Website Design

Things to Avoid in Web Design

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

How do you identify good web design? How do you know if a developer has done their job well? What are the most common problems in web design today? The answers to these questions are simple – they depend on what you want from your website. Designing a professional-looking web page is critical to getting visitors and increasing sales. If done well, it can make or break your company. There are some basic steps to follow when designing a web page. Some of these include: choosing fonts, colors, and background images.

In this article, we’re going to teach you about the things you should avoid when designing your website. By following these simple tips, you’ll ensure that your website looks professional and doesn’t have any embarrassing mistakes. So whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned web designer, make sure to read on to learn the best ways to design a website!

So, let’s have a look at some of the mistakes that you should avoid while designing a website:-

1. Website Takes Too Long to Load

Poor website loading times can be frustrating for both the consumer and the business owner. It is important to remember that a slow website not only puts people off, it also significantly reduces conversions and SEO efforts. Additionally, poor page speed negatively impacts search engine rankings and can even result in lost revenue. There are many things that you can do to improve your website loading time, including optimizing images for size and resolution, removing unnecessary files from your site, using fast HTTPS connections when possible, etc.

Make sure that your website is well-designed using modern technology principles. This will allow users to navigate quickly and easily through the pages, while still being able to see all the information they need on-screen at once without having to scroll down endlessly. Additionally, keep your content updated and relevant so that it doesn’t become old news within no time at all. Providing valuable tips and advice instead of rehashing old information will help in keeping your site fresh for long hours as well!

2. Not Mobile Friendly

One of the most common mistakes that website owners make when designing their websites is not being mobile-friendly. This means that the website is not optimized for use on a mobile phone or other handheld devices. Not being mobile-friendly can lead to poor conversion rates, frustrated customers, and low rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Not only does this negatively affect your business reputation, but it also decreases revenue as visitors are more likely to leave your site if they cannot easily access what they are looking for. Additionally, people who struggle with mobility often have difficulty making purchasing decisions online. So, by making your website easy to use and navigate from any screen size or device type, you will help boost both customer retention and sales conversions!

3. Hidden Navigation

Hidden navigation is a common web design mistake that can cause users to become frustrated and lost. By hiding the navigation, you are forcing your users to search for information or navigate through menus when they would much rather just see what’s available on the page. This leads to user frustration and reduced trust in your website’s usability.

Another common issue with hidden navigation is that it makes it difficult for people with disabilities or screen readers to access content online. If you’re designing a website, make sure that all of the important elements are visible without having to scroll down or click through menus. This will help improve user engagement and perceived site usability.

4. Lack of Contact Info

A lack of contact information can make it difficult for customers to get in touch with you or find out more about your product or service. Not only that, but it also makes it difficult for potential clients to locate and reach you online. It’s important to include a contact form on your website and provide clear instructions on how people can get in touch with you.

You should also make sure that all of your social media platforms have easy ways for people to contact you directly. Make sure that all conversations are documented so that any misunderstandings can be cleared up quickly and efficiently.

Finally, keep consistent communication going by sending regular email updates and making appearances on relevant social media channels so that everyone knows what’s happening with your business!

5. Missing a Call to Action

One of the most common web design mistakes is failing to include a call to action. A call to action (CTA) is a simple but powerful tool that can help encourage your customers to take specific actions on your website. It could be as simple as signing up for your mailing list or downloading a white paper, and it should be placed prominently on your page so that it’s easy for visitors to find.

Without a CTA, visitors may not understand what they need to do next, making it difficult for them to take advantage of the benefits that you have offered. Furthermore, leaving this element out could lead frustrated customers down negative pathways in their search for answers or solutions. In short: Include an effective CTA wherever possible so that more people will visit and enjoy your website!

6. Irrelevant Images

Irrelevant Images are a common web design mistake because they can interfere with the page loading speed and negatively affect SEO. A typical website contains hundreds of images, but if those images are not relevant to the content on the page, they will have a negative impact. If an image is not linked to any other elements on the webpage, it is considered an irrelevant image. This means that your Googlebot won’t include it in its search results and it will also slow down the load time of your pages.

Additionally, irrelevant images can also lead to decreased rankings due to issues with click-through rates (CTRs). Irrelevant Images should be avoided at all costs because they have far-reaching consequences for both web design and SEO. Make sure that every image you add is relevant and helpful for your visitors!

7. Not Measuring Performance

Not Measuring Performance can be a web design mistake because it can prevent you from fully understanding how users are interacting with your website. Without accurate data, you cannot make informed decisions about how to improve your site’s usability or layout.

Additionally, not measuring performance also means that you may not be able to identify areas where improvements could be made. This can lead to unnecessary wasted resources and frustration for both yourself and your user base. If you’re unsure how to measure performance, there are several great tools available online that will help you get started.


It’s no secret that web design is evolving at a rapid pace, and the industry is constantly introducing new and innovative design trends. However, with such a rapidly changing landscape comes the risk of making some common web design mistakes that can seriously impact your website’s performance and SEO. In this blog, we’ve compiled a list of things to avoid in order to help you build a website that looks great and performs better than ever before!

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  • How to avoid common web design mistakes

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