Joomla Web Development

How to Add Toggling Icons In Document On Your Joomla Articles?

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

Joomla is a versatile software which is available a free download. It is an open source software that can be used as a content management system. It can also be used as a blog and many implement it as their ecommerce solution as well. Joomla is fairly easy to download and install by most. It is has a very user friendly installation procedure which most of the web servers will support.

Toggling the document icons on your Joomla articles

Joomla is available with the option of several different templates , however if you prefer to have a different template then the ones installed then you can do so by simply opting for a ready made template available on the web.

These are usually generic templates and thus if you don’t find anything to your liking and require a customised template then you may need to consult a Joomla Web Developer. Alakmalak is one such Joomla Web Development company that can help you set up your website and make it ready for you to enter your content and create as many pages as you wish to create.

If you are one of the Joomla users who often makes Joomla pages using the ‘Article’ options and have found that there are several icons present on the page that you don’t require then this article is for you. Alternatively if you have the need for features where you can either print, email or convert your article in to a PDF page then, again this article is for you.

Joomla has a very nice feature whereby provides small minute icons that allow you to print or email a page. There is also a PDF icon available that converts your page into a PDF file. This is default Joomla functionality and thus nothing extra is required to be added.

In order to set a general preference for this (for all your Joomla pages) simply login to the Joomla admin section. Navigate from the admin menu to the Article section Content >> Article. Click on the ‘Options’ button from the top bar; this will bring up a page with many tags.

The first tab ‘Articles’ will consist a list of several icons that can be show on the page besides other things. Simply select an option to either show or hide the desired icon. The functionality of this icon is inbuilt and thus no programming or configuration of any is required.

That is just about it; Once done you are all set to write you articles without worrying about the icons. In the case where you require to remove the icons on one of the many pages in your Joomla website then that too is possible.

You will need to edit the article in question and focus on the right sidebar section of the page. There will be an article drop down that consists of the same icon options, but this time they are meant for this particular page and not a general setting for all the pages.

Alakmalak is one such Joomla Web Development company that are capable of helping you with just about any task small or big.

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Joomla Web Development

Alakmalak is a Web Development Company In India that offers services for several technologies. There have been around for a very long time and have developed over 2500 projects for clients all around the world. They have highly skilled web developers with a great deal of experience.


  • How to add toggling icons in document on your Joomla Articles?

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