Wordpress Web Development

How To Secure A WordPress Website?

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

WordPress is the most popular Content Management System (CMS) for websites, powering over 28% of the top 10 million sites. The free version makes it easier to get started, but anyone who wants to build their own site or blog should invest in a premium subscription. This way they’ll be able to customize it and add more features without having to pay extra. But have you ever thought about how to secure a WordPress website? In this article, we will discuss your WordPress website security. 

Businesses rely on WordPress every day to create their sites. As your website becomes more popular, it becomes more susceptible to attacks. Cybercriminals are always on the lookout for websites that can be easily compromised, and WordPress is one of the most popular websites on the internet. In this blog post, we will teach you how to secure your WordPress website from being hacked. We will discuss that WordPress websites are vulnerable and provide you with tips on how to protect your website from them. So, if you want to keep your website safe from hackers, continue to read!


Here is the information on “How to secure your WordPress Website?”:-

1. Incomplete Security Without An SSL Certificate

Enabling SSL Certificate on a website

Let’s start with the first important point on how to secure your WordPress website. There are a few reasons why a WordPress site would need an SSL certificate. The first is to provide an added layer of security for your site. SSL encrypts data between your browser and the WordPress site, so even if someone were to intercept the data while it is in transit, they would not be able to read it. This is an added layer of protection against hackers who may be targeting your WordPress site.

Another reason to get an SSL certificate is to improve your SEO. By adding an SSL certificate to your WordPress site, you will make it more difficult for hackers to find and exploit any vulnerabilities on your site. This will improve the ranking of your WordPress site in search engines, making it more likely that people will find you when they are looking for information on WordPress sites. Finally, an SSL certificate can help to protect your website from distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks.

2. Protect Against SQL Injections

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) that is used by millions of website owners around the world. As a result, it is vulnerable to SQL injections, which is a type of attack where malicious code is inserted into the database of a website. One way that WordPress can protect against SQL injections is by using the security features of the WordPress administration area. These features include the ability to password-protect tables, create user accounts with limited privileges, and create custom roles that can be assigned to specific users.

Additionally, WordPress can use the built-in security features of the database to filter out malicious requests. Also, to protect yourself against SQL injections, make sure to use a secure password, keep your WordPress installation up-to-date, and avoid using poorly written code that could be vulnerable to SQL injections. Use a web security plugin like W3 Total Security to monitor your site for attacks and protect it from harmful content.

3. Get A Web Application Firewall

How a web application firewall secures a website

A web application firewall (WAF) is a security appliance that protects websites from malicious attacks. Specifically, a WAF protects WordPress websites against attacks that exploit vulnerabilities in the WordPress core or plugins. It can also protect websites against brute force attacks, cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, and injection attacks. A web application firewall can help to protect your website by blocking malicious requests from reaching your server. This can prevent attackers from gaining access to your website or data, or even deleting your website altogether.

Additionally, a WAF can monitor traffic and protect your website against attacks that originate from outside of your network. By doing this, you can rest assured that your website is protected from malicious actors. It can be purchased as a standalone product or as part of a security suite. When purchasing a standalone WAF, be sure to choose one that is compatible with WordPress.

4. Limit Login Attempts To Secure The WordPress Login Page

Limit Login Attempts To Secure The WordPress Login Page

An very important point on how to secure a WordPress site. By limiting login attempts to secure the WordPress login page, you are making it more difficult for attackers to gain access to your site. This will help to protect your site from unauthorized access and attacks, as well as safeguard the security and integrity of your site. Additionally, it will help to prevent users from being confused or frustrated when trying to log in.

If you are using a WordPress security plugin, then you should also be limiting login attempts to prevent brute-force attacks. In order to do this, you will need to edit your plugin’s settings. There are many different WordPress security plugins available, so it is important to find one that meets your specific needs. Additionally, you should also restrict access to admin pages and posts by IP address. By doing this, you can further protect your site from unauthorized access. Finally, make sure to keep your site updated and installed with the latest security patches.

5. Hardening Database Security

Hardening Database Security

WordPress is a highly popular CMS Website Development that is used by millions of websites around the world. It is open-source software that is free to use, and as a result, it is susceptible to attacks. By Hardening Database Security, you can protect your WordPress website against various types of attacks, including SQL injection, XSS, and others.

