Web Design, Web Development

Design Etiquette – A must for your website to succeed

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

Design Etiquette - A must for your website to succeed

If you have ever seen a designer at work you will know the reason behind those endless layers in their Photoshop layout (file) as well as their overstuffed image folders.

A developer’s desktop is no different. After all the websites being developed today are no longer a simple HTML page with content on it. A website is the now closer to the company and in a way speaks a lot about the company or organization itself. Thus it should come as little surprise that just of the many features on the site there are probably another 12 j Query plug-in files that are loaded. In all this confusion it often happens that the code ends up being completely disorganized. Thus if anything where to go wrong and a fix is required it is likely to take a while to find the needle in the haystack that has messed up the layout or functionality.

In case the code is messy and the project developer changes over time it just makes matters worse since the new developer has to deal with a lot of messy code that has been programmed by someone else altogether.

Designer Vs. Developers:

  • Designers and developers working on a single website never see eye to eye. There will always be at least one design element that the developer finds out of place and hard to integrate along with the functionality.

    As for the designer, they will usually be able to find a long list of points on how the developer can improve the code to better the design. The designers and developers rarely work together.

  • The most likely scenario is that he developers are on floor and the designers on another. At time it could also be different sections of the office. The bottom line being the two are rarely seen working together.
  • The final product (your website) is the result of efforts both the designers and the developers. However there is certainly room for improvement in this entire approach of development. Some kind of truce is required between the two so that client can end up with something even better. This something can very well be design etiquette.

The design Etiquette:

  • This may sound a bit out of place and unnecessary at first since after all the web designer has been churning out successful designs on a daily basis. This is compounded by the fact that etiquette is not something the client is going to notice and the designer will get paid either way.
  • The designer is always being very creative and leaves no stone unturned to provide the developer with a decent design. However there is still room for improvement. There is a difference between a well formed design and a messy one that leaves the developer guessing.
  • A well formed design is possible when the designer has a rough idea of how the design in to be implemented. A brief discussion between the two can do wonders for the design process as can a clean unambiguous design from the designer.

Common Gain:

  • The web developers india who inherit the design from the designer and get to work go about doing it independently more or less. In an ideal world all would be find and the developer who if provided an HTML layout of the design PSD will rarely find himself in any sticky situation. But the last time I checked we don’t live in a perfect world; in the sense that the is always some issue with the design while integrating it with the functionality. In addition to which there is every possibility that the client has a shift in his likings and requires certain layout modifications that require going back to the main design PSD.
  • When this does occur if the developer does possess the design PSD and the modifications are not very complicated it is simpler for the developer to do the changes himself rather than to spend time going back to the designer who might not even be available when required.
  • But what if the PSD is messy and doesn’t live up to the expected standards.

    In this case the developer would find himself at a loss and may end up spend hours on end just figuring out the significance of each layer of the PSD. A good design in this case would be a life saver since then the changes can also be done by another web designer.

Special fonts and missing graphics:

  • If the designer has made use of some special fonts that require some special includes or handling it would be a good idea to pass on the wisdom to the developer instead of having the developer hunting for clues.
  • Almost all website require images and they are often purchased from stock websites where the choice is huge. The designer will usually get it right but there may be time when the designer overlooks his design or forgets to finalize the design and make a new copy. In this case the design may still possess the stock images which have not yet been purchased. This is likely to create unnecessary confusion for the developer.


Having the designers and developers working hand in hand on a project being able to understand each other’s perspective is something what some would call and ideal workplace. While that may be hard to achieve, it is possible to have both develop their respective deliverable in a manner that it is extremely easy to modify or take apart.

Alakmalak is one of the few web development firms around that have a extremely good track record. They have successfully developed more than 2000 websites for clients from all around the world. Their unique approach to development has helped them overcome the barriers often faced between different departments thus this has made it easier to streamline the development of a website. All the designer are quite experienced and follow good practices in their design. The ones that are new to the field are usually under constant supervision in case they go wrong.

  • web designer
  • web developers india
  • web development firms

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