Website Design, Website Redesign

Website Redesign RFP: A 101 Guide + Free Template

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

Let’s be real for a second. You’re a business owner and your website? Well, it’s more like a digital paperweight than a sales magnet.

  • Your site’s as slow as molasses.
  • It looks like a relic from 1999.
  • Your bounce rate? Sky-high.
  • Your website feels about as intuitive as a maze.
  • Google Analytics shows that people leave before even scrolling.
  • You don’t get conversions; you get crickets.
  • Your SEO? Don’t even get started.
  • You’re embarrassed to share your website link.
  • The brand messaging feels like a disconnect.
  • Heck, even your mom thinks it needs a “little work.”

Sound familiar? We’ve all been there.

Surprise: The Problem Isn’t What You Think!

Don’t point fingers at web developers, and don’t blame the ever-changing Google algorithm. It’s not even about those tacky stock images you’re using. The root cause? It’s the absence of a well-defined Website Redesign RFP (Request For Proposal).

This RFP is the missing link between your business and a website that actually performs. Without it, you’re basically throwing darts blindfolded and wondering why you can’t hit the bullseye.

Why Common Fixes Don’t Work

Tried new themes? Updated the UI/UX design? Even sprinkled a little SEO magic? Temporary patches, my friend. Like putting lipstick on a pig, these fixes don’t address the core issue: lack of strategy and direction, which an RFP provides.

The REAL Solution: Crafting a Killer Website Redesign RFP

Imagine if you could:

  • Zero in on an agency that understands your vision.
  • Nail your design without a zillion revisions.
  • Speak directly to your audience.
  • Turn your website into a 24/7 sales machine.

Sounds dreamy, right? That’s the power of a well-crafted RFP.

What Is A Website Redesign RFP?

A Website Redesign Request for Proposal (RFP) is an exhaustive, formal document that serves multiple purposes. In essence, it acts as a strategic roadmap that outlines your expectations, needs, criteria, and deliverables for revamping your existing website.

Why Do You Need A Website Redesign RFP?

Let’s break down why having a Website Redesign RFP is so critical for your business.

1. Define Current Challenges & Goals For The Redesign: Know the “why” behind the “what.”

The internet landscape is ever-changing. Your website might have been top-of-the-line three years ago, but now? It’s potentially out of date, leading to high bounce rates, low engagement, or poor conversions. Maybe it’s not even mobile-responsive! When you put together an RFP, you’re forced to confront these issues head-on. The “why” becomes crystal clear. You’re not just looking for a new coat of paint; you’re looking for a transformation that addresses specific pain points and hurdles that are stalling your business growth.

High Bounce Rates: Your analytics are showing that people visit but leave almost immediately.

Low Engagement: Despite having traffic, there are very few interactions or time spent on site.

Poor Conversion Rates: Visitors aren’t turning into customers or even prospects.

Outdated Design: Your current design may not reflect your brand’s present-day image.

Lack of Mobile Responsiveness: In a mobile-first world, this is no longer optional but essential.

Understanding the “why” shapes the “what” of your redesign goals, making sure you’re addressing the real issues rather than just doing a superficial makeover.

2. Explain Vendor Criteria: Who fits your needs? Who’s just fluff?

There are plenty of agencies and freelancers, including a reputable website design agency in India, who would love to take your money, but are they right for you? An RFP lays out your vendor criteria in black and white. Maybe you require an agency with specific e-commerce experience or one that specializes in user experience design. Maybe you want them to be local, or perhaps you’re open to a global pool of talent.

  • Technical Expertise: You want to know their capabilities in coding, UX design, and more.
  • Relevant Experience: Have they done similar projects in your industry?
  • Team Composition: Who are the people who will be working on your project?
  • Price Point: This is more than just the lowest bid; it’s about value for money.

Setting clear criteria not only helps you filter out agencies that don’t fit your needs but also makes the decision process far less stressful and far more objective.

3. Find The Ideal Agency For Your Redesign: Don’t settle for less, get the best.

You’ve got one shot at this redesign; make it count. Your RFP acts like your project’s North Star. It’s what you and your agency will refer to, again and again, ensuring you’re both aligned in terms of vision, scope, timeline, and deliverables.

1. Quality Assurance: How will they test the website? What metrics define ‘success’ for them?

2. Timeline: A roadmap that aligns with your business calendar, like product launches or seasonal marketing.

3. Post-Launch Support: What kind of maintenance or training is part of the deal?

Your RFP, with its clear criteria, goals, and expectations, enables you to confidently pick an agency that understands your business, aligns with your objectives, and has the skills to execute your vision.

What To Include In Your Website Redesign RFP

Creating a Website Redesign RFP (Request for Proposal) is a comprehensive process that requires a thorough consideration of various factors. Below is a more detailed look at each section you may want to include in your RFP:

1. Company Background

Start by introducing your company. Briefly explain what you do, your industry, and how long you’ve been in operation. Mention your mission and vision to give potential vendors a better idea of your organizational culture and goals. This will help them to tailor their proposals to be more aligned with your brand’s identity.

2. Website Audience

Graph showing website audiences based on their gender and age.

Specify who your primary and secondary audiences are. Are they young tech-savvy users, or an older demographic? Are they professionals looking for services, or consumers looking for products? This will help agencies understand the UX/UI considerations, the kind of content that will be needed, and how to optimize for conversion.

3. Current Website Features

Current website features of

List the features of your existing website, such as an e-commerce store, blog, subscription services, etc. This offers a baseline for agencies to understand what needs to be incorporated, improved, or eliminated in the redesign.

