Web Development

Top Reasons Why your Website should be Regularly Updated

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

Top Reasons Why your Website should be Regularly Updated

In today’s world of digital revolution, almost every business has an online presence. So, the website you have created for your organization becomes its facade in cyberspace. Nowadays, one of the first things your potential customers or business partners often do is to check your company’s website. Thus, what can you do to make sure that your loyal customers & first-time visitors are equally impressed?

With over 4.5 billion websites indexed by search engines currently, it may seem to be difficult to stay visible among such a vast number. But the solution is quite the contrary – most of these websites may not receive any traffic in the first place. So, to stay relevant, the first step is to stay updated with the latest Internet trends & technologies. Read on to know why it is critical for your business to be relevantly present in the Internet to drive growth & ensure professional visibility.

Give Your Visitors a Reason to Come Back

Give Your Visitors a Reason to Come Back

The current economic scenario encourages online traffic in a big way. With almost everything available online, it is imperative that you provide ample incentives for your customers to return to your website. This may include providing timely information about the schemes or offers currently running, up to date news about your company or company-related matters or even trendy blogs related to your products or services. Increased traffic will only serve to increase business advertisement & even conversion to revenue.

Conversely, a structurally poor & outdated website reflects badly upon the business, as visitors tend to equate that state with the actual organization. So, initial visual appeal, cross-platform portability, ease of navigation, prominent visibility of important & most-searched information are some of the important parameters that will help to keep even the least tech-savvy but interested visitor coming back for more.

Make the Right Impression for your Business

Make the Right Impression for your Business

As discussed earlier, a prospective customer or partner often checks the website to gain an idea about your business. So, it becomes imperative (like when you prepare to appear in person for formal meetings) to be at your best in cyberspace too. As the website is your representation on the Internet & is potentially view able to all interested parties, it pays to keep it is best possible shape.

A professional, attractive design with relevant & current information displayed along with well-defined sections for different kinds of visitor’s interest goes a long way towards creating a favourable impression on the visitors. Make sure that all information provided are current & take care to remove dated & repetitive content, thus conveying professional acumen & sharpness along with visual appeal.

Boost your Search Engine Ranking and Drive More Traffic

Boost your Search Engine Ranking and Drive More Traffic

Search engines like Google have defined a lot of parameters that may help websites to rank progressively higher in their search results. The website may have stunning looks & is smoothly navigable, but without fresh & updated content that invites & entices the visitor it will not be able to retain regular traffic. As we all know, it is easier to retain customer loyalty than to gain new ones, but that sincerity & effort should reflect in your website presentation.

Now, one proven way to gain new traffic & potential customers is through keywords. Tracking your current traffic through tools like Google Analytics will help to understand your visitor demographics and analyzing their search patterns. A Call to Action (CTA) link or button displayed interestingly & prominently goes a long way towards converting traffic into definite leads. The idea is to first increase your website visibility through relevant content & keyword usage, than converting visitors into business revenue.

Keep Your Site Up-To-Date with the Latest Security Patches and Bug Fixes

Keep Your Site Up-To-Date with the Latest Security Patches and Bug Fixes

A staggering piece of statistic is that there are around one million new malware (viruses & other types of harmful software) created everyday on the Internet. With such a figure in mind, one cannot ignore the aspect of website security, especially if there is potentially important information available through them. One method popular with hackers is searching out sites that have not updated their system with the latest security fixes & updates. Your server may become their point of spamming thus slowing it progressively. Moreover, search engines may rate your site lower due to its slow response time & users may stay away from it as a result. All such scenarios may be avoided with timely security updates & software patch installations. Also, make sure your Content Management System (CMS) is timely updated to avoid similar scenarios. Your hosting server should also be a reputed one with proper security measures of their own even though it may seem like a hassle, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry!

Evolve to keep up with Current Technology

Evolve to keep up with Current Technology

The creation & effective functioning of your website may not be the long-term solution for a robust online presence & business. The cyberspace technologies are changing almost on a daily basis. So, maintenance of your website is almost equally important to staying updated & relevant. As we know, search engines keep changing their algorithms as per their analysis of user behavioral data. In response, your website’s Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques need to change to be relevant in subsequent keyword searches.

This change needs to be timely as lagging behind may cost you in terms of user traffic. You need to decide whether to update every time there is any minor SEO required, or completely overhaul the website after a pre-fixed time interval. Whatever you decide based on your kind of business, timely incremental updates are considered more cost-effective, though complete overhaul may be needed from time-to-time to give your website a fresh look & feel.


As described above, these are five reasons to keep your website in tip-top shape. Once it’s in tune with the latest updates in terms of software & security, has great content & visual appeal it will automatically be able to retain visitors & attract fresh traffic. With proper SEO techniques & keeping up with latest search engine algorithm changes, your business can only benefit positively from its presence on the World Wide Web & even has the potential to be a revenue generator with minimal investment!

  • Boost Search Engine Ranking
  • Reasons Why your Website should be Regularly Updated
  • search engine optimization
  • website development

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