UI UX Design, Website Design

The Weirdest Google Fonts and What To Do With Them

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

You’ve probably been there, scrolling endlessly through Google Fonts, thinking you’re on the verge of branding genius. Suddenly, you stop on a bizarre font that looks like it was made for a 90s rave flyer rather than a professional website. You know what I’m talking about. Fonts that seem like they escaped from a Salvador Dali painting. Finding the right font matters, especially for a top website design company.

The Weirdest Google Fonts

Contextual Pain Points:

  • Feeling like your brand’s font is dated or unremarkable.
  • Wasting hours on Google Fonts trying to find something unique.
  • Testing out weird fonts, only to realize they make your site look amateurish.
  • The embarrassment when clients or stakeholders say your branding doesn’t look “professional.”
  • The nagging feeling that you’re missing out on some magical font that could skyrocket your brand’s image.
  • Frustration of trying to make your brand stand out with typical fonts.
  • The dilemma is between sticking to safe, boring fonts or risking something that could damage your reputation.
  • Confusion over which fonts are readable yet unique.
  • The time suck of A/B testing different fonts.
  • Being envious of competitors whose branding seems perfect.

Surprising Reasons Why You’re Stuck:

It’s NOT what you think. It’s not that you lack a sense of style or that you’re not creative enough. The REAL ROOT CAUSE is a phenomenon known as “The Paradox of Choice.” You have too many options, which makes it almost impossible to make a decision that you’re confident in. Plus, we’re often caught in the dilemma of wanting to stand out but fearing criticism.

Why Common Solutions Fail:

  • People recommend sticking to classic fonts. But that doesn’t solve the need to stand out.
  • Design agencies can be super expensive, and they might not ‘get’ your brand.
  • A/B testing eats up time and resources and doesn’t always produce a conclusive result.

New Approach: The Font Personality Match

Forget about keeping up with every new font released each week. Instead, focus on matching fonts with the emotional tone of your brand message.

Proof: Jenna, a small-business owner in Portland, switched from a ‘safe’ font to one that matched her brand’s personality. She saw a 25% increase in customer engagement within two weeks.

The Simple Path:

1. Identify the emotional tone of your brand.

2. Pick 3-4 fonts that align with that tone.

3. Test these fonts on a single page or section before rolling them out everywhere.

Vivid Results:

Imagine not just blending in but actually standing out in a sea of competitors. Picture your stakeholders nodding in approval, your metrics shooting up, and the compliments rolling in. Not to mention the sheer joy of loving how your brand looks.

New Week = New Google Fonts

Let me paint a picture: It’s Monday morning. You’re pumped, ready to conquer the week, and you see an email notification. “New Google Fonts added!” it exclaims. Your heart skips a beat. “Could this be the one?” you think, “The magic font that’ll make my brand unforgettable?”

But here’s the kicker: diving into every new Google Font each week is like chasing a moving target. You’re locked in this never-ending loop:

1. Download the new fonts.

2. Test them out on different sections of your site.

3. Rearrange design elements to match.

4. A/B test for engagement.

5. Barely get any conclusive data before—BOOM!—another Monday, another new font.

You’re basically a hamster on a wheel. Your team is stretched thin, you’re frustrated, and the ‘standout’ font is still as elusive as a unicorn.

It might feel like you’re staying ahead of the game when choosing a font for your website, but you’re actually drowning in a sea of endless options. Instead of being an innovator, you become a ‘font chaser,’ constantly swapping but never really improving. And that can lead to serious brand inconsistency, which let me tell you, customers notice.

So yeah, New Week = New Google Fonts is a recipe for a burnout sundae with a sprinkle of inefficiency. Trust me, there’s a better way.

Let’s talk about the Redacted font family, your secret weapon for adding layers of mystique to your brand. This family comes with two kick-butt options: Redacted and Redacted Script. Let’s dig in, shall we?

1. Redacted Font

Redacted Font

Redacted Font: Imagine a top-secret government document that has all its contents blacked out. That’s the feel you get with Redacted. It screams “classified info here!” and is monospaced, meaning every character takes up the same width. Perfect for that “official document” vibe. Want to make people feel like they’ve stumbled upon something super confidential? Redacted is your guy.

Redacted Script Font: This one’s the cooler, laid-back sibling. It’s got a handwritten cursive style that adds a personal touch. Plus, it’s got different weights! So you can make it look as light or as heavy as the moment calls for. Think of it as the classy signature at the end of a mysterious letter.

How To Use Redacted Fonts

1. Rapid Prototyping: These fonts are a designer’s dream. They let you focus on the design without getting hung up on actual content. Just slap them in and get a feel for the layout without distractions.

2. Testimonial Sections: Redacted Script is a game-changer for testimonials in prototypes. It’s got that human touch, and because it’s weighted, it looks oh-so-authentic.

3. Interactive Puzzles: Ever thought about gamifying your website? Redacted could be the star of an interactive web puzzle. It’s monospaced, so you could pair it with another monospaced font and reveal hidden messages on hover. Think of it as an Easter egg hunt, but make it fonts.