SQL injection is an attack that involves manipulating the SQL (Structured Query Language) of a database to execute malicious code. XSS is an injection attack that exploits a vulnerability in a website’s code that allows an attacker to inject malicious code into online forms. By Hardening Database Security, you can protect your WordPress website against these types of attacks. Additionally, you can protect your WordPress website against other forms of cybercrime, such as phishing and spam. Hardening Database Security also helps to prevent data theft and loss.

6. Always Use Secure Connections

Keeping your WordPress website secure is essential for the safety of your users and the data that is housed on your site. By using secure connections, you can encrypt your traffic and ensure that only authorized users can access your site. This protects your site from unauthorized access, identity theft, and other online threats. Another benefit of using secure connections is that your site will load faster. When your site is loading slowly, it can negatively impact user experience and cause them to abandon your site.

By using secure connections, you can help to ensure that your WordPress site runs smoothly and that users have a positive experience when visiting. Last but not least, using secure connections will help to protect your site from being hacked. Hackers are constantly looking for ways to gain access to your site and steal data, so using secure connections will help to prevent this from happening.

7. Use Security Plugins Like itheme Security or Sucuri

ecurity Plugins Like itheme Security

One of the best ways to keep your WordPress website secure is to use security plugins. These plugins scan your website for vulnerabilities and then provide you with a list of fixes that you can apply to keep your site safe. Additionally, they can block malicious actors from accessing your website, so you can be sure that your data is kept safe.

By using security plugins, you are also reducing the risk of your website being hacked. Hackers love to target unprotected websites, and by using security plugins, you are making it more difficult for them to do so. In addition, using security plugins will help you to adhere to industry best practices, which will give you a competitive edge and increase the likelihood of your site being hired for a project. Ultimately, using security plugins like itheme security or Sucuri will help you to keep your WordPress website safe, compliant with industry best practices, and hack-proof.

8. Secure The wp-config.php File

Secure The wp-config.php File

By securing the wp-config.php file, you can ensure that your website is protected against attack and unauthorized access. The wp-config.php file is a critical part of your WordPress website, and it contains various settings that affect the overall performance of your website. By securing this file, you can protect your database credentials, security settings, and other important information. In addition, you can also prevent unauthorized users from changing these settings.

To secure the wp-config.php file, you can use a Secure File Storage plugin like WPForms or encrypt your wp-config.php with a password. Make sure to keep this file up to date and ensure that it is locked down when not in use. Additionally, make sure to regularly back up your website to ensure that you have a copy of your data in case something goes wrong.

9. Disable Access To Your Theme and Plugin Editor

Disable Access To Your Theme and Plugin Editor

WordPress websites are often targets of hackers, and disabling access to your theme and plugin editor is one way to keep your website safe. By restricting access to these areas, you make it harder for hackers to exploit vulnerabilities in your theme or plugins. Additionally, if you do experience a security issue, you will be less likely to be able to fix it if you are not able to access your plugin and theme editor.

By default, most WordPress websites allow access to these areas. If you want to keep your website safe, it is important to change this setting. To do this, go to the ‘Settings tab on your WordPress website, and then under ‘Security’ click on ‘Theme & Plugin Editor’. From here, you can select the ‘Disable’ button next to each area of access. This will make it harder for hackers to exploit vulnerabilities on your website.

10. Execute Two-Factor Authentication

Two-Factor Authentication

Last but not least an important point on How to secure WordPress website is Two-factor au. Two-factor authentication is a security measure that helps to protect your WordPress website against unauthorized access. By requiring users to enter two pieces of information – a password and a one-time passcode sent to a mobile phone via SMS – in order to access your website, you are ensuring that only those who are authorized to do so have access. Two-factor authentication is one of the most effective ways of protecting your WordPress website against unauthorized access. Not only does it increase the security of your site, but it also helps to keep your user’s identities confidential.

If someone is able to steal your username and password, then also they will not be able to access your site. Additionally, two-factor authentication helps to prevent data theft. If you have user data that is entrusted to somebody else, two-factor authentication can help to ensure that this data is not stolen. By requiring users to enter two pieces of information, you are ensuring that they are the only people who have access to this information.


These were some of the important security majors if your question was how to secure my WordPress website. WordPress is one of the most popular Content Management Systems (CMS) on the internet, and it’s no wonder why! It’s free to use, easy to customize, and can be used by anyone, regardless of technical expertise. That being said, it’s important to take the necessary steps to secure your WordPress website, in order to keep your data and site safe from prying eyes. By following the tips and strategies outlined in this article, you can easily safeguard your WordPress website from cyber-attacks. By implementing a few simple security measures, you can make your website more resistant to malicious activity and ensure that your users are safe while browsing it. 

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