Website Design

The increasing importance of Responsive Website Design in the year 2015

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

Responsive Web Design

The design of a website has a lot to do with the personal preferences of the firm. The firm is likely to assign the task of building their website to an able Web development company where in turn a skilled website designer will try to design the layout based on the currents trends and technology and at the same time also taking into consideration personal preferences of the business.

The personal preferences of the business are likely to include the color and content placement options. While in terms of current trends in technology “responsive web development” is now in. The trend of responsive website design has been gathering steam since 2012 and has gained in popularity over the years. It’s importance has grown tenfold this year (2015) with more number of websites opting for this trend.

Why Responsive Web Design important so important for your website in 2015?

Responsive web design trends were expected to be in demand in 2015 and almost every article on the internet that was on the topic regarding predictions of the 2015 web development trends had responsive design listed on the top. This unanimous prediction made by several professional responsive web design agency and content writers has proven to be true as we are now almost 5 months into the 2015. The reason for this is also quite simple and understandable:

  • More number of people accessing websites from their mobile devices.

  • A lot many people first research a product on the internet before finally purchasing it.

  • A greater number of people now trust spending on the Internet via their computers. Many people also find their mobile devices a handy tool to shop with. Thus there is an increase in the number of people buying products online, on the Internet.

These are simply some facts regarding the trend of the increasing use of mobile devices. But there are also the statistics to support these facts:

  • Mobile Internet users in 2007 was 400 Million

  • Desktop Computer Internet users in 2007 was 1100 Million

  • Mobile Internet users in 2012 was 1200 Million

  • Desktop Computer Internet users in 2012 was 1500 Million

  • This year (2015) the Mobile Internet users are 1900 Million

  • And again this year (2015) the Desktop computer Internet users are only 1700 Million

Mobile vs Desktop global users

[Image Courtesy: ]

The trend on studying these statistics is crystal clear. Since a mobile is a lot more handy, almost a basic necessity for many people (making calls) a lot many people will own a mobile phone than a desktop computer. And of those people a large number have a smart mobile devices that is capable of accessing the Internet.

With facts and statistics like these there a now many web development firms offering responsive web design in India.

How Alakmalak stands out from the lot

Alakmalak is a web development company that has witnessed several trend changes over the years. The reason is because they have been offering web design and development services since a long time now. They have helped many businesses set up their web presence and more at the time when it was becoming essential to have a website address.

Although it is still essential for your business to have an Internet presence, the current trend has all to do with the mobile device. A lot many more people at using the mobile device to access the internet and expect to be able to view all websites properly. That is what Alakmalak is an expert in.


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