shopify ecommerce

Blogging on Shopify: Why is it Important?

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

Starting an eCommerce store is not as easy as it seems. From the get-go, you have to bring initial traffic to your Shopify website. But this daunting task can be made easy if you don’t hesitate to add a blog to your Shopify site.


A lot of Shopify Store owners shy away from adding a blog to their store because they are in doubt about its effectiveness, the change that it can bring in the number of sales.

Let us explain to you why: blogging on Shopify is important.

When a customer comes to an online business to buy something, he has hundreds and thousands of options to choose from. Yes, giving them discounts and offers is a good way to lure them. And it’s kind of a normal thing to do because everybody is doing it.

But when you do blogging on Shopify, it provides you with an edge. It will establish trust in the customer’s subconscious – they will start to trust you as a brand. When you write about something, people consider you as an authority and as an expert in that field. This boosts credibility.

The Potential of Shopify’s Content Management

Shopify provides a wide range of functionalities when it comes to blogging.

The features that it offers are summarized below:

Shopify helps you to choose from a wide variety of pre-customized comments options i.e., how comments are to be managed in your blog. Whether you want to disable them, keep them in moderation, or allow anyone to publish them.

Shopify also allows you to set a specific date on which you want to publish your eCommerce Blog Post. This way, you can also stay consistent at publishing a certain number of posts in a week or a month. E.g., you can schedule several posts at once and publish them at the assigned time.

Like other blogging platforms, Shopify provides the feature of sharing to various platforms, if a visitor likes posts on your blog.

Reach More Customers with Content Marketing

Whenever you publish something on your Shopify Blog, it serves as an interaction between you and your prospects. Use this as an opportunity to inform them about your eCommerce store.

The good thing is, Shopify itself provides several built-in SEO tools and functionalities. It lets you edit the content that helps you in Google Search Ranking like – Meta Description, Page Title, URL, etc.

When you have used the right keywords, Google finds you easily whenever someone searches you with the related keywords.

Functionality Customization Options

You can add third-party applications to your Shopify store to customize any functionality if you want more than what Shopify provides.

Two of the best apps that you can integrate with your Shopify store are:

AddThis and Disqus.


AddThis adds social media icons to your blog. This makes it super easy for your customers to share your valuable content across several social media sites. To help you draw insights, it also provides statistics.


Disqus sets a layout for discussion on your blog. Because of its clean design, it creates an atmosphere for the customer to comment on any query or doubts that he might be having about the product or idea you are trying to promote in your post. This enhances engagement.

Add Related Posts to Increase Engagements

For this, you need to publish blog posts in several domains related to the products on your Shopify store. And once you are done publishing a good number of them. You can interlink several articles with the help of keywords.

The way to do this is – to make a keyword a hyperlink to another post related to that keyword.

You can also suggest similar posts at the end of a blog post, this is a great way to retain the prospect on your website for a longer duration, and that increases the chances of your prospective customer making a purchase.

In addition to that, it also increases engagement and is an aid to Search Engine Optimization.

Promote the Featured Posts

When a post in your blog performs better than the rest of them i.e. if it brings traffic and sales.

Use it as bait to attract new customers. You want to place it on the homepage of your blog or any other place where visitors can notice it easily.

Request Your Prospects to Subscribe

Ask the prospects who stumble upon your site to subscribe to your blog, so they don’t miss anything that you put out there.

Shopify generates an RSS feed for every post that you publish. This delivers a notification to the subscriber about the newly released posts.

To increase your subscribers and to reach more prospects: you can take the help of question and answer platforms such as Quora or Facebook Groups and Communities. You want to find your target audience there, answer their questions, and promote your blog.

Organize Blog Posts Using Tags

In order to make your posts easily available for the visitor, you must attach some tags with them. This way, whenever a potential customer searches for a respective tag, blog posts related to it will appear in the search result. And he won’t have a hard time searching for things randomly.


With new businesses coming online and the ever-expanding online marketplace, it becomes almost compulsory for us to become part of this content trend.

Once you have made your Shopify blog, make sure that you stay active on it. Try publishing blog content at a regular interval and stay consistent with it.


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