Angular Js, AngularJS Development

7 Important Angular 9 features with which you can create realistic and beautiful apps

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

Angular Framework is easy to understand and is very useful in the development of web applications features that can help the developer create real-world beautiful apps. Here are some of the important angular features that you must use Angular Ivy:

In version 9, there is a significant improvement in the Angular Ivy feature. The debugging is better and the detection of more errors is possible and it can throw them in a more readable way.

Angular is a javascript framework and helps to build dynamic single-page applications. Angular JS Applications can run on all major browsers and smartphones including both ios and android phones. It is one of the most popular frameworks for the last six years in a row.

Angular JS User interface is built in HTML.

It also provides advanced templating features,two-way-binding, client-side routing, and many other features.

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Given below are features of AngularJS that make it the best for web development.

1. The MVC Architecture

MVC stands for Model View Architecture which is a software pattern to develop applications.

2. Router:

With the Angular router navigation from one view to the next becomes possible for the user when they are performing application tasks. The router outlet in angular 9 is a placeholder. It can load different components dynamically and this is based on the activated angular component or on the current route state.

3. Support for TypeScript:

Typescript is important for building large-sized applications. Angular 9.1 has added support for Typescript 3.8. This is helping in reducing the time that is needed to build an Angular application.

4. Differential loading:

The differential loading feature helps to improve performance/download times. In this feature for the production build, two bundles are created. One will be for the old browser which will support ES5. The other bundle will be for the new browser which supports ES 2015 and JavaScript versions. While loading the application the browser will load with the bundle that it supports.

5. Lazy-loaded modules:

Here the dynamic support syntax is being used. In this version, there is a new way of declaring lazy loading routes. Here the Typescript import syntax is used. In this version, it becomes easier to run ng update @angular.cli ViewChild in Angular:

6.ViewChild in Angular: 

The changes to the DOM can be detected with the ViewChild feature. It will update the property that is matching with the selector. Make sure that you check the syntax as it has changed slightly in this version of Angular.

7. Service Worker:

In the service worker registration, there is an option where one needs to specify when the registration needs to take place. In the earlier versions, the service worker had to wait till the app became stable.

Also, there is the option to bypass the service worker for certain requests. You also have the option of multiple app use on different subdomains.

8. Build for Testing:

Google designer builds angular js with a testing framework called “Karma” which helps in designing unit testing for Angular JS applications.

9. Two-way data-binding: 

Angular JS uses two-way data binding. This feature allows passing data through components. A two-way data binding option is always a better option.

10. Good Community Support: I

If you get trapped into any problems or bugs then the community can help you figure that out. Angular has good active community support by your side.


Angular 9 surely has some prominent features and the community is finding this version to be very useful. Many improvements have been made in the Angular framework and this version is simple to use.

With this version of Angular, it is definitely possible to build modern applications that are creative and realistic.

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Hire the best Angular JS developer who will make use of all these amazing features to build apps that are simple as well as complex and ones that are amazing and which the users will surely like.

  • angular 9
  • angular js

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