Mobile Apps Development

Top 11 Mobile App Testing Tools for Automation

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

In this blog, we will discuss the top 11 Automatic mobile app testing tools that developers can use to ensure their apps are up to par. Mobile app testing is a crucial step in the development process to ensure the quality and functionality of an app before it is released to the public. With the increasing demand for mobile applications, automation has become an essential aspect of testing to reduce time, effort, and costs.

Automated testing tools offer a range of features and capabilities to help developers streamline their testing process and improve the overall quality of their apps. These tools are widely used in the industry and provide robust solutions for a variety of testing needs. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced tester, you are sure to find a tool that fits your specific requirements in this list.

Top 11 Automatic Mobile App Testing Tools

Automatic Mobile testing tools

Here are the top-notch 11 mobile application testing tools for automation that developers can utilize:

1. Kobiton

Kobiton is a mobile app testing framework that allows real devices and emulators to run manual and automated tests. With Kobiton, testers can test mobile apps without needing a device or programming skills. It enables codeless testing and seamlessly integrates with CI/CD platforms.

As a result, testers can test mobile app development without having to worry about programming or device setup. This tool provides users with control of actual mobile devices during manual testing. It also automatically generates activity logs to identify issues quickly.

Besides, Kobiton offers prepaid minutes of testing time and automatically generated activity logs to help testers focus on testing. It makes the testing process faster, easier, and more efficient for teams.

Kobiton Mobile Testing Tools

2. Calabash

Calabash is a testing tool for mobile apps that automates testing on both iOS and Android devices. It is open-source software and can be easily integrated into a test automation framework. It supports a range of functionalities, including simulating touch gestures such as taps, swipes, and pinch-to-zoom.

Using Calabash, testers can test mobile apps in a more natural manner, such as by using language-based tests (i.e., tests written in natural language). It also has libraries that enable testers to interact programmatically with native and hybrid apps.

Calabash has been widely praised for its ease-of-use and efficient test execution due to its fast execution speed, intuitive operation, and low flakiness. Overall, it is a reliable tool for testing mobile apps from a functional perspective.

Calabash Automatic Mobile App testing tools

3. Katalon Platform

Katalon Platform is an automation testing tool that allows users to test mobile, web, API, and desktop apps quickly and easily. It offers a codeless testing experience for users and is simple to set up and use for test creation. Katalon provides a wide range of testing functionalities, including built-in frameworks and keyword libraries, as well as options for cross-environment test execution.

In addition to mobile testing capabilities, Katalon also supports testing web apps and application performance using tools such as web app performance test tools and tools for testing web app performance. The tool supports all types of automation testing, including mobile testing. This makes Katalon a versatile tool for testing mobile apps rapidly and accurately.

4. Selendroid

Another fantastic Automatic Mobile app testing tool. Selendroid is a mobile test automation framework that is specifically designed for testing Android mobile applications. It supports a wide range of mobile testing tools and platforms, including iOS devices and emulators. Aside from emulating real devices, Selendroid can also be used on desktop systems with a supported testing tool such as test automation software automation tool.

It has an in-built inspector tool that can inspect UI(user experience) Automator elements for both current and outdated Android versions. This tool helps testers test application functionalities against various device configurations, such as different screen sizes and different device models.

Additionally, Selendroid supports web driver-compatible languages such as Java and C#, which allows testers to test application functionality using real devices as well as emulators.

5. KIF

KIF, also known as Keep It Functional, is a popular mobile app testing tool for automation that is widely used by iOS developers. It is an open-source framework that makes it easy to write automated tests for iOS applications using the XCTest framework. KIF allows developers to write tests in Objective-C or Swift, making it a versatile tool for a variety of functional testing needs.

One of the key benefits of KIF is its ability to interact with the user interface of an app in the same way that a human user would. This means that developers can simulate taps, swipes, and other interactions with the app to test its functionality and ensure that it works as intended. KIF also supports accessibility testing, allowing developers to test the app with VoiceOver and other accessibility features turned on.

Another benefit of KIF is its integration with other testing tools and services. It can be used with Xcode’s built-in testing framework, XCTest, and it also supports testing with continuous integration services such as Jenkins and Travis CI. This allows developers to automate their testing process and easily integrate it into their existing workflows.

6. TestGrid

TestGrid is a mobile application testing platform that helps testers automate the mobile app testing process. It supports manual and automated testing of mobile applications on real devices.

TestGrid is a scriptless mobile app automation testing platform that can generate downloadable Appium, and XCUITest code to test apps in a fast and easy way. This makes it perfect for testing mobile apps on real devices. It also offers AI-based no-code automation and performance testing to help optimize and improve apps. TestGrid offers a wide range of functionalities to make mobile app testing easier, faster, and more efficient.

testgrid Automatic Mobile App testing tools


7. UFT Mobile

UTFT Mobile is a mobile test automation tool used to automate functional mobile testing on real devices and mobile emulators. It supports testing on Android, iOS, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, Symbian, and HTML5 with open-source and commercial options.

