Web Application

Best Practices for Developing Secure Web Applications

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

Web apps are everywhere, from social media sites to banking websites. More businesses are beginning to implement them into their daily operations. The biggest challenge facing software developers today is creating a system that protects user data without slowing down the performance or breaking other parts of the site. You’ve been developing web applications for years now, and you know that security is important.

Security issues have become a critical component of application design. The growing popularity of mobile devices has increased the number of attacks targeting these platforms. As more organizations adopt cloud computing solutions, they often overlook security concerns during project implementation. Here are some of our recommendations for building a highly secure web application. This guide outlines best practices for developing secure web applications.

Best Practices for Developing Secure Web Applications
So, let’s get started to learn about the best practices for developing secure web applications:-

1. Implement HTTPS

The website has a padlock with an "https" label on it, indicating that it is secure.

HTTPS is an app security protocol that hides the communication between your web browser and the website you are visiting. This ensures that your data is protected from snooping by third-party agents or intrusion by hackers. When HTTPS is used, all of the information exchanged between your browser and the website is encrypted which makes it difficult for anyone else to intercept or tamper with your data.

Advantages of using HTTPS include:-

– Increased App Security: With HTTPS activated, malicious agents cannot read any sensitive data that you enter into websites, thereby preventing security vulnerabilities. In addition, attackers will not be able to glean any useful info about the financial status of a company from looking at their online sales figures via plain HTTP channels.

– Authentication Plan & Authorization: By validating user credentials before allowing access to resources, browsers can ensure only authorized users have access to specific content areas on a site.

2. Fix Critical And High Vulnerabilities

Fixing critical and high application vulnerabilities can help you to develop secure web applications by automating the process of identifying, testing, and fixing critical vulnerabilities. It can also provide detailed information on high-risk vulnerabilities that may be impactful to your website or application. Additionally, it recommends how to mitigate these risks through proper configuration and security measures.

When fixing critical and high vulnerabilities, be sure to keep a few things in mind:-

– Always test your findings before implementing them into production.

– Remember that no software is completely immune to attack.

– Keep an up-to-date backup plan in place so you can restore lost data if something goes wrong.

– Use all available resources (including human expertise), when necessary, to identify security threats and correct them as quickly as possible.

3. Follow Proper Logging Practices

Web applications are one of the most important elements of a website, and as such, they need to be safeguarded against cyber attacks. The key to securing web applications is through proper logging practices. Logging lets you capture all the activity that takes place within your application in real-time so that you can identify any attempts at unauthorized access or manipulation. This information can then be used to strengthen your security measures and restore stability should there be an incident.

Logging also ensures that you have complete visibility into how your users are using your application and what interactions they are having with it. By understanding who is accessing what parts of your system, you can better manage user permissions and track down potential issues early on in their app development cycle. In addition, effective logging will help diagnose problems more quickly so that they don’t spiral out of control undetected. By implementing these simple precautions, you will make sure that your web applications remain safe and secure for years to come!

4. Using A Web Application Firewall

Web Application Firewall shields web app from attacks. Positioned between user and server, it filters traffic, blocking threats and passing legit requests.

A web application firewall (WAF) is a device or software that protects web applications from unauthorized access. It can be used to restrict the flow of traffic between your web application server and the Internet while ensuring that authorized requests are delivered. This helps to protect your website against external attacks by hackers who may attempt to exploit vulnerabilities in your system in order to gain root access to sensitive data or sabotage your business operations.

Additionally, web application firewalls can help you mitigate the risk associated with cross-site scripting, SQL injection, and other malicious activity. The most important part of using a web application firewall is properly configuring it so that it recognizes known risk factors and blocks inappropriate behavior before it reaches your systems. This way, you can keep everyone on your team safe while still allowing them access to critical resources when necessary.

5. Limit User Access To Data

Limiting user access to data is an important step in developing secure web applications. By restricting users from accessing certain aspects of your application, you can help protect against unauthorized entry and modification of your data. Additionally, by limiting the number of users who have access to sensitive data, you can help prevent information leaks or other breaches that could result in financial losses or adversely affect the reputation of your business.

To limit user access to data effectively, you will need to develop an effective security policy and implement it throughout the development process. You should also design controls that restrict users’ ability to navigate within your application and make sure that they are not able to view or edit any confidential information. In addition, configure authentication requirements and lock down sections of your application with restricted access privileges so only authorized users can enter them.

6. Encrypt Your Data

Asymmetric encryption uses linked public-private keys. Sender encrypts plaintext with public key, recipient decrypts with private key.

Encrypting your data can help you in developing secure web applications by protecting your passwords, personal information, and other sensitive data. Additionally, it can add an extra layer of security to your website by encrypting the traffic between your computer and the server. This protects you not only from cyber hackers who may be targeting your website directly but also from those who might be stealing cookies or other tracking data that is sent across the network.

Encryption ensures that even if someone were able to capture a malicious hacker’s attack code or keystrokes, they would not be able to access any of the information that was encrypted using this method. Furthermore, encryption allows you to trust fewer people with more important aspects of your business operations – something that is critical for ensuring confidential communication and safeguarding customer data theft incidents.

7. Carry Out A Full-Scale Security Audit

Screen displays cybersecurity checklist: "Vulnerability assessment", "Penetration testing", "Access controls review", "Security policy evaluation", "Incident response testing", "Compliance check".

A full-scale network security audit can help you to identify and correct violative security practices in your web applications. By conducting a comprehensive review of your web application, the auditor will be able to detect any potential vulnerabilities or security misconfigurations that could lead to data breaches or other cybersecurity threats. Additionally, the auditor will be able to assess how vulnerable your web applications are overall and make recommendations on how best to secure them.

This includes things like upgrading outdated software versions, installing necessary patches, and implementing strong passwords and user authentication schemes. Finally, by providing a report that comprehensively details all findings and recommendations made during the audit, you can ensure that all stakeholders – including yourself – are completely aware of the risks involved with insecure web applications. This helps keep everyone safe from potentially devastating consequences!


The more time you spend developing secure applications, the better and faster you will become at it. Also, as per the analysis above, many of these best practices are efficient and easy to implement. Just keep them in mind when creating new web applications or enhancing existing ones. You can also use tools to find out where your application falls short. From keeping end-user data secured to ensure that hackers don’t exploit security loopholes, a well-designed and secure web application is an assurance of peace of mind for all end users!

Our team of experts offers you industry-specific advice on how to improve your business using state-of-the-art technologies. Contact us today at Alakmalak Technologies for expert services at no additional cost.


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