Practice These Pinterest Techniques to Drive More Traffic to Your Website

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

People assume Pinterest is a Social Media App that showcases images, recipes, products, tutorials, etc. But you can increase your Pinterest organic traffic by practising the following techniques:

#1. Use Article Pin Along with the images, it is necessary to pin your best piece of content that describes your product and service in a glance in their title on social platforms.

#2. Feature your Blog Writers The user gets inner sight when the blog and article writers feature on the board too. Human curiosity leads to gathering personal perceptions of the creators too.

#3. Use relevant keywords in board names To keep users engaged, it is necessary to use the relevant pins and information on the board. Use SEO-friendly keyword research tools to narrow down the keyword searches for your board. For example: If your board showcases the veg recipes, then only keep the veg recipes keywords in it.

#4. Mention several keywords in the pin description Make sure that your pin title is self-explanatory. So that users can get a clear idea of your pin. This will increase the click on the pin that will redirect to the website.

#5. Pin Consistently To keep your Pinterest valuable content engaging, it is necessary to maintain consistency of your content type. At least provide 10 new relevant pins every day to maintain the freshness of your core content.

#6. Create Rich pins that direct to your website Pinterest does not only showcases the images on the screen but also provides the platform to the users. This platform is your website where they can gather more information.

#7. Include the “Pin it” button to image on your blog Make sure the user not only redirects to the website but also can pin the blog posts of your website on his board too. In this way, the user can collect relevant pins on his board, and you will need an additional medium to redirect to your website.

#8. Include Text in pinnable Image Add a caption to your pins. Few descriptive words of amazing content on the pinned image will express the theme of the image.

#9. Use social media plugins Easy social share buttons can be used on different social media platforms. In this, users can plugins the web pages on Pinterest easily without leaving the main page.

#10. Add alternative tags into pins You can add alt tags or text into images. It will give details of what people can see in your pins. In this way, the viewer will know what’s happening in your pins.

#11. Use Guided Search for a better understanding of what people are searching for getting the most out of guided search to narrow down using keyword suggestions. Guided search delivers accurate, relevant results out of millions of community boards. Especially when the user does not have an idea of what he is looking for.

#12. Increase your repins and engagement Your pins must get repined by other users too. This can be done by following these practices:

1. Contribute to relevant group boards by pinning them. Contact them via email address, messages, twitters, etc. 2. Pin the original high-quality images, and it will require you to visit their website. 3. Write descriptions of the pins (as we discussed above). 4. Find popular Pins from the popular sections. 5. Promote pins on other social networks too.

#13. Join relevant group boards to your field Pinterest Group board, aka collaborative board, is the board where multiple Pinterest users pin images. Take permission from the board owner.

Planning, supporting, brainstorming about ideas are the key benefits you can get after joining them.

#14. Use relevant images for pinning with blog  To attract a core audience, you have to provide more and more relevant pins and images. Eventually, Pinterest will start displaying those pins “picked for you” on the home feed.

Following the above-mentioned techniques will increase the users’ numbers. Nothing comes over a night; patience is the key.

How Alakmalak can help?  The social media team at Alakmalak can give you the maximum advantage out of Pinterest to drive traffic to your website. Contact us now for more traffic & leads



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