A few skills and techniques to fuel your SEO strategies in 2015

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

SEO Strategy 2015

SEO can do wonders for your website by driving a lot of traffic to your website and even help improve your conversion rate. The SEO strategies do change every year and a lot of this is to do with the fact there are often changes in the Search Engine Algorithms. Sometimes these algorithm changes are subtle but at times they are major changes and thus require a big change in how SEO is practiced.

The other factors that influence the SEO strategies are the device and the platforms. For example according to the facts and figures gathered over the past few years the number of Mobile Internet Users in 2015 is set to surpass that on the other platforms like the desktop, etc. This is a big deal for everyone concerned, Web Developers as well as the SEO Professionals and does affect their how they design their strategies and features.

Is SEO for you?

For those who already have a well thriving business, SEO may seem as something that does not deserve your time and attention, not to mention the expense involved. Furthermore SEO has taken a little bit of a hit in recent times as well. The recent changes in the Google search engine algorithm has adversely affected many businesses due to the practices of their SEO teams. Thus it does not come a surprise the several already successful business are wary of SEO professionals and their inability to practice only good and approved SEO techniques or their inability to understand the changes to the Google Search Engine Algorithm.

But at the end of the day these facts and statistics do the talking:

  • Approximately 30 to 60 per cent of the website traffic comes from a search engine.
  • Only about 30 to 40 per cent of the website traffic that you receive search engines is due to your brand name, product or company. [Source: Statistical data from Google Webmaster Tool accounts]
  • A major portion approximately 60 per cent of the visitors do not have the exact picture of what they are searching for and do not use conventional product names or brand names as their search keywords.
  • A little bit of SEO can go a long way in brining Traffic your way.

Thus though as a business you may be wary of a SEO team due to their level of efficiency and practices; SEO in general is good for your business. It would be wise to pick the SEO team carefully and after a little bit of research; however it is not a good idea to shut out SEO altogether.

Back to basics – What is SEO?

The main aim of SEO is to help search engines like Google understand the usefulness of your website and what it is all about.

  • What it is about: The focus of the SEO efforts should thus be on optimizing the website to guide and steer Google towards the relevant bits.
  • What it is not about: SEO is not about manipulating a search engine (like Google). SEO is not about keyword stuffing nor is it about keyword density or other shady hacks, tricks and underhanded techniques.

Thus when selecting your SEO team if you do happen to hear them talking about shady techniques, that is not the team you want to select.

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You want a team whose area of focus is your 2015 SEO Strategy.

Access your state (Google Analytics):

Having established that SEO useful and essential for just about any business it may be a good idea for you to first understand where your stand. The good think is that there several tools that make it easy to do this. Google Analytics is one such tool that allows you to figure this out. Here how it is done:

  • Login to your Google Analytics account to start with.
  • Set your focus on the ‘Date Range Selector’ and select a period over the last year. For example like its 15th February 2015 today. Set the first date to one year ago like 15th February 2014.
  • Select the “All Sections” rectangle on the top left after which click on “Organic Traffic” and apply it.
  • A small black and white square icon will appear under the date selector. Click that icon and drag the slider to “Higher Precision”.
  • Now remove the “All Sessions” by clicking on the arrow next to it and choosing “Remove”.
  • Set the Metric by clicking “Select a metric” next to Sessions and select “Page /. Session”.
  • This will show how much increase in traffic there has been over the period.

Doing this will give you a good idea of where your website stands when it comes to via unpaid search engine search (also called organic search).

Furthermore the Google Webmaster Tool has more to offer. By taking a look at the HTML improvement section along with the Crawl Stats and Crawl Errors not to mention the Search Queries you can get an even better picture of what is happening.

Google Webmaster Tool can thus give you a very good picture to understand where you stand and help you decide if you want to change anything.

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Besides this, there are some other tools like Screaming Frog and Notify that can also provide some more insight into this subject.

All these tools will help you understand which keywords find you and which don’t

What you can change:

If the state of your website is not what would have imagined or is something you want to change or optimize to make better; first as yourself one question: “How do you want to be found?”.

Several businesses have the misconception that that keyword research is not important. On the contrary, Keyword research is what will help you gain a better understanding how you potential customer is making searches online and help keep tabs on the competition.

Thus about 70% of your SEO effort is not very hard and involves several factors including the following:

  • Choosing the correct keywords.
  • Creating fabulous content that engages the reader.

The fact is that the first 70% of your SEO is really that simple but the last 30% is equally hard and involves optimizing the website further to make easier for the search engines to understand the content and the pages. It also involves optimizing incoming links, domain authority, page authority, Spam factors and canonical issues to name a few.


Alakmalak is Digital Marketing Agency in India that also provides several SEO related. They fully aware of the changes your 2015 SEO Strategy must focus on being in the field since considerable amount of time with lots of good experience. This is a team of SEO professionals that can help you with the first easy 70% of your SEO tasks. In addition to which they can also provide sustainable SEO Strategies for 2015 to help your with the next (hard) 30% of the SEO tasks.

  • SEO strategies in 2015
  • What Will Be the Best SEO Strategies in 2015?

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