Application Development, Web Application, Website Development

10 Successful PWA Examples To Look Into In 2023

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

10 Successful PWA Examples To Look Into In 2023

Your website’s bounce rate is skyrocketing, sales are plummeting, and users are complaining about slow loading times. You feel like you’re trying everything, but the digital desert just gets bigger and emptier. Your competitors’ numbers are through the roof, and you’re left wondering why.

  • Super-slow website loading times
  • A drop in the ranking of Google search results
  • Frequent downtimes during high-traffic seasons
  • The mobile version of the website is nothing short of a disaster
  • Loss of potential customers to competitors with more responsive sites
  • Inconsistent user experience across different devices
  • Lower levels of customer engagement
  • Poor customer reviews related to website performance
  • Draining your budget on expensive website development solutions
  • A feeling of helplessness and frustration watching revenue slide

It’s NOT What You Think…

Now you might think the problem is just bad web design, or maybe you’re not investing enough in marketing. Nope. The root cause of this nightmare isn’t as obvious as you’d think. It’s not the usual suspects like Search Engine Optimization, content quality, or even your marketing campaigns.

The Real Root Cause? Not Harnessing the Power of PWAs

What’s really going on? You’re missing out on Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). They’re the not-so-secret sauce that giants like Pinterest and Starbucks are using to massively scale user engagement and cut load times. Ignoring PWAs means your solutions are like Band-Aids for a broken leg.

Why Most Fixes Fail

Let’s break it down. If you tried investing in expensive native apps or pumped money into premium website designs and you’re still not getting results, it’s because these solutions don’t address the real issue: the need for a unified, high-performing user experience that only a PWA can deliver.

The Magical World of PWAs

Imagine a single web app that works on any device, offering almost the same high-quality user experience as native apps. That’s what a PWA does. The Tinder PWA, for instance, reduced load times from 11.91 seconds to 4.69 seconds. Massive, right?

No More FOMO: The Benefits of PWAs

  • Dramatic increase in page loading speed
  • Consistent and superior user experience across devices
  • Significantly improved SEO rankings
  • Seamless offline access to your site
  • Lower development and maintenance costs

What Is a PWA?

A PWA, developed by a web app developer, is essentially a web app that behaves like a native mobile app. It offers offline capabilities, push notifications, and a home screen icon, all while existing on the user’s web browser.

What Are The Benefits of PWA Platforms?

PWAs are a game-changer, hands down. Here’s why:

  • User-Friendly: They make browsing so smooth, your users won’t want to leave.
  • Secure: No more worrying about sketchy third-party stuff. It’s a safe space!
  • Fast and Reliable: They load in a snap and don’t crash on you.
  • Offline Magic: Yep, they work even when your Wi-Fi gives up on you.

Simply put, integrating a PWA can turn your web development project into a money-making powerhouse. The sooner you’re on board, the quicker the profits roll in.

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What are the Best PWA Examples?

From powerhouse tech firms to luxury brands, various industries are making the shift to Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). These digital wonders combine the best of both web and mobile applications, offering offline functionality, instant loading, and user engagement on par with native apps. Here are ten cases that demonstrate the transformative impact of PWAs on mobile engagement and revenue.

1. Pinterest

Pinterest Mobile App Screenshots

Why PWAs?

Pinterest was grappling with slow load times and low conversion rates on its mobile site.


Within three months of launching their PWA, Pinterest saw a 40% increase in time spent per session, a 60% surge in user engagement, and a 44% rise in ad revenue. Essentially, the PWA brought Pinterest’s mobile experience closer to the native app, encouraging more users to engage and convert.

2. Starbucks

Starbucks Mobile App Screenshots

Why PWAs?

Starbucks was looking to enhance its customer experience, making it faster and more responsive.


Reducing the app’s size by almost 100% led to a doubling of daily active users and a 23% increase in the variety of orders made, including customizations. Users could even browse the menu offline, a tremendous value add.

3. Twitter

Twitter Mobile App Screenshots

Why PWAs?

With 80% of its users on mobile, Twitter aimed to offer an experience that could work efficiently on all types of internet connections.


Twitter Lite provided better data efficiency and resulted in a 65% increase in pages viewed per session, 75% more tweets sent, and a 20% drop in bounce rates. This PWA allowed users to engage with Twitter even when offline temporarily, sustaining user interest.

4. Treebo

Treebo App Screenshots

Why PWAs?

