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Cutting the cost of the website development

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

The most common question that most firms which are interested in making their website is – How much does it cost?

The simple answer is that the cost tends to vary from business to business as do the requirements.

The fact of the matter is that the cost of the same website is often different at different web developing firms. One would expect that since all cannot be the same.

However in some cases the difference is very large.

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In most cases there are several ways to estimate the cost of the website.

One way is by doing a little research regarding the ongoing rates to make a website as well as making sure you know what you want to develop.

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Because if you know exactly what you need then you will be in a better position to explain it to the web development company; hence you are already half way there.

Establishing the aim of your website:

website development planning

The website development has many stages and one of it is planning. Planning is at times considered the most important stage of the website design and development process.

To start with you need to have a clear picture in mind of what your requirements are.

Once you have established the main purpose of your website and the necessary important features required in the website, the next step is to be able to explain your requirements in a simple and clear method to your website developer.

Such careful planning will help eliminate or reduce the number of revisions that need to be made and thus conserve time and resources.

Factors affecting the cost of the website:Factors affecting the cost of the website

There are many factors that affect the cost of the website which includes things such as your likes and dislikes, knowing who your target audience is, having a clear picture of what the theme of your website is to be.

Here are a few points listed that help you understand this better:

  • Is your website a redesign or a new one?
  • A website in general will require several images and graphics.
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    These images can either be purchased online in the form of a stock image or developed yourself. If many images are required you need to be careful while opting for stock images as this can drastically affect the cost of your website.

  • Prepare the necessary documents required for the website. For example having list of menu options that your require to be placed on your website.
  • Make the decision on whether you want to go mobile or be an exclusively desktop computers based website. Though going mobile has its own advantages.
  • Do you have all the website content required ready?
  • Do you have plans regarding the maintenance of the website.


At the end of the day it all boils down to how prepared you are and your knowledge of what is required during the development of your website. Hence doing a research prior to developing the website is always a good way ahead. Alakmalak is one company that is ideal for developing your website, since they have a very smooth requirements gathering procedure. Thus if you want to start your own website then Alakmalak is one of the best sites for building a website. Although you need to keep in mind the list of things you need to create a website.

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  • cost of the average website
  • cost of the website
  • cost of website design
  • cost of website design and development
  • website cost estimate
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