Magento Web Development

What is New in Magento 2.2?

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

Magento is one of the most popular open source eCommerce software around. Although it was released fairly recently it is already being used my many businesses around the world. Magento has been developed using PHP and uses MySQL or MariaDB for the database. It uses the MVC framework and hence is very efficient and robust.

What is new in Magento 2.2?

The New Features in Magento 2.2

Magento has introduced many changes in version 2.2. These are to make Magento more efficient and solve minor issues. The have enhanced several modules like the B2B section, introduced several features that makes the development easier and error free, improved security and introduced few other features. Here is the list of features mentioned below:

– There is a new company account management for the B2B clients. This will support client accounts with multiple buyers in a multiple organization structure. Here the corporate buyers can easily manage their accounts without a merchant.

– The B2B customers are not able to choose “Credit” as the payment option. Furthermore, the merchants and even manage the credits for different companies and edit the options accordingly.

– As a part of the B2B section, a quote engine has also been introduced that allows the customer to convert a cart into a quote. Thus a customer can make an inquiry with minimal steps and be as simple as placing an order.

– Merchants have the option of using multiple prices for their products. Hence they can now display a different price list to different companies.

– The existing Web API will now be available to use for all the new feature as well like users & companies, company credit limits, and more.

– There are several new development feature that have been introduced as well. This includes a performance toolkit for profile updates and faster generation. It also includes better logging of cron and JS exceptions. It makes inserting plugins easier and on the whole improved the development flow.

– As a means to improve the security of a Magento website, all the calls have been made serialized. There exist only unsterilized for the critical performance code.

– The hashing algorithm has been improved tenfold to make it more secure.

– They also have advanced fraud protection which is an integration with Signifyd.

– Magento understands the importance of reports and hence has extended this section to include better reporting with valuable data stored in graphs about orders, customers.

– The indexing has been improved as well hence the customer can browse and buy in the shop while indexing.

– There are many code and performance improvements hence Magento now drops support for previous versions of PHP, that is PHP 5.6. Magento will now support version 7.1.

Magento Website Development with Alakmalak

Alakmalak is involved in Magento web development in India. They have highly skilled web developers with a great deal of experience developing eCommerce website. The dedicated team of developers have all the state of the art resource at their disposal to develop stunning websites. Hence, if in need to hire Magento developer in India Alakmalak is the best place to look.

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  • Magento web development india
  • new features in Magento 2.2
  • What is new in Magento 2.2?

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