Wordpress Web Development

How to Customize Footer In WordPress?

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

While designing a website the entire page matters. That includes the content that is placed on all the places from the header till the footer. The header of the website is usually designed very carefully by making used of a fancy logo and good placement of the navigational menu. The body of the website contains the content which is also taken care of quite well. Now remains the footer. The least about of time is usually spent on the footer. But you may be surprised to know that the footer is also equally important.


Customize the footer in WordPress


It is possible to modify the footer in WordPress in the following manner.

1. First login to your web server with the help of FTP and then traverse to the directly wp-content/theme/<your theme>/footer.php and download the file.
2. This file needs to be edited in your favourite editor.
3. The footer code in this file looks something like this:
<a href=”<?php bloginfo(‘url’);?>/” title=”<?php bloginfo(‘description’) ?>”>
<?php bloginfo(‘name’);?></a> &copy <?php echo date(“Y”) ?>
<a class=”privacy” href=”<?php echo home_url(‘/’) ?>?page_id=11>Privacy Policy</a>
4. Here the tag bloginfo(‘url’) will display the url of your website.
5. The tag bloginfo(‘description’) is the description of the website set from the Settings -> General menu option.
6. The tag bloginfo(‘name’) will display the website title. This too can be modified from the WordPress menu admin section Settings -> General.
7. The tag date(“Y”) is quite self explanatory; it will display the current year and will always be the current year saving you the trouble of having to manually change it each year.

Further customization of the footer is also possible to make it really fancy and stand out. This would require some good design and a good developer to program the additional functionality.

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  • How do i customize footer in wordpress?

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