Web Design

A brief look at minimal website design

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

A brief look at minimal website design

Minimal website is a design technique that was introduced a very long time ago. It’s popularity has risen and fallen several times although this is a timeless design technique that is likely to linger on. This is one technique that is bound to mature as times goes. Although it is not very popular, minimalism has been around for a very long time.

The fact of the matter is that minimalism is not only to do with website design. It is a design technique that was introduced a long time before the computers were even invented. As the name suggests it is the art of creating a stunning website with all the fancy graphics and design techniques. The aim is to use only the essential design elements in a way that design developed is fabulous and yet simple.

This design technique is very simple to master and many do find it intimidating however anyone is free to make an attempt.

The basic principles of minimalism web design:

  • Less is more: This is phrase that is poplar in many domains. The aim here is to use less design elements and achieve more by capitalizing on all features the element. The designer tries to capture the imagination of the visitor by simple designs that make use of HTML, with various colors, images and textual placements.

  • Remove what is not required: There should never be unnecessary elements on your website. This is more true when designing a minimal website.

  • Breaking point: Reducing the design elements or unnecessary features till the point where the website is about to break is one of the techniques of minimal design that you need to master to develop a minimal website.

  • The detail: While removing unnecessary and leaving the ones necessary behind it becomes all the more essential to make every minute detail that has been included on the website to carry its weight and be of some significance. Hence design elements like a border around an image or like oversized typography, or the use of drop shadow, etc. and such other elements greatly influence the website design. This is of more significance with minimal website design.

Alakmalak gets you close to your goals:

Alakmalak is a Web design and development company that is well and truly in the 21st century when it comes to technology. They make use of the finest of fine facilities to deliver a stunning website every time. However they are also in touch with a few timeless techniques like the Minimal design. Such designs inspire a designer to do better, do more and it brings out their creative side.

Hence this is one place you are bound to get want you require, be it a fancy website design with lots of functionality or a simplistic website design which is also feature rich.

  • A brief look at minimal website design
  • The basic principles of minimalism web design

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