Web Design, Website Design

How to Design Your Hotel Website To Get More Sales

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

In today’s digital age, a hotel’s website is much more than a simple digital address. It’s the first point of interaction for potential customers, a virtual reception desk that operates round-the-clock, and an impactful sales tool that can either make or break your business. A well-designed website can captivate prospective guests, showcasing your hotel’s amenities and services, and compel them to book their stay directly. However, the design process is not just about aesthetic appeal; it’s a strategic blend of user experience, search engine optimization(SEO), and sales psychology. This guide will delve into how to design hotel website to optimize for more sales.

How to Design Your Hotel Website To Get More Sales

How to Design Hotel Website to get more sales

Following are the effective ways to design hotel website in order to generate more sales:

1. Optimize Website Appearance And Elements

Optimize Hotel Websites For Different Devices.

The look and feel of your hotel website can play a significant role in converting visitors into customers. It’s like the front porch of a house – if it’s inviting and well-maintained, people will want to enter.

Choosing the Right Color Scheme

One crucial element is the color scheme. The colors used should reflect the atmosphere of your hotel. If your hotel has a cozy and relaxing vibe, consider warm and soothing colors like beige, cream, or light blue. For a luxury hotel, rich, deep colors like burgundy or navy blue may be more appropriate.

Showcasing Stunning Images

Another vital aspect is high-quality images. Photos can make a strong impression, so use clear, professionally-shot images that show off your hotel’s best features. For example, if your hotel is near a beach, include pictures of the beautiful sunset views from the rooms, or if there’s a luxurious spa, show pictures of the serene ambiance. This helps visitors to imagine themselves enjoying these experiences, creating a longing to be part of it.

Creating an Intuitive Navigation

Your website should also be easy to navigate. Just like how hotel guests appreciate clear directions to their rooms, website visitors should find it easy to find the information they need. The booking process should be simple and intuitive. If it’s complicated or confusing, people might get frustrated and give up halfway. For instance, websites with a clearly visible “Book Now” button typically see more direct bookings.

Mobile-Friendly Design

Finally, make sure your website is mobile-friendly. Today, many people use their phones to do almost everything, including booking hotels. If your website looks great on a computer but not on a mobile device, you might be losing a significant number of potential customers.

Remember, designing your hotel’s website is like setting up the perfect stage for a performance. The color scheme sets the mood, the images tell a story, the ease of navigation keeps the audience engaged, and mobile optimization ensures that performance can be accessed from anywhere. The better the design, the more compelling the performance, leading to more ticket (or in this case, room) sales.

2. Mobile Responsiveness


A hotel website looking good on mobile too, states the website is mobile responsive.

A very important point on how to design a hotel website. In today’s world, nearly everyone has a smartphone that they use to do almost everything, from ordering pizza to booking a hotel room. So, imagine if your favorite pizza place didn’t have a mobile-friendly website. You might give up and choose somewhere else, right? The same goes for your hotel website. If it’s not easy to use on a mobile device, potential customers might decide to book elsewhere.

What is Mobile Responsiveness?

This is where mobile responsiveness comes in. It’s like having a website that can shape-shift. Whether someone is looking at it on a big computer screen, a small laptop, a tablet, or a smartphone, it automatically adjusts to fit the screen perfectly. It’s just as easy to read and navigate, no matter what device it’s viewed on.

The Power of Mobile Responsiveness:

Let’s take an example. Picture two hotels – Hotel A and Hotel B. Both are equally good in terms of services and amenities. Hotel A has a website that looks great on a computer, but on a smartphone, everything is tiny, and you have to pinch and zoom to read anything. On the other hand, Hotel B’s website looks just as good on a smartphone as it does on a computer. It’s easy to read, the pictures look great, and booking a room takes just a few taps. As a customer, which hotel would you prefer to book? Most likely, Hotel B, because the experience was effortless and enjoyable.

Mobile app development has become a crucial aspect of providing a superior user experience, and this extends to the responsiveness of your website on mobile devices. It’s not just about aesthetics; it’s about making your website feel good to use, regardless of the device your potential customers are using. For instance, if your hotel’s app or website is optimally responsive on mobile devices, potential customers are more likely to choose your establishment over others. This means that effective mobile app development not only enhances the customer experience but can also lead to more bookings and increased sales for your hotel.

3. Integrate A Booking Engine


Integrating a Booking engine on a hotel website.

Imagine you’re watching a movie, totally hooked by the plot. Suddenly, in the most exciting part, the movie stops. You’ve to go to a different website, buy a ticket, then come back to finish watching it. Frustrating, right? The same can happen on a hotel website if it doesn’t have a booking engine.

What is a Booking Engine?

A booking engine is a tool that lets people book rooms directly from your hotel’s website. It’s like having a little shop inside your website where customers can check the availability of rooms, see the prices, and make a booking, all without leaving your site.

The Role of a Booking Engine:

For example, let’s say your website is like a digital hotel tour guide, showing customers around and telling them about all the great features of your hotel. They see the beautiful rooms, the fancy restaurant, and the relaxing spa, and they decide they want to stay. A booking engine is like the front desk at the end of the tour where they can immediately book a room. It’s the final step in the tour, the point where they go from being just visitors to becoming guests.

