Magento Web Development

How to Change Store Base URL?

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

Magento is an ecommerce software that is available to free download from their website. Magento is unlike other open source e commerce softwares that are free to download though. Magento is available in three different variants of which only one of them is free and that is the community edition. There are two other versions magento, ‘Magento Go’ targeted at small businesses and ‘Magento Enterprise Edition’ targeted and mid to large size businesses. Magento has grown in popularity quite quickly compared to the other ecommerce software available on the web. One of the reasons is that magento offers many good features in the basic installation itself. In addition to that there are loads of free modules that are available to enhance the website. Magento has some additional distinguishing features like product display options, mobile template, multi store and multi site, loyalty programs etc. In addition to this you can even customise the Magento store by hiring a Magento web development company like Alakmalak, who have a considerable experience in the same.

Correct Configuration

Correct Configuration
Vulnerable Configuration

Vulnerable Configuration
It is possible to change the store’s Base URL in Magento as a part of the several configuration options that are available. To do you simply need to go to the admin panel and select the menu option System Configuration. After which you need to select Web in the general tab in the left menu options. Here after expanding the tabs secure and unsecure you will notice a field called baseurl under each option. This is where you can change the Base URL of the website and the store. It is good practice to not have the base URL as {{base_url}} but have the actual URL of your store. After any changes made to this section it is a good idea to clear the cache so that the changes can take effect and be visible or applied.

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  • magento set store base url

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