ecommerce web development

My Cart Abandonment Rate Is High Can You Suggest on How to Reduce Cart Abandonment Rate

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

Are you thinking about how to reduce cart abandonment?

Shopping cart abandonment is one of the most common issues that online
merchants confront. Millions of dollars are lost each year because clients do
not complete the checkout procedure. Cart abandonment has a number of
negative consequences for eCommerce businesses, including skewed
statistics, lower conversion rates, higher client acquisition expenses, and so

There are, in fact, a lot of eCommerce development company in India that will create the best websites for your e-commerce business. Based on a range of studies the average cart abandonment rate is almost 69.57%. One of the biggest reasons for cart abandonment is hidden costs at the end of the checkout.

So first let’s check out What is Shopping Cart Abandonment? and we will know more about how to reduce Cart Abandonment.

What is Shopping Cart Abandonment?

Do you know what is shopping cart abandonment? If no, then do check it out. When customers add things to their online shopping cart but leave before
paying, this is known as shopping cart abandonment. And even if you don’t
believe it’s a problem for your eCommerce store, you could be astonished
at how much money you’re losing.

Because 67.91 percent of all shopping carts are abandoned, this is the case.
This means that nearly two-thirds of customers who add items to their
shopping carts will abandon them without using their credit cards. That’s a
lot of revenue and chances squandered.

The good news is that you have the power to put an end to it.
Are you ready to discover how to reduce the shopping cart abandonment rate? Let’s get this started.

Tips on How to Reduce Cart Abandonment Rates:

You’re definitely familiar with the conventional suggestions and tactics if
you’ve spent any time investigating how to prevent shopping cart
abandonment. It’s no longer a secret that abandonment rates are extremely

Tip#1: Use Exit-Intent Popups to Reduce Cart Abandonment

Creating a popup that employs Exit-Intent technology is one of the most
effective ways to reduce shopping cart abandonment. When a person is
actively exiting your checkout page, an exit-intent popup will display your
campaign. This implies you can capture your user’s attention just as they’re
about to abandon their shopping carts.

You may encourage hesitant customers to complete their purchase by
interacting with them at this important point in their customer journey.
This is a particularly effective tactic for online retail companies that cater to
those who enjoy ”window shopping”  An exit-intent popup has the
potential to turn casual browsers into long-term consumers.

Tip#2: Provide a Choice of Delivery Options

When customers are contemplating whether or not to buy, shipping delays
and prices can make a major difference. One cause for abandonment is that
many websites wait until the customer reaches the checkout page before
displaying actual shipping charges.

This means that some customers may want to add products to determine
the true cost or intend to buy before being put off by greater delivery
prices. It’s also crucial to have options. Some clients choose free or low-cost
delivery, while others prefer convenience and quickness. As a result,
websites should aim to offer a variety of delivery choices to accommodate
varied customer preferences.

Tip#3: Solid Refund and Return Policy

This is one of the important tips to reduce cart abandonment. Customers do not have the opportunity of trying on items or examine them in person; therefore, return procedures are critical in eCommerce. If you have a strong return policy, customers will feel more comfortable while purchasing anything from your store.

To inform shoppers and maybe convince them to buy, include a clear link
to the return policy early in the checkout process.

Tip#4: Provide Chat or Phone Help 24/7

It’s possible that all that stands between the buyer and the purchase is a
simple query. You remove a barrier to sales by making it simple for
customers to get their questions answered via chat.

Making use of chatbots is also a clever idea for instant support. Using a
messenger bot, such as Facebook, can significantly increase sales. Users
are willing to use messengers for customer service in 71% of cases. When it
comes to raising shopping cart abandonment rates, having one tends to be
a terrific opportunity in hand for eCommerce platforms.

Tip#5: Reduce the Average Checkout Steps

The checkout procedure can be time-consuming and exhausting at times. Try to reduce the entire checkout process so shoppers can clearly see what they are purchasing.

The more you try to gain information from the customer, the more
frustrated they become and the less interested they become. Otherwise,
you risk losing 21% of your potential clients by making the checkout
process too long. Try to include the guest checkout if possible.

In the checkout, pages try to add apps like Norton.McAfee and other payment security systems provide trust seals and security badges that allow customers to shop with confidence.

So, if you’re wondering how many stages an ideal checkout process should
have, the answer is as few as possible. You can also keep the Guest Checkout Option on your website. Only require the most basic information, such as a person’s name, email, and delivery address, and payment method, and never make them fill out the same information repeatedly.

Include a Progress Indicator on the checkout page so that you know where you have reached on the checkout journey. A Progress Bar can also serve as a visual reinforcement for shoppers to continue with their purchases.

Tip#6: Simplify Navigation

Simplifying navigation can help you to in making less cart abandonment. The more clicks you make someone go through, the more likely they are to abandon their shopping cart before making a purchase. The 25% of people who abandon carts due to overly complicated navigation demonstrate this. Get the number of clicks until checkout as close to three as possible to keep more of those customers: Select a product –>Add to shopping cart–>Select “Checkout”  from the drop-down menu.

Keep your site’s navigation basic and obvious by providing easily identifiable categories and organizing products in a way that makes selection easy: quick previews and “Add to Cart” rather than requiring customers to navigate long product pages.

Tip#7: Offer Multiple Payment Options

Offering multiple payments can also be important tips on how to reduce cart abandonment. If you simply offer one or a few payment options, you’re creating unneeded
barriers between your prospects and your sales. Although credit card
payment options are obvious, consumers now have more options than ever
before for paying for things online. PayPal is still going strong (somehow), but mobile payment systems like Apple Pay and Google Wallet are gaining traction, especially among younger generations.

Offering multiple payment alternatives reduces – or removes – another possible cause for a customer to exit their cart and go elsewhere. Sure, the more payment options you provide, the more work you’ll have as a business owner (and the higher your merchant services costs will be), but you’re giving your customers what they want, and that’s what matters.

And don’t forget to add the coupon code or Discount Codes on the checkout page which will also help to reduce the cart abandonment rate.

Tips#8: Include CTAs

Many websites do not feature any sort of call to action on their checkout pages. The “logic” behind this appears to be based on the notion that once a consumer has put anything in their cart, they no longer require any additional incentives to purchase it- a fatal mistake in the marketer’s worldview.

On the other hand, checkout pages are ideal for strong, clear calls to action that bolster the prospect’s commitment to finish their purchase.

While it’s critical to include powerful CTAs on your checkout pages, it’s also critical to make sure that the messaging of these CTAs matches that of others throughout your site and marketing materials.

Always keep in mind that you want to give a consistent, smooth experience from discovery to purchase. Visitors may be confused if you abruptly change the tone of your CTAs on your checkout pages, even if they don’t understand why. It’s also crucial that your CTAs are as clear as feasible.

Start Optimising your eCommerce Store

These were some of the important tips for your question related to How to reduce cart abandonment. While each consumer category is unique, many shoppers have some purchasing behaviors and preferences. One thing is certain: shoppers who have a difficult and time-consuming checkout experience are more inclined to abandon their purchase.

An eCommerce development company in India assists many businesses to flourish with their tactics in creating the best eCommerce experiences.

Contact Us today to get your best eCommerce website that helps you in taking your business to the next level. We have experience of more than 16 years and a highly experienced team of developers ready to help you at any time.


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