Wordpress Web Development

Securing Your WordPress Website From The Hackers

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

WordPress is a widely used platform by website development company in today’s time. But ever thought of how to secure WordPress site? 

WordPress security has become a huge concern these days with most website owners. Two-factor authentication, blocking IPSs, admin access, and preventing unauthorized execution of PHP files easily takes care of common backdoor threats, which we will go into more below. Check out the best security tips for WordPress site.

How to secure WordPress site

In recent times, businesses have become increasingly vigilant about security concerns, placing greater emphasis on identifying and addressing potential security vulnerabilities. This proactive approach aims to prevent security breaches and thwart any suspicious activities, all with the overarching goal of safeguarding their customers and maintaining a secure digital environment.

There are a lot of things that happen to a WordPress site getting hacked by vulnerabilities. When a site is hacked, the following things can happen to it:

  • The site gets redirected to malware sites
  • Code gets injected into your WordPress database
  • Several posts and pages get published having spam codes
  • Files on the server get modified
  • Users with administrative authority get added to your WordPress database
  • how to secure your WordPress website from hackers

How to Secure WordPress Site

Below are some of the best ways to secure WordPress site, that can keep your website safe from hackers. Check out WordPress security hacks.

Be clear and protect against DDoS attacks

First point on how to secure WordPress website. The DDoS attack is a common type of malfunction where the hacker uses multiple programs and systems to overload your server. This attack is mainly for crashing your site for a long period if not taken any actions against it. This normally happens to giant companies like GitHub or Target. Signing up for the premium plans could resolve this problem, wherein the web applications analyze bandwidth usage and block out DDoS attacks completely.

Using your Email to login

To log in to WordPress, you will have to provide a username. But instead of providing a username, it’s always much safer to log in with your email ID. Predicting a username is easier, while the latter won’t be possible. Several WordPress security plugins make use of setting up a login page so that the users have to provide an email id for login purposes.

Renaming your Login URL

We have already restricted the user login attempts with the use of a username and are recommending you use instead of your email id as it’s more secure. So, is it by replacing the login URL, thereby getting rid of 99% of direct brute force from the hackers? Changing the URL is an easy way to prevent hacking and can be done by using the aptly named plugin WPS Hide Login. This can be the best way to secure your WordPress website. 

Move your WordPress site to SSL/HTTPS

One of the best ways to harden WordPress security is to install an SSL certificate and run it over HTTPS. The HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure i.e. HTTPS allows your browser to connect securely with a website.

Change the Database Prefix

Using a clever database name is a safe way to harden your WordPress security. By changing your database name to a more complicated one, it will be harder for the hacker to predict and access your data. The same is it with changing the database prefix.

Work with Good Hosts

A reliable, safe, and high-quality host can solve your problems of getting hacked. It’s always best to switch to a different host that’s more secure if your present one isn’t taking your website security seriously. The more you pay for it; the better will be the new host’s security.

Two-factor Authentication

This method adds an extra layer of security through a two-step process. To log in, you require not just your password but also a second method of verification. This second step extends to your actual WordPress setup, providing a heightened level of security. Security experts often recommend this approach, along with the use of an application firewall, to bolster the protection of your WordPress installation.

Use Stronger Password

One of the common ways to secure WordPress site from hackers. Google has some great recommendations on how to choose a strong password. Or you can use an online tool like Strong Password Generator. WordPress proposes a secure password to you and has an indicator that shows you your password strength. In addition to using a strong password, it’s a good idea to enable two-step authentication as an additional security measure. By avoiding weak passwords and following these measures, you can greatly enhance your site’s security against potential threats.

Disable File Editing

Managing WordPress security becomes intricate when the dashboard has multiple users and administrators. To navigate this complexity, a prudent approach is to minimize the number of users. Becoming familiar with user roles is crucial, as it enables you to grasp their respective responsibilities and capabilities. By aligning permissions with specific roles, you can maintain a more secure environment. It’s equally vital to safeguard core files, the foundational components of your WordPress site, to ensure comprehensive security coverage.

Prevent Cross-Site Scripting Attacks

This form of attack occurs when hackers insert harmful code into your website, which then gets loaded by the user’s browser. This malicious code can be hidden within the source code of your site, making it a prime target for hackers seeking vulnerabilities. Protecting against such attacks involves not only safeguarding your site’s code but also fortifying it against other threats like Brute-Force Attacks. Regularly updating and patching your website with the latest security patches is crucial to maintaining its resilience against these potential breaches.

Install Sucuri Security Plugin

There are many free and paid WordPress backup plugins that we can use but Sucuri is the best plugin for WordPress. This plugin offers many features such as including activity auditing, file integrity monitoring, remote malware scanning, and blocklist monitoring to identify and protect your website from threats. Another alternative to this is WP Security and firewall plugin and this includes built-in tools for blocking and hotlinking.

Upgrade to a Newer WordPress Version

Most WordPress website development belongs to an older version which may result in many security issues or getting blacklisted by Google. So upgrading the WordPress version can be one of the best ways to secure WordPress website. 

Take Backup of your Files

Store the backup files offsite make sure your backup files go to Dropbox, google drive, or cloud services like Amazon but not your own server. You can also enable automatic updates for themes and plugins. To protect your WordPress file consider doing this wp-config.php file disallow file editing using wp-config.php file.

Choose your WordPress Hosting Server Wisely

The cornerstone of ensuring a highly secure WordPress environment lies in strengthening the hosting server. Your choice of hosting plan holds the key to this. A well-fortified hosting server mitigates potential security risks and safeguards your WordPress setup. Be discerning when evaluating hosting providers to ensure they prioritize robust security measures, as this crucial foundation forms the basis of a secure online presence.


Here, we’ve got some important tips to make sure your WordPress website stays safe from hackers. The thing is, the more you look after your WordPress site, the tougher it is for hackers to break in. So, always remember to spare a bit of time to go through your website, follow these security tips, and do these things now and then.

Firstly, try using something called “two-factor authentication.” It’s like an extra layer of protection that makes it much harder for bad guys to get in. Then, think about doing something called a “security scan.” This is like a check-up for your website’s safety, and it can catch any weak spots before hackers do. Talking about weak spots, avoid using weak passwords. Go for strong ones to lock your site better.

Also, keep your security up-to-date. Just like you update your apps, you need to update your website’s security too. These security updates are like shields against new hacking tricks. Following these steps can really help make sure your WordPress site is a tough nut to crack!


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  • how to secure your WordPress website from hackers
  • WordPress website

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