ecommerce web development

Things Every Customer Wants to See on Your Ecommerce Website before Buying from You.

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

In a perfect world, customers would always purchase, giving your online store a good look over and finding all the information they need. But this isn’t an ideal world, is it?

While there are plenty of customers out there who want to buy something and get on with their lives, there are also others who need to be wooed before spending their hard-earned money on your products. Adding a little pre-purchase information at the time of eCommerce website design can go a long way to ensure they don’t take their business elsewhere.

In this article, we will look at some essential things you can show your customers before they make a purchase.

Quality customer service:

All customers want to be assured that you’re willing to go the extra mile for them when they make a purchase. This means showing you’re available to answer their questions before they buy and that you’re willing to accept returns if something goes wrong.

Many online stores offer an email address and phone number for customers to contact, but there’s also social media, such as Facebook and Twitter. Both of these sites allow you to show your customers you’re ready to help them out, and they allow customers to ask follow-up questions if needed.

Customer reviews given for product or services:

One of the best ways to build trust with customers is by showing them how other people feel about your products. The easiest way to do this is by showing customer reviews and ratings on your site. This shows new customers you’ve been in business long enough to build up some credibility, and it allows them to read about why others love or hate your products.

Good customer reviews will help to gain trust from potential customers. Ensure that you know what your satisfied customers are saying about the products or services they bought from you, and then add them to your website or social media at the time of eCommerce website development.

Multiple payment gateways integrated:

In the age of the internet, many customers want to make sure they can use as many payment gateways as possible to make a purchase. They want to know that regardless of which bank they use or what country they’re in, they’ll be able to complete a purchase from your website.

A vast majority of your customers will want to pay comfortably, which means offering various payment methods. Most online stores have a PayPal option, but you can also offer direct checkout, credit cards, and other methods for your customers to choose from.

Easy Guest Checkout:

Many customers are uncomfortable with creating an account or social login on your site and will try to avoid this at all costs. However, to ensure that more customers make purchases, they can simply enter some basic information and then checkout as a guest.

It’s up to you whether you allow your customers to create an account when they buy from you, but many stores do this if a customer wants to get in touch directly or return to the store for future purchases. If this is the case, you should offer guest checkout so that customers can complete their purchases without having to create an account.

Easy Return Policy:

This is something else you want to put in place before your customers buy from you. If a customer’s order arrives and it’s not what they expected, you want to make it as easy as possible to return the item and get their money back.

All customers want the ability to return items if they’re not what was expected or don’t fit, so you must have a no-hassle return policy in place. Make sure your customers know this beforehand – otherwise, they may not buy from you.

Google / Trustpilot Reviews:

Ensure you have reviews from Google and Trustpilot linked on your site, which will give extra trust to visitors. You can easily set up Google & Trustpilot reviews on your store by sending out an email to previous customers.

Having positive reviews from websites like Trustpilot, Google Business, or any other Trusted Brand will be helpful to gain customer trust. In addition, offering a good user experience and having excellent customer service will ensure that you get more reviews.

Website loading speed:

Nobody wants to purchase online if your eCommerce website design is made in a way that it is loading slowly. Therefore, it’s essential to ensure your website loads quickly; otherwise, customers will leave and visit a website that has a fast loading speed.

As an online store, you already know the importance of website speed. A bad loading time will likely turn customers away because they often associate speed with the credibility of your business.

Additional cost of Tax or Shipping:

Customers want to know that the items they’re purchasing are actually in stock, which means differentiating between shipping cost and tax. Nobody wants to buy an item only to find out the shipping costs are too high, and nobody wants to be surprised with an extra tax bill.

So when customers are about to buy your product, they want to make sure it will be available for them before they pay. You can combat this by clarifying how long items take to ship and keeping your product prices up-to-date.

Trustmarks Factors:

There are plenty of trustmarks available online, which you can display on your website. These include the “PayPal” logo, which tells customers you’re a verified merchant. There are also trustmarks for shopping on secure websites, PCI compliance, and data security. Having some trustmarks factors like BBB, Google shopping, or others can be helpful for new customers to gain some confidence before buying from you.


You must take the time to think about what your customers want before they buy from your online store. Then, make sure you meet their criteria to keep them coming back through quality eCommerce website development. These are just a few factors essential for all customers to have before they buy.

Your customers want to feel comfortable when they purchase from your website, which means showing them you care about their satisfaction. Try these tips to make buying from your website a better customer experience.

  • Ecommerce website design
  • ecommerce website development

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