Website Design

A few Practical Website Tips

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

Web Design Tips

When it comes to a website there are several small elements that make a good website. However the main two elements are the Website Design and Website Development. One cannot do without the other. A website with poor design will not be able to grab the attention of the visitor. For the few who do surf your website, will shift to another one in less than 3 minutes once they find it difficult to use because of the poor design. At the same if the functionality of the website is not up to the mark the website essentially does not serve the purpose.

Hence although it is important to have a fabulous website design with fantastic functionality this is not always practical. However what is practical is to strike a balance between the two. With the advent of content management systems (CMS) and a great many number of businesses opting for them a new issue has come to light.

Although the CMS software is designed to handle a good design and still offer flexibility of changing the content which can be anything from text to images or videos this is often not implemented correctly. The most common issues surrounding a CMS is the fact that when the content is edited or updated with new content, the website tends to lose its shape and structure to the point where it seems that the elements (text and images) have simply been randomly placed without a design of any kind.

This is a designers worst nightmare come true; their layouts (made with great effort and creativity) being destroyed due to improper use. There is a work around for this though. To start with, care needs to be taken while setting up the CMS itself. A lot depends on how the website is integrated into the CMS software and how the content is placed.

Here are a few practical tips to ensure you always get it right:

Simplicity is the key:

For a web designer, designing a new website today there are tons of options and elements that can be added to a website. They can let their imaginations run wild and be very creative. However more often than not, the designer is likely to be carried away a create a web site design that is to complicated. There was a time when such designs were recommended.

However at that time, the websites used to be mainly in HTML (static website). The situation has changed now and more number of websites are dynamic and even those who like to keep it simple opt for a content management system. Thus when it comes to a dynamic website it is best to leave out complicated design elements.

Fonts and colors:

A HTML website and a dynamic website design that is to be integrated with a CMS software are also different when it comes to the fonts and colors. A CMS software is likely to have a structure of its own. The design created needs to be integrated with an existing structure. Hence the best method of designing a layout for a CMS is to first understand the structure with the help of a web developer and specially create a website layout that is meant for that specific CMS. This includes just about all elements like fonts, colors, etc.

Alakmalak to the rescue:

Alakmalak is a firm that has been around since a very long time and witnessed the massive and rapid shift from demand of static HTML websites to dynamic CMS websites. Over the years they have developed more than 2000 website for clients across the globe. They have been highly successful at doing this and continue to grow and expand their capacity , strength and infrastructure.

Thus with an explosive combination of highly skilled and experienced web developers, good infrastructure and facilities and ample resources at hand, Alakmalak is a safe bet at all times.

  • A few Practical Website Tips
  • Practical Tips for Web design
  • Practical Website Development Tips

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