The Benefits of a Booking Engine:

Without a booking engine, your potential guests might have to leave your website to book a room elsewhere, like on a third-party booking site. That’s like taking them on the tour and then sending them to a different hotel to check-in. Plus, these third-party sites often charge extra fees, which could mean your hotel gets less money for each booking.

By integrating a booking engine into your hotel’s website, you can offer a seamless and enjoyable booking experience. It makes the process easy and convenient, increasing the chances that a website visitor will end up booking a room. This can lead to more direct bookings and more sales, which is great news for your hotel.

4. Optimize Page Loading Speed


Think about the last time you were waiting in a long line at a store. You probably felt frustrated, maybe even bored, and might’ve considered leaving without buying anything. Now, imagine if your website was like that store, but instead of standing in a line, visitors are waiting for pages to load. The longer they wait, the more likely they are to leave.

Understanding Page Loading Speed:

Page loading speed is the time it takes for all the elements of a web page – like text, images, and links – to fully load. In an age where everything happens at lightning speed, people expect websites to load quickly. If it takes too long, they might feel impatient and decide to leave. This could mean lost potential bookings for your hotel.

The Impact of Page Loading Speed:

Take, for instance, two competing hotels, Hotel Fast and Hotel Slow. Both have fantastic services and are beautifully presented on their websites. But, when you visit Hotel Slow’s website, it takes so long to load that you can’t even see the pictures before you get frustrated and leave. On the other hand, Hotel Fast’s website loads instantly, allowing you to explore their rooms and facilities, making you more inclined to book a room there.

The Significance of Optimizing Page Loading Speed:

This is why optimizing your website’s loading speed is so important. It’s about creating a smooth and enjoyable online experience for your visitors. They shouldn’t have to wait around to see what your hotel has to offer; it should be right there at their fingertips, just a quick click away.

By ensuring your website loads quickly, you not only keep potential guests on your website longer, but you also increase the chance they’ll book a room. It’s like clearing the path for them to get to the booking desk, making their journey to becoming your guests as simple and straightforward as possible. This can lead to more bookings and, ultimately, more sales for your hotel.

5. Showcase Customer Reviews


Acustomer's review on the hotel website showing social proof.

In the ways to design a hotel website, this point places a very important part. Let’s say you’re choosing between two new video games to buy. Both look interesting, but one game has lots of positive reviews from other players. They talk about how fun it is, how cool the graphics are, and how they can’t stop playing. The other game doesn’t have any reviews. Which one are you more likely to buy? Probably the one with great reviews, right? This idea applies to your hotel website as well.

The Influence of Customer Reviews:

Customer reviews are comments from people who’ve stayed at your hotel and want to share their experiences. When visitors to your website see these reviews, it can make a big difference. Reviews are like friends giving advice – they’re trusted because they’re from real people who’ve been in the same situation.

The Power of Real Experiences:

For instance, imagine your hotel has a gorgeous rooftop pool. You can describe it on your website, but when potential guests read a review from a previous guest who talks about their incredible sunset swim in that rooftop pool, it feels more real. They can imagine themselves having the same fantastic experience, and that might make them want to book a room.

Building Trust and Confidence:

Moreover, showing customer reviews also shows that you’re confident in the quality of your service. It’s like saying, “Don’t just take our word for it, listen to what our guests have to say!” This builds trust, and trust can turn website visitors into hotel guests.

The Value of Transparency:

But remember, it’s not just about the good reviews. If a guest had a problem but your hotel fixed it, showcasing that can show you care about your guests and their satisfaction. Like in life, it’s not about never making mistakes, but how you handle them when they happen.

By showcasing customer online reviews on your hotel website, you can make your visitors feel more confident in their decision to book a room. And the more confident they are, the more likely they are to go ahead and make a booking, which means more sales for your hotel.

6. Use High-Quality Photos and Videos


Imagine you’re flipping through a travel magazine, and two ads for hotels catch your eye. One ad has blurry photos that barely show what the rooms look like, while the other ad features clear, vibrant pictures that make you feel as though you’re standing in the hotel itself. Which hotel are you more likely to remember and want to visit? Most likely, it’s the one with high-quality photos.

The Impact of High-Quality Visuals:

High-quality photos and videos are like the window displays of your hotel’s website. They provide a glimpse into what staying at your hotel would feel like. When potential guests see bright, clear photos of your comfortable rooms, your delicious-looking restaurant food, or your inviting swimming pool, they can start to picture themselves enjoying those experiences. This can stir a desire to experience it for real, making them more likely to book a stay.

Creating an Emotion:

For example, think about a hotel located in the mountains. Now, there could be a simple text description saying, “We’re located in the heart of the mountains,” which sounds nice. But, suppose instead, there’s a high-definition photo showing the hotel at sunrise, with golden light spilling over the surrounding majestic peaks. It’s more than just nice; it’s breathtaking and makes potential guests long to wake up to that view.

The Power of Videos:

Videos can also play a significant role. A well-made video can take potential guests on a virtual tour of your hotel, making them feel like they’re already there. They can see the crisp, white sheets on the beds, the welcoming lobby, and the friendly staff. Videos also give you a chance to show off any unique features of your hotel, like a bustling on-site restaurant or a serene spa area.

By using high-quality photos and videos, you can create a vivid, enticing image of your hotel in the minds of potential guests. This can make them more likely to want to experience it for themselves, leading to more bookings and, in turn, more sales for your hotel.

7. Create A Blog


A blog on a hotel website.

