Joomla Web Development

Add non clickable menu items to Joomla template

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

Joomla is a versatile software which is also open source and free to download. Thus if you have approached a professional Joomla web developer for the job of making your website you are usually in safe hands. Alakmalak is one such Joomla web development company. Such Joomla developers are usually aware about the tricks of the trade and capable of setting your website in quick time.

On the other hand you do have the option of making your own website since Joomla is a very user friendly software and has a low learning curve too. Either way once you do have you website setup it is highly likely that you will require to make some modifications to the website at some stage.

For example you may need to add an extra menu item like products to list the new products that you now are selling.

Assuming that you were only a service oriented company prior to this. This means that you have to add a Products tab along with new products that you now sell under it.

The best way to do this would be to make the Products menu item non clickable and the name of the products under it clickable. This would ideally seem quite an easy task to achieve. However it can get confusing at times and hence this article will help makes this easier for you.

Joomla’s menu structure it very flexible and can be manipulated with ease. Simply follow the instructions below to add a non clickable menu item to your Joomla website.

Admin Panel

  • To start with login to the Joomla Administrative panel

Joomla Menu

  • Now select your menu section and select menu from the admin menu.

Joomla Menu Manager

  • Here you will need to then select the type of menu you want to edit; this is likely to be an existing menu of yours. If now you can even create a new menu.

  • Once selected, hit the new button on the top right corner of your screen

  • Here a form will load where you need to enter all the information about your menu item.

  • You will also need to select type of the menu and this is where you will be defining the menu as non clickable.

  • Hit the button adjourning to the menu type option (applies for Joomla 3.x) and study the form that pops up.

  • Select the option System Links from the list of options. This will load some more menu options. You will need to select the option called Text Separator.

  • Now save your options and refresh your front page . You will notice a text separator in the form of a bar

In addition to making a text separator you can also create a link that goes now where. For example you may have an about menu with items like Mission, Vision, Team, Company profile, etc.

The problem you face here is that you have content matter for each of the options mentioned except for the main heading ‘About’. thus you can neatly arrange your menu like this form example Home, About, Services, etc. And have the About us menu further as Mission, Vision, Team, Company profile. Thus all the menu options are clickable.

Now in this case you either have the option of placing repetitive content of the About tabs on the about page or leaving it completely blank.

In addition to which you can go to the menu item type options and select the type as a system link. Further select it as an external link and place the link text as “#”. This will make sure that the link does not go anyplace.

  • Add non clickable menu items to Joomla template
  • How to add non clickable menu items in joomla template

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