UFT Mobile can test apps natively without app modifications. This saves time and ensures accurate testing results. The tool also allows testers to test apps on multiple mobile device platforms simultaneously, thus saving time and ensuring better app quality.

It features a “Plug & Play” model that allows for test automation in minutes instead of hours or days. Additionally, UFT Mobile has integrated cloud-based labs for cross-device testing. Overall, UFT Mobile provides a reliable solution for automated mobile testing with short testing times and improved app quality.

UFT Mobile Automatic Mobile App testing tools

8. Ranorex Studio

Ranorex Studio supports testing for mobile web applications, native mobile applications, and Android and iOS apps. It enables testers to test mobile apps across a range of devices and operating systems-from desktop computers to mobile devices-all in a single testing tool.

Ranorex Studio integrates with various DevOps tools, including Jira and other application management tools, to make testing automation easy. Test cases can be created using a variety of test automation tools, such as python script or javascript test cases. Testers can record test cases by using the Ranorex mobile Recorder tool or the Ranorex Simulator tool.

Ranorex Studio also has a test cloud where real devices can be used to test application performance. This helps testers test application performance without the hassle of having to carry real devices around. The tool allows testers to test on real devices in the cloud for increased efficiency. Overall, Ranorex Studio is a powerful testing tool for the automation testing of mobile apps.

Ranorex Studio Automatic Mobile App testing tools

9. SeeTest

SeeTest is a mobile automation testing tool that supports multiple Operating Systems such as iOS applications, Android, Windows Phone, and BlackBerry. It provides client libraries for Java, C#, Perl, and Python to develop automation scripts. SeeTest also supports image and object-based recognition to ensure test cases are testing the right application functionality.

It has its own reporting mechanism with screenshots and video recordings of tests executed. This tool offers AI-based no-code automation, performance testing, and parallel execution of test cases. It makes it easier to test mobile apps quickly and consistently.

SeeTest is a powerful automatic mobile app testing tool that is quick and consistent. It allows testers to write automation tests in a language of their choice without programming experience. This tool offers real-time testing, which means that testers can run a test case directly from a mobile device or cloud app service without having to test locally on a device first; it also offers performance testing, which tests the application’s performance under various conditions.

With SeeTest, mobile app testers can test apps across multiple devices in real-time using a cloud-based test execution environment. It saves time and ensures consistent testing results.

SeeTest Automatic Mobile App testing tools

10. Robotium

Robotium is a tool for testing mobile apps on Android devices. It helps with automation test scripts, which are code-based automation tests that can be written in a programming language of your choice. In addition to this, it also handles automated testing for android apps, both native and hybrid. It can test application functionalities, system behavior, and user-interface interactions easily.

Besides testing application functionalities, system behavior, and user-interface interactions, Robotium can test black-box testing on android applications. It allows testers to test an application without having any knowledge about the inner workings of the app. This makes test cases more reliable and accurate.

Robotium also supports cross-platform testing measures, which means you can test apps developed for multiple devices simultaneously. This helps reduce test execution time and ensures that tests execute consistently across devices and operating systems. Overall, Robotium is a tool that simplifies testing mobile apps on android devices and saves time and effort for testers.

Robotium Automatic Mobile App testing tools

11. Appium

Appium is a test automation framework open-source tool used for automating mobile app testing. The tool can be used to test mobile apps on cloud-based platforms such as Sauce Labs, BrowserStack, and TestObject. It utilizes the WebDriver interface for tests running and supports multiple programming languages. Appium is backed by an active open-source community that provides steady support. It is a powerful tool for testing mobile apps, and it allows testers to test apps on real devices and emulators.

Appium can control Safari and Chrome on mobile devices, allowing testers to test apps quickly and easily without having to install them on a device or emulators. It allows testers to test apps quickly and effectively without requiring any programming knowledge or skills.

It has a number of features that make it a powerful tool for testing mobile apps, including automation of device-level functional tests and application-level functional tests in cloud-based testing services like Sauce Labs and BrowserStack. Overall, Appium is a powerful tool that provides automation for testing mobile apps rapidly and effectively.

appium Automatic Mobile App testing tools


These were some of the mind-blowing Automatic Mobile app testing tools that will make work easy and fast. Mobile app testing tools help testers automate testing processes and reduce testing effort. They allow testers to test mobile apps on a real device, test apps against real-world data, and conduct functional, performance, and security tests against real-world devices. Besides, they help testers create automation tests to test mobile apps more efficiently and accurately.

So, if you’re looking for a tool that can help you automate mobile app testing, check out the tools mentioned above, and for further details contact us. They’re all android-based tools that help test android apps using a real device. Each tool has been tried by industry experts as a top-notch tool for mobile app automation testing.

Looking for mobile app development, Yes, then you are in the right place. Contact us to get the best Application development for your business.


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