Treebo aimed to counter its issues of slow loading speeds and poor user engagement on its site.


The launch of their PWA led to a 4x increase in conversion rates and 3x increase in repeat user bookings. Its lightning-fast loading speeds turned it into a preferred choice for mobile users, especially for on-the-go bookings.

5. Flipkart

Flipkart Mobile App Screenshots

Why PWAs?

Flipkart needed to address the challenges posed by varying internet speeds across its vast user base.


The PWA led to a 70% boost in conversions, 40% higher re-engagement, and tripled the time users spent on the new mobile platform. Flipkart Lite became the go-to choice for users even on slow networks.

6. Alibaba

Alibaba Mobile App Screenshots

Why PWAs?

Alibaba aimed to elevate its mobile web experience to the level of its native app.


Alibaba’s PWA registered a 76% uptick in conversions and increased active users on both iOS and Android by 14% and 30%, respectively. The PWA approach proved that users preferred browser-based experiences over downloading native apps.

7. Telegram

Telegram Mobile App Screenshots

Why PWAs?

Telegram aimed to make its platform more accessible across all devices.


The PWA led to a stunning 175% user increase since its 2018 launch, boosted retention rates by 50%, and expanded its user base by 40% yearly.

8. OLX

Olx Mobile App Screenshots

Why PWAs?

OLX faced challenges with its mobile website, affecting conversion rates.


Its PWA brought about an 80% drop in bounce rates, a 146% boost in ad click-throughs, and a 250% rise in re-engagement, revitalizing its mobile experience.

9. BMW: Luxury Meets Speed

Why PWAs?

BMW sought a sophisticated yet efficient mobile experience for its users.


The PWA led to a 50% influx of new users, quadrupled traffic to their sales page, and dramatically sped up page loading times.

10. Lancôme

Why PWAs?

Lancôme was looking to boost its paltry 15% conversion rate.


The PWA led to a 17% climb in conversions and an over 50% increase in mobile sessions on both iOS and Android. The PWA even supported weak internet connections and allowed for push notifications to keep users engaged.

Some More Examples and PWA Stats

While giants like Facebook, Spotify, Uber, Forbes, and The Washington Post initially embraced PWAs and saw impressive metrics, they’ve shifted their strategies back to native apps. Despite this, PWAs remain a compelling proposition for many companies, including smaller businesses.

1. Kongo: Data Efficiency Unleashed

Why PWAs?

This Nigerian e-commerce startup needed to optimize its data usage to enhance user experience.


Kongo’s PWA reduced the data required for a user’s first transaction by a whopping 82%, making the platform far more accessible in regions with data limitations.

2.Voot: Streaming Success

Why PWAs?

Voot aimed to boost user engagement and session time for its streaming service.


Post-launch, Voot’s PWA saw a 39% uptick in average session duration, a 15% increase in daily visits, and a stunning 77% rise in conversions when compared to its native app.

3. Wego: Journey to High Conversions

Why PWAs?

Wego, a Singaporean travel metasearch engine, aimed to increase its click-through rates (CTR) and conversions.


The PWA led to a 3x increase in CTR, attracted 26% more visitors, and saw a 95% surge in conversions.

4. BookMyShow: Entertainment’s New Box Office

Why PWAs?

BookMyShow sought to elevate its conversion rates, which would, in turn, increase its revenue.


The PWA version resulted in an 80% increase in conversions, translating to significantly higher revenue for the company.

5. Thomas Kent: Tailoring Success

Why PWAs?

Thomas Kent aimed to reduce its bounce rate and increase its online revenue.


The brand’s PWA decreased the website’s bounce rate by 57% and soared its revenue by 79%.

How To Build a PWA for Your Company?

1. Identify key features that matter to your users

2. Hire a team of developers skilled in PWA technologies

3. Run tests and get feedback

4. Deploy and start reaping the benefits


As we step into 2023, the success stories from giants like Pinterest to Starbucks and even small businesses like Kongo prove that Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are a game-changer. Offering benefits like faster load times, increased user engagement, and higher conversion rates, PWAs have shown their worth across industries and scales. If you’re contemplating a mobile strategy, these examples underscore that investing in a PWA could be a wise move for both large corporations and small enterprises alike.

Ready to transform your business with a Progressive Web App? Reach out to us today to discuss how we can help you become one of 2023’s PWA success stories.


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