2. Flow Font Family

Flow Font Family

Hold onto your hats, because the Flow Font Family is like the all-you-can-eat buffet of prototyping. We’ve got three gems here: Flow Circular, Flow Rounded, and Flow Block. Let me break it down for you:

1. Flow Circular: Imagine a marshmallow, but make it a font. It’s got fully rounded corners for a soft, pillowy style that’s as huggable as fonts get.

2. Flow Rounded: This one’s like Flow Circular’s less chill sibling. Still got curves, but it’s a bit more tailored. Imagine a comfy couch—you want to sink into it but not disappear.

3. Flow Block: This is the no-nonsense member of the family. It’s got crisp, sharp corners that command attention. Like that super-organized person who color-codes their entire life.

How To Use Flow Fonts:

1. Prototyping Paradise: Unlike Redacted, these babies give you a true-to-life feel of how your text is gonna look, spaces and all. Just drop them in and get to designing.

2. UX Testing: As a UI/UX Design Agency, if you want to conduct distraction-free user testing, Flow Fonts offer a backstage pass to observing how users genuinely engage with your design.

3. Brand Versatility: These fonts are like chameleons. Need something fun and engaging? Go Circular. Something more balanced? Rounded’s your guy. Need to make a strong statement? Block it is.

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3. Emoji Fonts

Emoji Fonts: Noto Color Emoji and its monochromatic sibling, Noto Emoji

Hold the phone—or should I say emoji? Google just dropped two revolutionary Emoji Fonts: Noto Color Emoji and its monochromatic sibling, Noto Emoji. And if you’re asking, “Why on Earth do we need dedicated emoji fonts?” you’re not alone. But hear me out.

The Emoji Conundrum

We’ve all been there—you send a green apple emoji (🍏) and it looks picture-perfect on your device. But then, your friend sees something entirely different on their end. Why? Because every platform from iPhones and Pixels to Firefox and WhatsApp has its unique emoji rendering. There’s even a website, Emojipedia.com, that’s turned this chaos into an entire encyclopedia. That’s how serious it is!

The Emoji Solution:

Enter Noto Color Emoji and Noto Emoji. These fonts are the unicorns of the emoji world, designed to bring harmony to our emoji-loving lives.

Noto Color Emoji: This is your go-to for full-color emojis, covering a wide spectrum and breathing life into every conversation.

Noto Emoji: Want something a bit more minimal? This version offers outlined emojis in solid colors, ideal for blending in with any light or dark theme.

How To Master Emoji Fonts:

1. Consistency is King: One font to rule them all! These emoji fonts offer a unified look across all platforms, from browsers to apps. No more awkward misinterpretations.

2. Theme Flexibility: With Noto Emoji’s solid color scheme, you can now harmonize emojis with both your light and dark themes. It’s a designer’s dream come true!

3. Scale With Grace: These fonts are variable, allowing you to tweak the weight for optimal display at any size. Imagine an emoji that grows or shrinks while maintaining its good looks. Yes, we’re living in the future.

4. Meet Kabla and Other Color Fonts

Kabla and Other Color Fonts

Just when you thought you had a grip on variable fonts—hello, Wonky Axis, you whimsical wonder—Google Fonts raises the bar again, this time with Color Fonts. Yes, you heard it right. These are not your usual monochromatic text styles; we’re talking about fonts with personality and, more importantly, color.

What Makes Color Fonts Different?

Unlike standard fonts that take on a single hue, Color Fonts offer a plethora of variables that you can tweak, including various parts of each letter. Imagine customizing not just the shape and weight of your text, but also its gradients and color blocks. Thanks to the revolutionary COLRv1 format, all of this is now possible.

However, it’s worth noting that browser compatibility is still catching up—Safari, we’re looking at you.

An Introduction to Kabla

Take Kabla, for instance. This font allows for granular control over different sections of each letter, offering you the ability to apply gradients, solid colors, and even radial patterns. It’s like putting each letter in your own personal styling chair.

How to Make the Most of Color Fonts:

1. Unleash Your Creativity: Use the variables to fine-tune colors and styles. Whether you want to go subtle with pastels or make a statement with bold gradients, the world is your color palette.

2. Attention to Detail: Don’t just stop at the letters. Look at how these fonts can elevate your overall design scheme. The variables let you align your text perfectly with your brand colors, themes, and even your mood.

3. Prototype and Experiment: As color fonts are a relatively new phenomenon, there’s much to explore. Don’t shy away from prototyping and testing how these fonts can redefine your digital landscapes.


Google Fonts’ “weird” offerings are more than just quirks; they’re untapped resources for innovative design. From adding mystery with Redacted fonts to ensuring emoji consistency and even playing with vibrant color gradients, these unconventional fonts have unique, practical applications. So don’t overlook them; embrace the weirdness and unlock new creative avenues in your projects. In design, sometimes the most unconventional choices lead to the most compelling outcomes.

Interested in exploring the quirkiest Google Fonts for your next project? Contact us today to unleash the creative potential of these unique typefaces.


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