Imagine going to a bookstore. You see a shelf full of travel books. Some books are just full of lists – best hotels, best restaurants, etc. They’re useful, but maybe a bit boring. But then you see another book. This one has stories about amazing adventures, delicious food, and fascinating local customs. This book not only tells you where to go, but it also tells you why you should go there. Which book would you choose? The one with the stories, right? That’s exactly what a blog on your hotel website can do.

The Role of a Blog:

A blog is a part of your website where you can post articles, stories, and information. For a hotel website, a blog can cover a range of topics, like the exciting events happening nearby, the history of your hotel, or the special dishes at your hotel restaurant. It’s a place where you can share not just what your hotel offers, but also why it matters.

The Power of Stories:

For example, imagine your hotel has a blog post about a famous local festival. The blog post details the excitement of the parade, the unique foods, and how your hotel offers a special package for festival-goers. This can make potential guests feel a connection with the local culture and how your hotel is a part of it. They aren’t just booking a hotel room; they’re buying an experience.

Useful Information:

Blogs can also answer common questions or share travel tips. A blog post about “Top 10 things to pack for a beach holiday” can help guests prepare for their stay at your beachside hotel. This kind of helpful content shows that you care about your guests’ experience, not just at your hotel, but throughout their whole trip.

Having a blog on your hotel website is like adding a friendly guidebook to your site. It can give potential guests a sense of what to expect, draw them in with exciting stories, and provide useful information. This creates a bond with your guests even before they book a room, making them more likely to do so. In this way, a blog can help increase sales for your hotel.

8. Highlight Promos and Special Offers


A hotel website highlighting it's 35% off offer.

Think about the last time you saw a “SALE” sign in a shop window. You might not have planned on shopping, but the sign piqued your curiosity and drew you in. The chance to get a good deal can be very enticing. This same principle applies to your hotel website when you highlight promos and special offers.

The Power of Promos and Special Offers:

Promos and special offers are like little gifts or bonuses. They’re deals that make your hotel’s offerings even more appealing. This might be a discount for staying multiple nights, a free meal at the hotel restaurant, or a special package for special occasions like anniversaries or birthdays.

Creating Irresistible Experiences:

Let’s take a real-world example. Imagine a couple planning a romantic weekend getaway. They’re looking at different hotels, and then they spot your hotel’s special offer: a weekend package that includes a candlelit dinner and a complimentary spa session. This makes them feel like they’re not just booking a room, but an entire romantic experience. It’s like your hotel has read their minds and is offering exactly what they’re looking for.

Seasonal Promotions:

Another great idea is seasonal promotions. For instance, during summer vacations, a “Kids Stay Free” deal could attract families. They can see their children’s happy faces as they tell them about the holiday, and the parents are also happy because they’re saving money. It’s a win-win.

Highlighting these special offers on your website, an integral part of effective website development, can spark excitement and anticipation for potential guests. It shows them the unique experiences they can have at your hotel, often at a better value. The prospect of getting more for their money can make visitors more likely to book a room. This way, the “SALE” sign on your website doesn’t just draw visitors in, but it can also turn them into guests, resulting in more sales for your hotel.

9. Ensure Website Security

Let’s say you’re buying a lock for your bicycle. You find two locks: one is sturdy and has a combination code, and the other one looks flimsy and doesn’t have any code. Which one do you buy? Naturally, you’d pick the first one because it seems safer and more secure. Similarly to this, when people book a hotel room online, they want to know their information is safe. That’s why website security is so crucial for your hotel’s website.

Ensuring Data Security:

When someone books a room at your hotel, they share important information with you, like their name, address, and credit card details. This is pretty sensitive stuff, and just like how they’d want a sturdy lock for their bicycle, they want to know this information is locked up safely.

The Role of SSL Certificates:

You can ensure this safety by using secure systems for your website. One way is by having an SSL certificate – this is like a digital certificate that tells your guests, “Hey, your data is safe here!” You’ve probably seen this as a small padlock icon or the ‘https’ in your web browser’s address bar when you visit secure sites.

Building Trust and Reassurance:

But, securing your website isn’t just about protecting data. It also helps your guests feel more at ease. Imagine a guest is about to enter their credit card details to book a room, and they see that reassuring padlock icon in the address bar. They breathe a sigh of relief, feeling like their information is safe with your hotel.

Just like you trust a sturdy bicycle lock to protect your bike, your guests need to trust your hotel to protect their information. By ensuring your website is secure, you not only protect your guests’ data, but you also earn their trust. And when guests trust you, they’re more likely to book with you, helping you get more sales.

10. Utilize CRM and Sales Process


Imagine you run a lemonade stand. On a hot day, lots of people come to buy your lemonade. One of your customers, Mrs. Smith, loves your cherry-flavored lemonade. Now, the next time Mrs. Smith comes by, you remember her preference and offer her the cherry lemonade. She feels special and appreciated, and you’ve just made a regular customer. In the hotel industry, this idea is taken to the next level with tools like Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems and well-designed sales processes.

CRM Systems: Personalization and Guest Recognition:

A CRM system is like a super-smart notebook that helps you remember things about your customers. It keeps track of who your customers are, what rooms they prefer, when they usually stay, and much more. With this information, you can tailor your service to match their preferences, making them feel special, just like Mrs. Smith at your lemonade stand.

