Magento Web Development

Create a Robust E-commerce Website Using the Magento Framework

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

When it comes to building e-commerce websites Magento framework seems to be the best option for business owners as it comes with extra functionality which increases the customer experience.

This open-source e-commerce platform comes with many free and premium tools. These can be used effectively to manage the online presence of the online store with ease.

Create a Robust e-commerce Website Using the Magento Framework

Create a Robust E-commerce Website Using the Magento Framework :

Debugging and Development Tools:

Magento Debugging and Development Tools

• Commerce Bug 3 is the upgrade of Pulse Storm’s Magento debugging extension and it has been rewritten. It has dependency-injection/object-manager lookup features. It provides legacy support for Magento 1.x.

• Magento Debug can be used by Magento website development in India to toggle the Magento modules. It can also be used for displaying RAM, clearing cache etc.

• EcomDev PHPUnit and Easy Template Path Hints are also some of the tools that are used on a wide scale.

Magento Migration and Version Checking Tools:

• Version Check for Magento can be used to check the version of Magento that has been used for a web page. It will let the e-commerce web developers determine if the version that you are using is outdated. Up to Date? is one more tool that lets you check the version.

• Moving Tool 2.0 and CMS and Configuration Migrator are the 2 popular tools that are used in data migration.

• If you are looking for a tool to get back up of your data then make use of the Cloud Backup tool

Magento 2 Extension for User Experience:

• AJAX Cart Pro for Magento 2 is the tool that is used in Magento eCommerce web development for the purpose of streamlining the add to cart function.

• For the management of quotes that one sends to the customers the tool Cart to Quote for Magento 2 can be used.

• Bambora APAC online payment for Magento 2 must be used to get payment methods fast and in a safe way. There are no security issues and the billing data is not stored on the Magento server.

It is only stored on the Bambora server.

Magento Catalog Management Tools:

Magento Web Development Service

• Bulk Image Uploader is used to provide the right images to the different products on the Magento website.

• Age verification tool is to confirm the birth details of the customer

• Image Optimizer is used for compressing images and for making them more compatible.

• Social Media Product Update is used to send updates about new products on social media platforms

Magento Order and Shipping Management Tools:

• Maximum Order Amount is a tool that is used to prevent customers who are placing the order on credit to place orders of an extremely large value.

• Order tags is a tool that can be used by Top Ecommerce Developers in India for tagging of tools.

• Backorder status is used for back ordered items and for stock allocation

• Multi-Warehouse Management is very useful to calculate the value of the stocks that have been stored at different locations, assigning products to warehouses, warehouse management etc.


Magento Website Development

The list of tools is a long one. There are tools for debugging, payment gateway, warehouse management and every other aspect of the Magento e-commerce platform.

The developers have to choose the tools prudently if they want to create the best eCommerce platform using the Magento framework.

  • Best Magento Web Design Companies
  • ecommerce website design magento
  • Hire Magento developer in India

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