ecommerce web development

Magento 2 Vs Shopify: Which E-commerce Platform Should You Prefer the Most?

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

Everyone who has started their business and are in need of an Ecommerce platform for their online store always has this question in mind, whether to go with Magento 2 or Shopify. And to get an answer to this question, we will compare both options on the basis of their basic features.


So let’s get started and find out which is the best option to go with.

1. Interface:

Shopify: Shopify is easier to use and navigate as it doesn’t matter if you are a pro or a totally new user.

Magento 2: Magento 2 is quite hard to use and one can hardly keep up the eStore running without development assistance.

2. Security:

Shopify: Manages all the aspects of security on its own and the user needs not to think about it. As it is PCI compliant, the protection of data is managed by the E-commerce experts.

Magento 2: There are Multiple Security patches released every year and its management is handled by the store owners. It has self-handled security.

3. Marketplace:

Shopify: It creates a strong ecosystem by approving every app and nurturing it. But it is limited to Shopify API.

Magento 2: Availability of a large selection of apps, but choosing one and maintaining it is quite difficult.

4. Speed:

Shopify: It maintains the server, so there is little or zero downtime.

Magento: The speed of the site largely depends on the server you choose.

5. Hosting Type:

Shopify: Fully Hosted platform

Magento 2: Self-Hosted platform

6. Payment Gateway Options for E-commerce store:

Shopify: One of Shopify’s key features is that there are more than 70 modes of payment supported by Shopify Payments including PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, etc.

Magento 2: It supports a variety of payment modes that include PayPal, Klarna, Cybersource, Worldpay, Eway, Amazon Pay, and Braintree.

7. Target Audience:

Shopify: B2C. Small and medium-sized business owner, and doesn’t offer to B2B feature, apart from customer groups.

Magento 2: B2B and B2C. Medium to larger businesses is the target audience.

8. Installation & Configuration:

Shopify: It is very simple and can be understood easily by the developers and the clients and can be mastered by them.

Magento 2: It is complex and the platform requires knowledge in programming and the experience to fully master the platform, for both, the developers and client.

9. SEO Features:

Shopify: It puts certain kinds of restrictions concerning SEO. Users cannot edit the robots.txt file, URLs, etc. They’re able to set up canonical URLs, hreflang references, “no index” tags, etc.

Magento 2: Magento is much more flexible and has no real limits. The developers can carry out the heavy customization without a need to worry.

10. Custom Theme

Shopify: Shopify currently offers 65 templates for users to choose from. The premium themes on offer don’t allow for many tweaks. You can easily customize the basics such as colors and fonts.

Magento 2: Magento 2 has a wide range of themes available for creators around the world. The company introduced drag and drop visual editing, which allows someone with less coding skills to create beautiful sites in no time.

11. Development Cost

Shopify: Shopify is a software-as-a-service, commonly known as SAAS, meaning users pay a monthly subscription fee to access the Shopify software. You can get Advanced Shopify at an additional cost per month. By opting for the higher tier options available for Shopify, users are able to access more additional features like a shopping cart recovery, gift cards etc.

Magento 2: In comparison, Magento Community software is free for everyone. They also offer an Enterprise edition.

12. Maintenance:

Shopify: Mostly Uptime. It is included with updates to the platform many times a day.

Magento 2: Maintenance dependent Uptime. Regularly gets updated with the test, but takes more time and effort than Shopify.


By considering the advanced features of both the eCommerce platform, we can conclude that Magento 2 is the more preferable platform for businesses.

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  • E-commerce Platform
  • ecommerce web developers india
  • ecommerce web development
  • Magento 2 Vs Shopify

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