Utilizing CRM data, Personalized Service:

For example, if your CRM system tells you that a certain guest always books a room with a sea view around the same time each year, you could send them a personalized email when it’s that time again, offering them their favorite room. This kind of personal touch can make guests feel valued and more likely to book a stay.

Effective Sales Processes:

Now, imagine that lemonade stands again. Suppose you’ve noticed that people often buy cookies after they get their lemonade. So, whenever someone orders lemonade, you ask if they’d like a cookie too. That’s essentially what a sales process is – it’s about understanding the best ways to offer your services to your customers.

Implementing Sales Processes in the Hotel Industry:

For a hotel, a good sales process could be suggesting additional services at the right time. If a guest is booking a room for a special occasion, the system could suggest adding a bouquet of flowers or a bottle of champagne. This not only makes the guest’s stay more special but also increases your sales.

So, utilizing CRM and a good sales process on your hotel website is like remembering Mrs. Smith’s favorite lemonade and knowing when to offer cookies. It helps you provide personalized service and make appropriate suggestions, which can lead to more satisfied guests and increased sales.

11. Encourage Direct Bookings


A direct booking process on a hotel website.

Imagine going to the park to fly a kite. You could either fly the kite directly or hand it over to a friend who then flies it for you. If you choose to fly it yourself, you have full control over where the kite goes and how high it flies. Similarly, when guests book directly on your hotel website, both you and your guests have more control and flexibility over the booking process, which can lead to more sales for your hotel.

Guest Empowerment:

When a guest book directly, they can see all the options and offers available on your hotel website. For example, if you have a special package for honeymooners, they wouldn’t have to miss out because it wasn’t listed on a third-party booking site. This is similar to flying the kite yourself – you can choose the best direction and height for the kite, just like guests can choose the best options for their stay when they book directly.

Profit Maximization:

For your hotel, direct bookings mean you don’t have to share a portion of your earnings with third-party booking sites. It’s like keeping all the string of the kite in your hands instead of giving some of it to a friend. This can lead to increased profits for your hotel.

Special Incentives:

To encourage direct bookings, you can offer special incentives that are only available on your website, like a complimentary breakfast or a late check-out. These perks can make your guests feel like they’re getting a bonus, and everyone loves a bonus!

Picture your guest’s delight when they get a free breakfast just because they booked directly. That delight can make them more likely to book with you again in the future.

So, encouraging direct bookings on your hotel website is like choosing to fly the kite yourself. It gives your guests more choices and more control, making your guests stay more enjoyable and your hotel more profitable.

12. Utilize Social Media Platforms


Imagine you’re at school and your best friend tells you about this cool new game everyone’s playing. You trust your friend, so you decide to try the game yourself. This is how social media can help your hotel website gain more sales. It’s about using the power of word-of-mouth and online influence, just like your best friend at school who convinced you to try that new game.

Building an Online Presence:

Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter are like online gathering spots where people share what they love. Your hotel can join the conversation rate too, by having its own social media pages. Here, you can share pictures of your beautiful rooms, post about the exciting events happening at your hotel, and even share pictures that happy guests have taken during their stay.

Leveraging User-Generated Content:

Let’s say one of your guests had a fantastic stay at your hotel and posted a photo of their room on Instagram, tagging your hotel. Now, all of their friends can see their posts and might think, “Wow, that looks like a great place to stay. I’ll check it out!” This is like your best friend telling you about a new game – because you trust your friend, you want to try it out.

Engaging with Guests:

But social media isn’t just about showing off your hotel. It’s also about engaging with your guests and potential guests. You can answer their questions, respond to their comments, and even thank them for sharing their experiences. This interaction helps your guests feel valued and heard, just like you would feel if your best friend listened to your ideas about the new game.

Remember, people are more likely to try out something new if it’s recommended by someone they trust. By having a strong presence on social media, your hotel can become that trusted friend, leading to more people checking out your website and eventually, more sales. So, using social media platforms is like spreading the word about a cool new game – the more people know about it, the more will want to try it out!

13. Offer Packages and Deals


Offer Packages and Deals

Imagine you’re at a carnival. There’s a stand selling your favorite treat, cotton candy. You could buy just a bag of cotton candy, or you could get a deal that includes a bag of cotton candy, popcorn, and a soda for just a little bit more. This deal sounds exciting and offers good value for your money, so you go for it. This is the same idea when offering packages and deals on your hotel website.

The Concept of Packages and Deals:

A package or a deal is like a special combo at a restaurant or a carnival. Instead of just getting a room, your guests can get something extra that makes their stay more enjoyable. This could be a romantic package for couples that includes a special dinner, or a family package that includes tickets to a local attraction.

Offering Experiences, Not Just Accommodations:

Let’s take the family package as an example. A family planning their vacation sees this package on your hotel website. They realize that not only will they have a comfortable place to stay, but they also have an exciting day planned at the local attraction. This package offers more than just a room; it offers an experience, like the cotton candy deal at the carnival that offers more than just a treat.

Driving Longer Stays:

From the hotel’s perspective, these packages or deals can also encourage longer stays. For example, a weekend package might offer a discount for booking two nights instead of just one. This is similar to how the cotton candy deal makes you spend a little more at the carnival stand than you planned to.

