, bullet points, and focused paragraphs with to-the-point writing.

3. A website is viable for 3 years only

Today’s digital space is developing and evolving at a rapid pace – so the Internet is also bound to change accordingly. Thus, the websites must also re-model and adapt themselves to keep pace with the changing technologies and to derive their maximum benefits. Three years is generally considered the maximum time period before overhauling a website to take advantage of the newest technologies.

4. Search Results Ranking of a Website is influenced by its Source Code

The algorithms used by the search engines to create their results’ ranking always take the source codes of the website into consideration. Therefore, it becomes essential to create a website with popular source coding that is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) friendly. Proper usage of different key HTML elements is imperative for achieving a higher ranking in search engine results.

5. Pre-made Templates are restrictive to the Website’s Capabilities

Pre-formatted templates are the favorite option for creating a website for those with little or no coding skills. The same goes for the mobile application development in the India scenario – but using templates may restrict the developer from applying finer, more customized design elements. Additionally, prefabricated templates may use extra coding which inflates the website’s bulk.

6. Multimedia Content Can be Both Positive or Negative for Your Website

Visitors to websites are attracted to visual imageries, i.e., pictures, videos, and infographics.

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According to multiple surveys, up to 73% of the total percentage of a website’s traffic is influenced by videos. However, suitable caution should be employed while embedding such elements on web pages, as excessive visual aids can significantly reduce the website’s loading and running speeds.

7. Mobile devices account for about Two-Thirds of Total Web Usage

In 2018, the number of smartphone-only users has tripled to 3.3 billion from about 1 billion total cellular phone users in 2013. In tune with this, usage of mobile users has risen exponentially – today about two-thirds of total online searches are done on mobile devices.

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Thus, your website has to be optimized for mobile devices by iPhone app developers in India for a higher ranking in browser search results.

8. User Behavior online is impacted by Demographics

Nowadays, creating an all-encompassing website and uploading it online may not have the desired effect. You need to conduct careful and thorough research about the culture and demographics of your potential customer base in order to achieve the maximum possible impact.

9. Websites have only 0.9 Seconds to influence User Opinions

Studies have established that users typically form an opinion about a website in 0.9 seconds. So, it becomes imperative that web, App developers strive to create a favorable first impression for visitors in those crucial few seconds. You can also help with pertinent information about customer behavior in relation to your products/services and ensure the translation of information into an engaging content layout using proper visual aids and suitable background themes.

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Thus, the facts and figures discussed above can help you to create the best possible online interface for your customers. The key is to look for the best features of successful websites and look to incorporate them into yours while using innovation and customization geared towards maximum visibility while ensuring the latest SEO compatibility for higher search ranking results.

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