4. Current Website Challenges

Describe the challenges faced while developing a website, which could range from outdated design and poor UX/UI to slow loading speeds and ineffective conversion funnels. It helps vendors understand the issues that the redesign needs to solve. This detailed insight ensures that the website design agency, whether in India or elsewhere, can effectively address these specific problems and tailor their solutions accordingly.

5. New Website Must-Haves

These are the non-negotiable elements that your new website must include. It could be specific functionalities like a user-friendly CMS, mobile responsiveness, accessibility features, or specific types of content like video or interactive graphics.

6. New Website Nice-To-Haves

These are features you’d like but are not mission-critical. Maybe it’s a chatbot for customer service or a specific integration with other software you use. Identifying these as ‘nice-to-haves’ allows for flexibility in proposals and pricing.

7. Project Timeline

Include a detailed timeline with milestones for the project’s various phases. Make it clear when you expect the project to start and what the deadlines are for key deliverables.

8. Project Budget

Be transparent about your budget range. You don’t have to give a specific number, but a range will help vendors tailor their proposals to what’s feasible for you.

9. Project Goals

Clearly outline what success looks like for this project. Whether it’s increasing website traffic by a certain percentage, improving conversion rates, or reducing bounce rates, having clearly defined KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) will keep everyone on the same page.

10. RFP Submission Instructions

Detail how and when proposals should be submitted. This should include the deadline for submission, the format in which you would like to receive proposals, and to whom or where they should be sent.

By being thorough and specific in each of these sections, you’re more likely to receive proposals that are closely aligned with your needs, making it easier to find the right agency for your website redesign project.

How To Write Your Website Redesign RFP [Best Practices + Examples]

Writing an effective Website Redesign RFP (Request for Proposal) is a crucial step in ensuring that you get the most suitable vendors to bid for your project. Here are some best practices and examples to guide you:

1. Be Specific

Best Practice:

Be clear and detailed about what you’re looking for. The more specific you are, the easier it will be for agencies to understand your needs and provide targeted proposals.


Instead of saying “We need a mobile-responsive site,” you could say, “The new website must be fully responsive, providing an optimal viewing and interaction experience across a range of devices—smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers.”

2. Include Facts + Figures

Best Practice:

Including data gives vendors a quantitative understanding of your needs and current challenges. Facts and figures remove ambiguity.


Rather than stating “We want to improve our website’s speed,” you could say, “Our current website’s load time averages at 6 seconds. We aim to bring it down to under 2 seconds.”

3. Add Inspirational Web Designs

Website of Samsung showing Discounts on various products.

Best Practice:

Provide examples of other websites whose designs, features, or functionalities inspire you. This gives agencies a visual idea of what you’re aiming for.


“We are inspired by the user interface of [Website A] and the innovative use of multimedia content on [Website B]. We would like to incorporate similar elements into our redesign.”

4. Address Your Website Worries

Best Practice:

Clearly state the issues you’ve had with your current website so agencies can offer targeted solutions.


“Our current website suffers from a high bounce rate of 60%, outdated UI/UX design, and lacks SEO-optimized content. The redesign should address these issues.”

5. Ask Useful Questions

Best Practice:

Include questions that will help you better evaluate the vendors. Their answers will provide additional insights into their capabilities, thought processes, and suitability for your project.


1. Can you provide case studies where you improved website metrics (e.g., bounce rate, time on site, conversions)?

2. What technologies do you recommend for our website, and why?

3. How do you handle project delays or setbacks?

Being meticulous while crafting your Website Redesign RFP by adhering to these best practices can help you elicit more accurate, insightful, and useful responses from potential agencies. This, in turn, will significantly improve your chances of selecting the right partner for your website redesign.

How To Choose An Agency For Your Website Redesign

Choosing the right agency for your website redesign can feel like walking through a minefield. You’ve got your Website Redesign RFP sent out, and now you’re swimming in proposals. So, how do you sift through the noise and pick the real gems? Here’s how:

1. Shortlist to Top 10 Based on Proposals

Best Practice:

Firstly, sort out the proposals you’ve received based on how well they meet your criteria as outlined in the RFP. Focus on agencies that have a proven track record, relevant experience, and a clear understanding of your needs.


Let’s say your RFP emphasized mobile responsiveness and SEO-optimized content. If an agency’s proposal goes in-depth on how they’d achieve these goals, and they have case studies to back up their claims, bump them to the top of your list.

2. Shortlist to Top 3 Based on Research and Reviews

Best Practice:

Once you have your top 10, dive deeper. Look at customer reviews, study past projects, and examine their reputation in the market. Reach out to some of their past clients if possible. Make sure to look for consistent delivery, reliability, and of course, client satisfaction.


Imagine you’ve got your eyes on Agency X, but a quick Google search reveals a slew of negative reviews mostly focusing on missed deadlines. Red flag, right? That could be a deal-breaker given you have a tight project timeline.

3. Interview Top Candidates

Best Practice:

Your final shortlist should have about 2-3 agencies. At this point, it’s critical to have a face-to-face meeting or a video call. You need to gauge not just their technical capability, but also their ability to communicate, their enthusiasm for your project, and the chemistry between your teams.


During the interview, pay close attention to how well the agency understands your industry, your specific needs, and whether they can think strategically. For instance, if they start suggesting some next-level UX features that align with your brand vision, that’s a strong indicator that they’re a good fit.


Website Redesign RFP isn’t just a formality—it’s your strategy laid out on paper. From identifying your goals to choosing the best agency for your needs, this 101 guide and free template are essential tools for success. Don’t just aim for a new look; aim for a website that truly resonates with your audience. 

Struggling with your Website Redesign RFP? We’ve got you covered. Contact us now for personalized, expert assistance in setting up your RFP to win the best agency for your project.


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