Wordpress Web Development

Tips to create the perfect WordPress theme

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

WordPress Web Design Tips

Preparing a theme for a open source software like WordPress or Zen Cart or Magento is similar to making a layout or template for website. The aim for both is the same which is to create the website design however when it comes to creating it for a open source software like WordPress the design will be integrated along with the WordPress structure rather than remain a standalone design.

This also affects the way in which the design is created. There are usually no restrictions when creating a design for a simple website or a core PHP website. Although there are no restriction when creating a website for a WordPress website either and the designer can let their creative juices flow, it is a good idea to keep the structure of WordPress in mind when creating the design. A theme created in this method usually turns out to a very good and highly optimized WordPress theme.

Hence here are a few tips to create the perfect WordPress theme:

Designing for presentation and functionality:

Although it is necessary to create the design that includes the functionality that has been requested for the project it is essential not to get carried away. The main task here is to create a awesome theme for WordPress and also add the necessary design quirks for the functionality. As addressed earlier it is vital that the design of the additional functionality that has been requested be placed as per the WordPress default theme.

What this means is that with a WordPress theme the additional functionality or option will usually be located in the sidebar or the header in the form of a plug-in or widget. However this can also be placed on the body section and solely depends on the significance of the functionality.

Integrating styles and scripts:

Once a website design has been provided by the designer it is time to integrate it into WordPress in such a manner that it is possible to select a new theme from the WordPress Administrative panel that corresponds to the one you are making and simply select to activate.

However before doing that and making it available in the WordPress Administrative section it is essential to make sure you integrate all the elements in the right manner. For the scripts and styles code it is a good idea to use the WordPress enqueue function to get the job done.

Thus instead of this:

<link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”theme.css”>

<script src = “myscripts.js”> </script>

you can use:




This function is a special function that even has several dependencies. The options include dictating the order in which the style sheets are loaded for one. In addition to which it is also possible to specify where the script is to be loaded. The two main options are loading it in the header and other in the footer; both having their own advantages.

Doing so and making use of the appropriate WordPress element optimizes the design for WordPress thus helping create a more robust and practical theme for your WordPress website.

The WordPress Template parts:

One of the other more popular functions of WordPress is ‘get_template_part()’. This is a useful function with the main aim being re-usability. Website designing is all about being creative and using the current trends however website development is all about using the right concepts like Oops, or re-usability, etc. This function is often used within the main loop of the posts or pages.

WordPress theme design and integration with Alakmalak:

For those willing to be more creative and seeking a unique and innovative option, it is essential that they take extra effort to get the right balance between website design and website development to be successful.. Besides which it is highly beneficial in attracting more traffic too.

Not everyone is tech savvy and creative enough to be able to design a website that is keeping with the current trends and also utilize the new tools and elements of a language. Besides which the Websites these days also have that Social Media element that we have extensively discussed. Web Designers are a creative group of people who have the amazing ability to come up with great designs that can later be converted into a workable template for your website. However there is a subtle difference when creating a WordPress theme and both the designer and developer need to work together to make sure the designer creates a fabulous design and the developer then implements it in WordPress.

Alakmalak has had the good fortune of having the opportunity to create Web Designs for several firms across the world. They have now developed more than 2000 websites over the years for clients from all around the world. Hence it is safe to trust them when it comes to Web Designing for the current times.

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  • Tips to create the perfect WordPress theme

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