In essence, offering packages and deals is like offering a combo at a carnival or a restaurant. It provides extra value and an enhanced guest experience for your guests, which can attract more bookings and longer stays. So, next time you’re thinking about ways to increase sales on your hotel website, think about that cotton candy deal at the carnival and consider offering your own special deals or packages.

14. Utilize Analytics

Imagine you’re playing a video game. To win, you need to know how well you’re doing, right? You check your score and see which moves are working and which ones aren’t. This helps you play better and ultimately, win the game. Using analytics on your hotel website works the same way. It’s like checking your score in the game to make the right moves and win more bookings.

Understanding Visitor Behavior:

Analytics can show you lots of useful information about your website. For example, it can tell you how many people are visiting your site, which pages they’re spending the most time on, and even where they are coming from, like from search engine rankings or a link on another website.

Applying Insights:

Think of it like this. Let’s say you have a maze game where you need to find the treasure. The analytics is like a map that shows you where the players are spending the most time. If you notice that many players are getting stuck in one corner of the maze, you might decide to put some clues there to help them out.

Tailoring the User Experience:

Similarly, if you see that a lot of people are visiting your hotel’s photo gallery page but very few are making bookings, you might decide to add a “Book Now” button right there on the gallery page. Or if you find out that many visitors are from a particular city, you could offer a special deal for visitors from that city.

Identifying Successful Strategies:

Using analytics also helps you know what’s working well so you can do more of it. For example, if you see that many bookings are made after visitors read your hotel’s blog, you might decide to post more articles there.

Using analytics on your hotel website is like having a map for a video game. It helps you see where your visitors are going, what they’re liking, and what you can do to help them book a stay. It’s about making your website work better, just like how knowing your score helps you win the game.

15. Drive Incremental Revenue With Upselling and Cross-Selling


Explaining Upselling and Cross-Selling.

Think about the last time you ordered a burger at a fast-food restaurant. The person at the counter probably asked if you’d like fries with that or if you’d want to make it a meal with a drink. This is a common practice known as upselling and cross-selling. Now, imagine using the same idea on your hotel website to increase your sales.

Elevating the Guest Experience:

Upselling is like offering an upgrade. Let’s say someone is booking a standard room on your website. Before they complete the booking, you could offer an upgrade to a deluxe room with a view for a little extra cost. It’s like offering to supersize a meal – the guest gets a better experience, and the hotel earns a bit more.

Suggesting Related Add-Ons:

Cross-selling, on the other hand, is like suggesting a related product or service. For example, if a guest is booking a room for the weekend, your website could suggest adding a spa package or a guided tour of the city to their booking. It’s like suggesting fries or a dessert to go with a burger.

The Appeal to Heart and Mind:

But how does this appeal to both the guest’s heart and mind? Think about it. The deluxe room with a view (upselling) can make their stay more memorable, and appealing to their emotions. The spa package or city tour (cross-selling) adds value and convenience to their booking, which is a logical benefit.

So, imagine your hotel website like a fast-food restaurant. But instead of burgers and fries, you’re offering memorable experiences and valuable add-ons. By doing this, you’re not just making more sales but also giving your guests a stay that they’ll truly enjoy. And just like that tasty meal, they’ll likely come back for more.

16. Attract Niche Markets

Let’s start by imagining a huge supermarket. It has all sorts of things – from food to clothes to electronics. But, what if you’re just looking for comic books? It might be tough to find them in such a large store. Now, think of a small shop that only sells comic books. You’ll likely go there since it’s exactly what you’re looking for, right?

Identifying Your Niche Market:

This is the concept of a “niche” market. In the hotel industry, a niche could be any specific group of guests you want to attract. For example, your hotel could focus on families with kids, and provide special amenities like a kids’ play area or babysitting services. Or, you could cater to business travelers by offering a business center or meeting room.

Showcasing Your Unique Offerings:

To attract your niche market, your hotel website should clearly showcase the services that appeal to them. If you’re focusing on families, your website could have photos of happy kids playing in your hotel or a page dedicated to all your family-friendly services. This appeals to their heart – it’s like showing a comic book lover a picture of a shop full of comic books.

Less Competition, More Opportunities:

From a practical point of view, targeting a niche market can also mean less competition. If your city has a dozen hotels but yours is the only one specifically catering to families, you’re likely to get more bookings from families. This appeals to the mind – it’s like being the only comic book shop in a city full of supermarkets.

Attracting niche markets on your hotel website is like setting up a shop that sells exactly what a group of people want. It can make guests feel special and appreciated, and it can also make your hotel stand out from the competition. It’s a win-win!

17. Monitor Unconstrained Demand


Alright, picture this: You’ve got a basket of the most delicious-looking apples. They’re shiny and juicy, and you just know people will love them. But how will you know how many to bring to the market tomorrow if you don’t know how many people might want them?

Defining Unconstrained Demand:

In the hotel industry, this is what we call “unconstrained demand.” It’s like trying to guess how many apples you could sell if there were no limits. For a hotel, it’s the total number of people who would book a room if there were unlimited rooms available.

Understanding Your Customers:

So, why is this important for your hotel website? Knowing your unconstrained demand helps you understand your customers better. It tells you when they like to book rooms, how long they like to stay, and what kinds of rooms they prefer. Then, you can use this information to design your website better.

Designing a Customer-Centric Website:

For instance, if you find out most people like to book rooms over the weekend, you could highlight your weekend availability on your website. It’s like having an arrow that points to the apples at your market stall saying, “Fresh and ready for the weekend!” This speaks to the heart of customers who are planning a weekend getaway.

