Web Design, Web Development

Different Website Design Template For The Development of Hotel Website

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, having an online presence is crucial for businesses across all sectors, especially for those in the hospitality industry. Hotels, in particular, need to have a robust online presence to ensure potential guests can find, explore, and book their services with ease. To this end, hotel website templates design plays a pivotal role, serving as a digital front door that welcomes visitors and communicates the hotel’s brand, quality, and service level.

In this context, the utilization of website design templates for the development of hotel websites has become increasingly significant. Website design templates offer a cost-effective and time-efficient way to build professional and visually appealing websites. They come in a variety of styles, layouts, and functionalities, catering to diverse business needs. However, choosing the right template can be a daunting task given the plethora of options available in the market.

This discussion seeks to explore different website design templates for developing best hotel websites. We will delve into the key characteristics and benefits of various templates, examine their suitability for different types of hotels, and provide guidance on choosing the ideal template based on specific business requirements and goals. Whether you’re a hotel owner, a web developer, or someone simply interested in website design trends, this insightful overview will provide you with valuable insights and inspiration for your next web design project.

Different Website Design Template for the Development of Hotel Website

Key Features To Include On A Hotel Website Design Templates

The following are the key features to include on a hotel website:


1. Mobile Compatibility


In this digital age, it’s safe to say that we’re all attached to our smartphones. These little gadgets are always within our reach, whether we’re out exploring the world or tucked into our cozy beds at home. And, when we’re planning a trip, it’s often our phones that we turn to first. We pull up a browser and start hunting for the perfect place to stay, right from the palm of our hands.

The Frustration of Non-Mobile-Friendly Websites:

This is why it’s absolutely critical for hotel websites to be mobile-friendly. Imagine this: You’re excited about your upcoming vacation and are looking for a hotel. You find a beautiful hotel, but when you visit their website on your phone, it’s all a mess. The images are too small to see, the text is hard to read, and the booking button is impossible to find. It’s like trying to read a book with the pages all out of order – frustrating, right?

The Delight of Mobile-Friendly Websites:

On the other hand, suppose you find a hotel website that’s a breeze to use on your phone. The pictures are clear and vibrant, the information is easy to read, and the booking process is as simple as tapping a few buttons. You’d feel relieved, maybe even a little bit delighted, right?

Mobile Compatibility as a Friendly Concierge:

So, mobile compatibility is like the hotel’s friendly concierge who greets you at the door, ready to make your stay as pleasant and hassle-free as possible. It ensures that visitors can smoothly navigate through the website, find the information they need, and easily book their stay regardless of the device they are using.

A Great Example: Marriott International:

A great example of a mobile-friendly hotel website is that of Marriott International. When you visit their website on a mobile device, it automatically adjusts to fit your screen. You can effortlessly scroll through high-quality pictures, read about the hotel’s amenities, check out reviews from other guests, and book your stay with just a few taps.

The Importance of Mobile Compatibility for Hotels:

Therefore, when selecting a website design template for a hotel, it’s vital to choose one that offers mobile compatibility. It not only provides a smooth and enjoyable experience for users but also can significantly increase bookings, making it a win-win solution for both hotels and their guests.


2. Responsive Design


When you’re planning your dream vacation, you probably imagine yourself lounging by the pool or exploring new places, right? You’re not dreaming about fiddling with a hotel website that isn’t working correctly. That’s why the design of a hotel website must be responsive.

The Magic of Responsive Design:

In the world of website design, “responsive” is a magic word. It means that a website can magically shape-shift to look good on any device – from a large desktop monitor to a small smartphone screen. No squinting, no endless scrolling, just a clear, easy-to-use website on any device.

The Perfect Room for Every Guest:

Think about it like this: Imagine a hotel where every room can change to perfectly suit the guest. A family checks in, and whoosh! The room expands, and bunk beds appear. A business traveler arrives, and voila! A desk with a comfortable chair shows up. That’s what a responsive website design is like. It adjusts itself to offer the best possible experience for every guest, no matter what device they’re using.

The Frustration of Non-Responsive Websites:

When hotel websites aren’t responsive, it’s like a puzzle with missing pieces. Things might look fine on a big computer screen, but on a smartphone, crucial information could be missing or hard to find. It’s frustrating and can make people give up and look somewhere else for their hotel booking.

An Example of Mastering Responsive Design: Hilton Hotels & Resorts:

Now, let’s take an example of a hotel website that has mastered the art of responsive design – the Hilton Hotels & Resorts site. Regardless of whether you’re viewing it on a large desktop screen, a tablet, or a smartphone, everything fits perfectly. You can easily browse rooms, view rates, and make reservations. Pictures look crisp and enticing, and you can find everything you need without any fuss. It’s like the website is rolling out the red carpet, welcoming you in, and making it easy for you to choose your perfect stay.

Choosing a website design template that includes responsive design is like choosing to be a good host. It ensures that no matter where or how potential guests are viewing the website, they’ll always have a seamless, frustration-free experience, encouraging them to book their stay and enjoy their dream vacation.


3. SEO-Optimized Coding


You know when you’re trying to find something, and it feels like you’re on a wild treasure hunt? Let’s say you’re looking for that special book in a library full of thousands. You’d probably want a helpful guide or some signs pointing you in the right direction, right?

The Importance of SEO for Hotel Websites:

Now imagine that you’re a person planning a vacation, and you’re looking for a hotel online. There are so many options, and you’re trying to find the one that’s just right for you. But what if the perfect hotel – the one with the comfy beds, the great pool, and the amazing breakfast – is hidden on the 20th page of your search results? You’d probably never find it, and that’s a shame!

