Wordpress Web Development

How to Set a Default Editing Mode In WordPress?

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

WordPress is a versatile open source blogging software. At least that is what it was popular for earlier. But it also has a very good content management option and thus is extensively used as a content management tool as well.

The list of the number of different implementations of the WordPress software is endless however if you do implement it as a content management the first thing that you would expect is a good HTML editor. One with all the bells and whistles. The default editor for WordPress is fairly ordinary and possess only the basic features.

It is possible to toggle the default editing mode in WordPress. Both the Posts and the Pages have a section where you can enter content and by default it is a very basic editor. There is however the option of changing this HTML editor to a more feature rich version. All the is possible via minimal effort.

To change the default editing mode and set the richer visual mode (tinymce) you need to follow the steps mentioned here:

  • First login to the WordPress admin section using the admin user and enable the option ‘Disable the visual editor when writing’ check box.
  • Now login to the website server using FTP and traverse to the directory wp-content/theme/<your theme>/function.php and download the file
  • Edit this file using your favourite editor and add the following code to the end of the file.

add_filter(‘wp_default_editor’, create_function(”, ‘return “tinymce”;’));

Now go to the admin section of your WordPress website and go to any of the two the Post or the Page. Once you load the editor you will see a new editor in place of the simple HTML editor.

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  • How to edit your WordPress site content?
  • How to set a default editing mode in wordpress?

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