Strategic Pricing:

On a more practical note, understanding unconstrained demand can help you manage your room rates. If you know there’s a high demand for rooms during a particular season, you could adjust your prices accordingly. This is similar to how you might price your apples higher when they’re in season and everyone wants them. This approach appeals to the mind as it is a strategic way of maximizing your sales.

Monitoring unconstrained demand is like keeping an eye on the appetite for your apples. It not only helps you understand your customers better but also allows you to adapt your website and pricing marketing strategies to meet their needs and boost your sales.

18. Dive Deeper Into Seasonality Opportunities

Let’s think about ice cream shops. Have you ever noticed how they sell way more ice cream in the summer than in the winter? That’s because ice cream sales are “seasonal” – they change with the seasons. This idea applies to the hotel industry, too, with busier times during vacation periods, holidays, or local event seasons.

Addressing Seasonal Demand:

In the world of hotels, understanding seasonality is like knowing when everyone is going to crave ice cream and ensuring you’re ready with the perfect flavors to attract them. You can use this knowledge to make your hotel website more enticing and boost sales.

Emotional Appeal:

Here’s how this works. If you notice that more families visit your hotel during the school vacation period, you can highlight family-friendly amenities and rooms on your website during that time. It’s like prominently displaying your most popular ice cream flavors during the peak season to attract people.

It makes your website more appealing because it directly addresses what your customers are looking for, the same way an ice cream lover’s eyes light up when they see their favorite flavor. That’s the emotional part – it’s about making your website resonate with what your customers want and need at a specific time.

Strategic Resource Management:

Now, let’s talk about the logical part. Understanding seasonality also means you can manage your resources more efficiently. For instance, if you know fewer business travelers visit during the holiday season, you could offer special rates to attract more of them. It’s like offering a special deal on ice cream on a cold winter day.

So, the idea of diving deeper into seasonality opportunities is really about getting to know your customers and their habits better. By adapting your hotel website to meet their seasonal needs, you can make it more appealing and increase your sales. It’s all about serving the right flavor of ice cream at the right time!

19. Control Guest Stay Patterns

Do you know how at a movie theater, sometimes they sell tickets for different showtimes? Like, you might have a 2 p.m. showing of a popular film and then another one at 7 p.m. This way, they can manage the number of people coming in and out, and everyone gets a chance to see the movie. The concept of controlling guest stay patterns in a hotel is sort of like that.

Ensuring Availability and Unique Experiences:

Guest stay patterns are all about when and how long guests stay at a hotel. By “controlling” or managing these patterns, you can help ensure that your hotel rooms are always filled, just like the movie theater wants to keep its seats full for each show.

Here’s the emotional bit: Picture yourself wanting to watch a movie, but all the tickets for your preferred time are sold out. Now, imagine you’re a guest looking for a room at a hotel but there are no available rooms for the dates you want. That’s disappointing, right?

That’s why, on your hotel website, you can encourage guests to stay during less busy times. For example, you could offer special deals or packages for longer stays, mid-week visits, or off-peak seasons. This way, your guests feel like they are getting a unique deal and a wonderful experience, like getting a front-row seat to their favorite movie.

Logical Efficiency:

Now, for the logical bit: Having control over stay patterns also means you can plan better and operate more efficiently. If you know when guests are coming and how long they are staying, you can manage your staff, services, and resources more effectively. It’s like the movie theater knowing when to get more popcorn popping.

So, controlling guest stay patterns is a smart strategy for your hotel website design. It helps keep guests happy and your hotel humming along nicely. Just like the movie theater wants to sell all its tickets for all showtimes, your hotel can aim to keep its rooms occupied and guests satisfied, ultimately leading to more sales.

20. Get Rigid With Cancellation Policies


Imagine this: You’ve saved up all year to buy a brand-new, super cool video game. You head to the store, hand over your hard-earned cash, and take it home. But, just as you’re about to start playing, your friend comes over and wants to borrow it. You’re a nice person, so you say “Sure”, but then you make it clear that you expect it back tomorrow because, after all, it’s your game and you want to play it, right?

Setting Clear Expectations and Avoiding Disappointment

This is similar to having a clear and firm cancellation policy for your hotel. When a guest books a room, they’re essentially borrowing that room for a certain period. If they decide to cancel, it can leave your hotel in a tricky position, just like you without your new video game.

So, just like you’d make it clear to your friend that you want your video game back, your hotel website needs to clearly communicate your cancellation policy. This doesn’t mean being unfair or too strict, but rather ensuring that guests understand the rules and the potential fees associated with a last-minute cancellation.

Now, from the feeling side of things, nobody likes to have to cancel a trip or a hotel booking. It’s often disappointing and can be stressful. That’s why it’s so important to be clear and upfront about your policy, so guests aren’t surprised or upset if they do have to cancel. A good tip is to ensure your policy is written in a polite and understanding way.

Protecting Your Hotel’s Income and Managing Expectations

And for the facts side of things, a clear cancellation policy can save your hotel from lost income. It’s like making sure your friend knows they need to return the video game – it helps avoid problems and makes sure everyone is on the same page.

So, by being rigid, but fair, with your cancellation policy, you can help protect your hotel’s income and manage guest expectations, which in turn can lead to more successful sales. It’s all about being clear, fair, and understanding, just like with your friend and your new video game.

