ecommerce web development

Why An eCommerce Website Should Load Fast and Tips To Do So

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

Why an ecommerce website needs to be fast to load and tips to do so

The page loading time for any website needs to be as low as possible. However, when it comes to eCommerce websites the speed issue is of more significance. The user experience has a lot to do with the loading time of the website. Despite fancy features, a slow website fails to engage potential customers. However, if the website is slow the fancy feature will fail to appeal to the visitor. The statistics clearly show that the average user will not spend more than ~3 minutes on a slow website. In addition to which a slow website means you are worse off at the Google search engine rankings, harming conversion rates and user satisfaction.

Importance of Fast Loading Time For eCommerce Websites:

  • 73% of mobile users face slow website loading issues on their mobile devices.
  • 51% of the mobile internet users faced issues like non responsive websites, errors when surfing websites.
  • 11% of the visitors say that the website loading time on a mobile device is much slower than on a desktop computer.
  • Website visitors do not have a lot of patience. A survey shows that approximately 3% of the visitors will not wait more than 1 second on a slow website. Average page load Time is 2 seconds max. While 15% were prepared to wait for 20 seconds and 30% wait for 10 seconds.
  • For an eCommerce website with high-profit rates like 100,000 per day, a delay (slow loading time) could mean a potential loss of 2.5 million.
  • At the same time for eCommerce websites with lower profit rates and smaller customer base, it could mean loss of customers or lesser potential new customers.
  • E-commerce load times should be around 0.3 seconds max because there are more mobile users compared to desktop users.

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Tips For A Faster Website:

  • The first step is to check where the speed issues lay or if there are any speed issues to start with.
  • There are several tools available online that can help assess the speed of the website.
  • The image sizes are one of the reasons why websites tend to have slow load times; hence it is a good idea to optimize the images to load faster.
  • It often happens that during development several plugins have been installed into the website. This can happen if an open-source software like WordPress is being used or even when additional libraries are used on a PHP website. Plugins tend to cost in terms of speed and hence if the plugin or library is no longer required, it would be a good idea to remove it.
  • Reducing the size of CSS files ll boost the website’s load speed.
  • Add lazy loading to the website it’ll help in load time speed optimization.
  • Replace Image heavy file size with responsive images or image compression that’ll help you to improve the loading speed and reduce website bounce rate.
  • A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a game-changer for online stores seeking faster loading times. By strategically distributing website content across multiple servers, CDNs reduce the physical distance between the online store’s server and online shoppers. This proximity minimizes latency and accelerates content delivery, resulting in significantly improved page loading speeds. As online shoppers demand seamless experiences, an optimized CDN ensures that product pages, images, and other essential elements load swiftly, keeping potential customers engaged and boosting the eCommerce conversion rates.


eCommerce Website Development Services at Alakmalak Technologies

Alakmalak is a Web Development firm that has completed more than 2000 projects. They offer eCommerce web development in India and have the resources necessary too. They have a good team of software developers with state-of-the-art facilities in the infrastructure to support it as well. With a good track record, their client retention rate speaks for itself.

  • e-commerce speed test
  • ecommerce website builder
  • ecommerce website development

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