iPhone App development

The trends for App design in 2015

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

App Design Trends 2015

The app design trends change very often especially when there are many changes in the devices themselves and 2015 will be no different. There has been change in the features of the devices as more number of devices are becoming faster and contain more features. This directly affects the Apps and their design. Being almost two months into 2015 and several new trends are beginning to emerge. These are likely to change as the year progresses.

According the statistics we have:

Big Screen Size:

The screen size of the phones is getting larger and that is true ever for the year 2015. Large screen phones or as some call them tablets are gaining in popularity and is expected to continue to be so in 2015. Many researches have been carried out on this subject and they all suggest that a larger number of people are using bigger phones to access the internet and use their mobile Apps. One such report is the Adobe’s Mobile Benchmark Report which confirms exactly that and also has noticed an 11 per cent drop in the people using 4 inch phones.

It is needless to say that as more number of people shift towards the bigger screen phones; the designers too will start to design their app by giving more preference to the larger screen size phones.

In fact this means a change in the way the user is handing the device. A small phone of either 4 inches and under is easy to handle with one hand. But when it gets to 5 inches and more it becomes hard to do so for extended period of time.

Hence this means the users are likely to handle the phone more like a tablet, by using two hands. This is likely to influence the designer’s way of thinking.

Hidden Menus:

The trend of hidden menus was noticed in late 2014 on several websites designed for the desktop as well as mobile. This trend has not yet attracted the imagination of many designers; however with recent changes in screen size, processor speed and other abilities of the mobile device; we are likely to see a lot more of this feature.

The basic idea behind this design trend is to hide the functionality till it is really required.

For example the page is all about content and graphics till user feels he requires the navigation menu. A small icon or button placed strategically is likely to be used to expand the menu, thus providing the tools and option for the situation at hand.

Typography trend:

When it comes to the typography, the trend on the mobiles phones has been to play it safe and use the standard fonts. Almost all mobile apps play it safe and keep it quite simple. The good news is that this is about to change and the better news is that the designers have a lot of options open for them.

That said, I would suggest the designers don’t get carried away this and start using very fancy text all over the App. It would be a good idea to use more fancy typography moderately.

The Blur effect:

Introducing the blur effect in a layered interface makes the application look clean, awesome and simply stunning. It can enhance the user experience and be quite beneficial to implement.

We are thus likely to see more number of Apps implementing this feature.


I can go on forever on the long list of new design features that we are likely to notice the Apps this year. However the ones that matter the most and are going to create a noticeably difference is the screen size, blur effect and hidden functionality features.

Hire iPhone Developer is a firm that has been around for a while and has had the good fortune of developing several Apps over the years. The mobiles Apps they developed last year where very close to the Mobile App Design Trends in 2014. Thus the App Design Trends in 2015 that have been mentioned here are likely to implemented in their designs this year too.

  • App Design Trends in 2015
  • The top 5 trends in app design for 2015
  • The trends for App design in 2015

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