21. Protect Your Brand From Brandjacking

Imagine for a second that you have a treehouse. You’ve worked hard to build it, painting it with your favorite colors and making it the coziest spot in the neighborhood. Everyone knows it as your special place. Then, one day, you find someone else has put up a treehouse nearby, painted exactly like yours, even pretending that it’s yours. You’d be pretty upset, right? That’s how it feels when someone tries to imitate or hijack your brand.

The Importance of Brand Identity

Branding for a hotel is like that treehouse. It’s what makes your hotel stand out from the rest. It’s the colors, the logo, the name, and how you treat your guests that make your hotel unique. If someone tries to copy your brand – a practice known as brandjacking – it can confuse guests and potentially harm your reputation.

Building Trust and Preserving Reputation

Just like you would want to protect your treehouse, it’s important to safeguard your brand. This involves regularly monitoring the internet for any signs of brandjacking. For example, look for websites or social media accounts that use your logo or name without permission, or ads that falsely claim to be associated with your hotel.

Feeling-wise, this can create trust with your guests. It shows them that you care about your reputation and their experience. And on the thinking side, protecting your brand can save you from losing bookings to dishonest competitors.

Plus, taking steps to protect your brand can make you feel secure, just like having a lock on your treehouse would. You’ve worked hard to build your hotel’s reputation. And it’s only right that you get to reap the rewards. Protecting your brand from brandjacking helps ensure that no one else can ride on your coattails or cause damage to your good name. It’s about maintaining what’s rightfully yours, and ensuring your guests know exactly where to find you. It’s a key part of making your hotel website as effective as possible for getting more sales.

22. Implement Room-Type Segmentation

Let’s imagine for a moment that you’re going on a vacation and looking for a hotel to stay in. You land on a hotel’s website, and they only show one type of room. You’re a little confused because your needs are specific. You want a room with a nice view or maybe a larger suite because you’re traveling with family. But you can’t see any options. You’ll likely leave the site and look for a hotel that provides more choices, right?

Importance of Room Type Segmentation:

Now, think about it from the hotel’s perspective. They have different types of rooms, but if they don’t show this on their website, they might lose potential guests like you who are looking for something specific. This is why room type segmentation is important for a hotel website.

Comfort and Control for Guests

Room type segmentation means breaking down the different types of rooms you offer and showing them on your website. It could be as simple as separating single rooms from double rooms, or it could be more detailed like having categories for suites, rooms with views, family rooms, or rooms with access to the business lounge.

For guests, it gives them a sense of comfort and control. They can find exactly what they’re looking for, and feel happy and content about their choice. For example, a family might feel relieved seeing a family suite option, knowing they won’t be cramped in a small room. On the other hand, a business traveler might feel satisfied finding a room with a quiet workspace.

Increasing Sales and Catering to Guest Preferences

On the thinking side of things, this strategy can help the hotel increase sales. By offering a variety of room types, the hotel can cater to a wider range of guests and increase the likelihood of bookings. Additionally, showcasing different room types can help the hotel sell higher-priced rooms or suites to guests looking for extra comfort or luxury.

Just like in a candy store where you’d like to see all the different kinds of candy before choosing your favorite, a well-designed hotel website should present all the room types clearly to help guests make their choice. That way, everybody wins – the guests find what they’re looking for, and the hotel increases its sales.

23. Use Spaces Efficiently

Imagine you walk into a room filled with stuff. It’s hard to move, hard to find what you’re looking for, and it’s just plain confusing. Now, imagine you walk into a room where everything has its place, it’s easy to find what you need, and it’s a breeze to move around. Which room would you prefer to be in? Most likely, the second one, right?

The Importance of Efficient Space Utilization:

The same goes for a website. If a hotel website is cluttered with information, images, and options, it becomes confusing for visitors to navigate and find what they need. This could frustrate them and they might leave without booking a room. On the other hand, a well-organized and efficiently designed website makes it easy for visitors to find information, explore different options, and make a booking. This is what we mean by using space efficiently on a hotel website.

Calmness and Control for Visitors:

Efficient use of space doesn’t mean leaving a lot of blank space. It’s about arranging content in a way that’s clear, understandable, and easy to navigate. This includes using clear menus and headers, organizing information logically, and not overloading pages with too much content. High-quality images should be balanced with informative text, and call-to-actions (like ‘Book Now’) should be placed where they’re easy to find.

For instance, when you visit a hotel website, you want to see the most important details right away. Things like the hotel’s name, a few stunning images, some key benefits of staying there, and a button to book a room should be instantly visible. The rest of the details can be organized in different sections that are easy to find on the main page.

Increasing Sales and Enhancing User Experience:

A well-organized website gives visitors a feeling of calm and control. They feel at ease because they can find what they need without any fuss. It’s like walking into a tidy room where everything is in its place.

From a logical perspective, a well-designed website helps increase sales because it reduces the chance of visitors leaving out of frustration. It makes it easy for them to find what they’re looking for and take the desired action, like making a booking. Plus, it shows that the hotel is professional and cares about its guests, which can boost trust and increase bookings.

Think of it like a tidy room versus a messy room. The tidy room is inviting, easy to use, and leaves a positive impression. The messy room, not so much. So, when designing a hotel website, always remember to tidy up and use space efficiently.

