Wordpress Web Development

Replacing the default blog page with a custom page in WordPress

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

WordPress is a very popular open source software that is often used for many different purposes. It can be used to make many different kinds of websites. For example you can make a simple blog if you wish, or you can make a content management system, or an eCommerce website. WordPress is available as free download and thus many people make the most of and develop their own website.

WordPress has a very user friendly interface thus it is easy to use for most people. Adding a ready-made template or even adding plugins for added functionality is no rocket science either. On the other hand if you require as customized layout with many different new features and functionality it may become hard for you to cope with the amount of changes required unless you have some programming knowledge. In most cases such changes are best left professional WordPress Web Developers. Alakmalak is one such WordPress Web Development company that offers many different services and is capable of helping you out with your issues big and small.

Since WordPress is used for many different types of websites and not always a blog; WordPress conveniently provided the feature where you can change what will appear as the front page of your website. This can be done pretty easily from the administrative section of your WordPress website.

You have the option of changing the default page that loads when you load your WordPress website. This is a very simple process, it is very easier that you think. All you need to do is to follow steps mentioned below in order to do so.home-page

  • Start with your WordPress Admin panel and login.
  • Now navigate from the Admin menu to Settings >> Reading.
  • On clicking that option you will notice that you have to select the page you want to load as the first page and the page you want to load as the blog.
  • We can backtrack a little now. First go to the Pages section from the Admin menu and add two new pages.
  • You can name one of them home, which would imply that you are using it as your home page. It is possible to name it as you please though.
  • You can name the second new page that you create as either Blog if wish to use it as a blog. Alternatively if you wish to use the post section of your website to post news and events or testimonials or even products then you can name it ‘News’ or ‘Events’ or ‘Testimonials’ or ‘Products’ respectively.

  • Creating a static front page for your blog
  • Displaying a Static Homepage in WordPress
  • How to change the WordPress front page to a static page
  • WordPress Static Front Page Process

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