Website Design

Top Reasons Why Websites Fail?

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

How often have you tried to visit a new website only to realize that it was down or just plain unusable? If you’re anything like me, you probably go to several websites every day. This means that you’ve likely come across some websites that are completely unresponsive. Websites fail for lots of reasons. The main reason is that they aren’t optimized properly. In other words, they don’t load efficiently enough. They also lack features that would make them user-friendly. Finally, they might even lack quality content. You can prevent these failures by paying attention to detail, creating a clear mission statement, and keeping abreast of trends within the web design community.

As a website owner, you want your website to be successful. On your way to success, you might come across some failures. But don’t worry, website failures are common, and there are many reasons why this can happen. In this article, we will explore five of the most common website failures, and discuss the reasons why they happen. By learning what causes website failures, you can prevent them from happening in the first place. 

So, let’s have a look at the reasons why websites fail to make it big and successful in the online market:-

1. Having a Complex Website

Some websites can be quite complex and engaging due to the amount of data that is contained within them. However, if your website becomes too complex for consumers to understand or navigate, this could negatively impact its online presence. What makes a website easy to use and navigate? Well, simplicity is key! Consumers should be able to find what they are looking for quickly and easily without having to scroll through long paragraphs of text or loads of images.

A complex website may not make a good online presence because it can confuse or frustrate visitors, who might then decide to abandon ship altogether. Instead of trying to be all things to all people, focus on creating unique content that is specifically tailored for your target audience. This way, you can ensure that everyone has an enjoyable experience while browsing your site!

2. Not Promoting Your Website

A website that is not promoted can still be found through search engines, but it will likely have a lower ranking. This means that potential customers may not be able to find and access your content easily. Furthermore, if you do not create compelling content that is relevant to your target audience, they may become frustrated and stop visiting your site altogether.

It is therefore important to promote your website regularly by writing engaging and interesting copy, producing high-quality visuals, and promoting unique features of the site. Additionally, make sure to set up effective online marketing strategies such as email marketing or social media campaigns. When all of these pieces are put together correctly, your website will be able to achieve high visibility and improve the overall reach of your web presence.

3. Website Not Optimised For Mobile Devices

Mobile devices are the future, and if your website is not optimized for them, you will lose customers. Not only do mobile users spend more time on websites than desktop users, but they also have a greater propensity to buy from online retailers. A study by SoundCloud showed that 63% of millennials make purchases using their phones in offline or brick-and-mortar stores.

So it’s important to ensure that your website is mobile-friendly and easy to use on all devices. This means making sure everything looks good both on desktop and mobile browsers, as well as taking advantage of responsive design so that the site runs smoothly across different screen sizes. In addition, be sure to include features like touch navigation and high-quality images that look great even when viewed at low-resolution settings.

4. Unclear CTA

One way that a website can fail to make a good online presence is if the CTA buttons are not clear or easily accessible. This means that visitors won’t be able to easily understand what action they should take after clicking on the button. Make sure that all of your buttons are designed using consistent design principles. This will help to ensure that they look and feel cohesive while also aiding in usability. Additionally, use keywords throughout your button text.

In addition, improper branding can also lead to poor Click-Through Rates (CTRs), which means lower profits for your business. Make sure that all CTAs are appropriately branded and descriptive so that viewers will know what they need to do next. Additionally, always test different CTA designs in order to see which ones generate the most clicks and conversions.

5. Missing an SEO Strategy

One of the most important aspects of a website’s online presence is SEO. Without good SEO, your website will not be found by Google and other search engines. In order to ensure that your website is being treated with the utmost respect, you need to have a comprehensive and up-to-date SEO strategy. Your strategy should include targeted keywords, backlinks ( links from other websites that point back to your site), and quality content.

You also need to make sure that your site looks professional with optimized design elements like fonts, images, and titles. If you are missing any of these components or if your site doesn’t look 100% professional when viewed on a mobile device or desktop computer, then it likely won’t receive the proper search engine exposure necessary for success. This can lead to lost leads or potential customers never finding out about your product or service in the first place!

6. Not Optimised For Google

There are a number of things that can affect your website’s online presence, including poor SEO. If you’re not optimizing your website for Google, it may struggle to be found on search engine results pages (SERPs). This is because Google uses a combination of factors when ranking websites, including the importance and popularity of a particular keyword, the quality of the content, and how well the site is designed.

If you want to improve your website’s rank in search engines, or if you’re simply interested in understanding how Google ranks websites, then using an SEO tool can be very helpful. They offer both free and paid plans that allow users to research different aspects of their website’s optimization such as content marketing, backlinking techniques, social media management, etc.

7. Broken Links & Pages

One of the biggest mistakes that website owners can make is to neglect their link building and online presence. A good online presence includes having links from high-quality websites, relevant pages, and positive reviews. Without these key elements, it becomes difficult for your website to compete in the search engines and attract visitors.

One way to build links is by participating in blog commenting or submitting guest posts on other websites. This will help you gain exposure as a credible source of information and also improve your reputation among other web entrepreneurs. Additionally, enlisting the help of an SEO expert can boost your chances of achieving better rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs). They can help you identify which keywords are driving traffic to your site and strategize ways to rank higher for those keywords.


Always make sure you focus on creating a polished and easy-to-use website. Also, remember to test your website before launch to make sure it works as expected. But, it’s no secret that website failures are a common occurrence. In this blog post, we’ve outlined some of the most common reasons why websites fail and what you can do to prevent them from happening. 

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  • No one plans for their website to fail?

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