24. Apply Technology Effectively

Imagine stepping into a magical hotel where doors open automatically, lights adjust to your mood, and you can order room service with a simple voice command. How awesome would that be? That’s the power of technology. And just like it can transform the physical hotel experience, technology can also work wonders when it comes to designing your hotel website.

Harnessing the Potential of Technology:

In today’s world, technology has become an essential part of our lives. It’s not just about having a computer or smartphone anymore. It’s about using those devices to make our lives easier, more convenient, and more enjoyable. The same applies to designing your hotel website. By applying technology effectively, you can create a website that is not only visually appealing but also practical and user-friendly.

Online Booking and Payment Systems:

One way to use technology effectively is to incorporate online booking and payment systems on your website. This way, visitors can reserve rooms, pay, and even check in or check out without leaving the comfort of their homes. Consider using chatbots or virtual assistants to answer common questions, provide information, and guide visitors through the booking process.

Interactive Maps and Virtual Tours:

Interactive maps and virtual tours are another great use of technology. With these, visitors can explore your hotel, see the rooms, and get a feel for the environment even before they arrive. This could make them more excited about their stay and more likely to book.

Example: “The Tech Inn” Hotel:

For example, let’s look at the website of a hotel called “The Tech Inn.” When you visit their website, you’re greeted by a friendly chatbot that can answer your questions or guide you through the booking process. You can explore the hotel through an interactive map, see what each room looks like with a virtual tour, and even check the view from the window. When you decide to book a room, the process is smooth and secure, all thanks to the effective use of technology.

Emotional Impact:

On a personal level, a well-designed website using modern technology can make visitors feel valued, cared for, and excited about their stay. It shows that the hotel is up-to-date and cares about providing the best possible service.

Logical Advantages

From a logical standpoint, effectively applied technology can streamline the booking process, reduce manual errors, provide valuable data for improving service, and overall enhance the user experience. All of this can lead to increased sales, as satisfied visitors are more likely to book, recommend your hotel to others, and become repeat customers.

So, if you want to design your hotel website to get more sales, remember to use technology effectively. It’s like adding a touch of magic that can attract more visitors and turn them into happy guests.

25. Understand And Forecast Demand


Picture this: It’s the holiday season and everyone’s excited about their upcoming vacations. Hotels in popular tourist spots are getting booked up fast. Meanwhile, a certain hotel named “Sea View Inn” is seeing their bookings skyrocket. How did they know to prepare for such a rush? The secret lies in understanding and forecasting demand.

The Power of Understanding Demand:

Understanding and forecasting demand means being able to predict when more people will want to book rooms, and then preparing for that increase in customers. It’s like looking into a crystal ball and seeing the future, but instead of magic, it’s all about analyzing data and spotting trends.

Spotting the Trend: The Case of “Sea View Inn”:

Let’s take the example of the “Sea View Inn”. They noticed that every year, around the holidays, people love to visit their city. Families come to enjoy the festive decorations, couples want a romantic getaway, and groups of friends plan reunions. The hotel’s team saw this trend and decided to prepare for it.

Tailoring the Website for the Occasion:

They updated their website with holiday-themed pictures and promotions, showcasing the hotel’s festive decor and special holiday meals. They also offered early booking discounts to encourage customers to reserve rooms in advance. This way, visitors planning their holiday getaways could easily see that the “Sea View Inn” was the perfect place to celebrate, and they felt eager to book their stay.

Personal Connection and Anticipation:

On a personal level, customers felt that the hotel understood their needs and had everything ready for their festive vacation. It was as if the hotel had read their minds and delivered exactly what they were looking for.

Practical Resource Management:

From a practical standpoint, understanding and forecasting demand allowed the “Sea View Inn” to efficiently manage its resources. They knew when to hire extra staff, stock up on supplies, and even when raising their room prices a little due to high demand. This strategic planning not only improved their service but also increased their sales significantly.

So, if you want to increase sales through your hotel’s website, try to understand and forecast demand. Pay attention to when people are most likely to book rooms and plan your website design and offers accordingly. It’s a clever way to stay one step ahead and make your customers feel like you truly understand their needs.


In a world that’s becoming increasingly digital, having a well-designed hotel website can significantly boost your sales. There are numerous ways to accomplish this goal: highlighting special promotions, ensuring robust security, using CRM and analytics tools, and incorporating social media are just a few tactics. Encouraging direct bookings, offering exclusive packages, understanding your target audience, and using technology effectively also play a crucial role in enhancing your website’s appeal.

But it’s not just about flashy deals or hi-tech tools. The essence of a successful hotel website lies in understanding your customers – their preferences, their needs, and their expectations. And it’s about delivering a seamless, enjoyable experience that encourages them to book with you.

Remember, your website is often the first interaction a potential guest will have with your hotel. Make it count by creating a site that is secure, user-friendly, and visually appealing. Also, provide all the necessary information and make the booking process as simple as possible. And don’t forget to regularly review and update your site to keep up with changing trends and customer expectations. If done right, a well-designed website can be a powerful tool that drives more sales and contributes significantly to your hotel’s success.

Want to enhance your hotel website for maximum sales? We’ve got you covered! We offer expert website design and development services specially tailored for the hotel industry. Contact us today to ge the best website design or redesign and let’s turn your website into a revenue-boosting machine together!


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