The Role of SEO-Optimized Coding:

This is where SEO-optimized coding comes into play for hotel websites. “SEO” stands for “Search Engine Optimization”, and it’s like that helpful guide in the library. It helps your website get noticed by search engines like Google, which means it will show up higher in the search results.

The Elements of SEO-Optimized Coding:

SEO isn’t just about using the right keywords, though that’s certainly part of it. It’s also about how the website is built, including its structure and coding. A website that’s built with SEO in mind is like a brightly lit sign on a dark road – it catches the attention of search engines and says, “Hey, over here! This is what you’re looking for!”

An Example: Hyatt Hotels:

For example, Hyatt Hotels is known for its SEO-optimized website. It uses specific keywords and phrases, like “luxury hotel in New York” or “family-friendly resort in Hawaii”, that people might be searching for. And because its website is built to be easily read and understood by search engines, Hyatt often appears high in search results. That means more people can find and book a stay at Hyatt, and fewer people miss out on the opportunity to enjoy what they offer.

So, if a hotel wants to be found easily by potential guests, choosing a website design template that supports SEO-optimized coding is absolutely key. It’s like planting a flag at the top of a hill – it makes it easy for people to find you amidst a sea of options, bringing more visitors to the website and potentially increasing bookings.


4. Fast Loading Website

Fast Loading Website


Imagine you’re standing in a long line at an amusement park. You can see the roller coaster, you can hear the screams of excitement, and you can’t wait to get on. But the line is moving so slowly! Each minute feels like an hour, and your excitement starts to fade.

The Impact of Slow Website Loading:

That’s pretty much how it feels when you’re trying to load a slow website. You click on it, excited to see what’s inside, but all you get is a spinning wheel that seems to go on forever. Slowly, your excitement turns into frustration.

The Importance of Hotel Websites:

Now, think about a hotel website. People visit these websites because they’re planning something exciting – maybe a family vacation or a romantic getaway. But if they have to wait too long for the site to load, that excitement could turn into annoyance. They might even leave and check out a different hotel instead. And just like that, a slow website could lead to a lost customer.

The Benefits of Fast-Loading Websites:

On the other hand, a fast-loading website is like a VIP pass that lets you skip the line. You click, and boom – you’re in. You can check out pictures, explore rooms, find out about amenities, and book your stay, all without any annoying wait. It keeps the excitement high and makes the whole process easy and enjoyable.

An Example: Booking.com:

Let’s take Booking.com, for example. It’s a website that lists thousands of hotels around the world. But even with all that information, it still loads quickly. Within seconds, you can be browsing pictures of tropical resorts or city-center hotels, and easily make your reservation. It feels effortless, and that’s part of the reason why so many people use it.

So, when choosing a website design template for a hotel, it’s important to go for one that promises fast load times. It’s not just about keeping people happy, although that’s certainly a big part of it. It’s also about making sure potential guests stay on the site long enough to make a booking, which is a win for everyone involved.


5. Easy Navigation


Picture this: you’re in a big, exciting city for the first time. You’ve heard about an amazing ice cream shop and can’t wait to try their world-famous sundae. But there’s a problem – you can’t find it. The city is full of winding streets and confusing signs. You go left, then right, then left again, but all you find are dead ends. Your anticipation for the delicious treat turns into frustration and disappointment.

The Frustration of Poor Navigation:

Now imagine the same scenario, but this time you have a map – a really good one. It shows you exactly where to go, with clear paths and easy-to-follow directions. Within minutes, you’re sitting at the ice cream shop, enjoying your sundae. It’s the same city and the same shop, but a very different, and much better, experience.

The Importance of Easy Navigation on Hotel Websites:

That’s exactly what easy navigation on a hotel website can do for people planning their trips. When visitors land on a website, they’re on a mission. They might be looking for room prices, images, and available amenities, or maybe they’re ready to book straight away. A well-designed navigation menu is like a map guiding them, making it easy to find whatever they’re looking for.

An Example: Four Seasons Hotel:

Take the Four Seasons Hotel’s website, for example. Right at the top of their homepage, there’s a clear menu with options like “Locations,” “Reservations,” and “Offers.” Just a click on any of these takes you directly to the information you need, without any confusion or endless scrolling.

The Importance of Guiding the Visitor’s Journey:

Even more, their website design guides the visitor’s eyes in a clear path. You start at the top with stunning images, then move down to explore the rooms, the dining options, and then the unique experiences they offer. You never feel lost or overwhelmed. Instead, you feel excited and confident about your booking decision.

So, when it comes to choosing a website design template for a hotel, easy navigation should be at the top of the list. It gives visitors a smooth, enjoyable experience, which not only keeps them on the site longer but also encourages them to complete their booking. After all, the easier the journey, the more likely they are to reach the destination – in this case, a reservation confirmation page!


6. Multilingual Support

Imagine you’re on a grand adventure, exploring a country where you don’t speak the language. You’re in a bustling market, and you see a stand selling the most delicious-looking food. But there’s a catch: the menu is written in a language you don’t understand. Your stomach rumbles, and your mouth waters, but you feel a bit lost, maybe even a little bit excluded.

The Power of Multilingual Support:

Now, picture the same scene, but with a twist. This time, the vendor notices your confusion, smiles, and hands you a menu in your language. Suddenly, you feel included and welcome. You order with confidence, excitement returns, and soon you’re enjoying a delicious meal.

The Importance of Multilingual Websites:

This same feeling of inclusion and ease applies to hotel websites too. We live in a world filled with diverse languages, and people from all corners of the globe could be potential guests. Having a multilingual website ensures that visitors can understand the information and navigate the booking process smoothly, no matter what language they speak. It’s a welcoming signal to guests from different countries, just like that translated menu in the foreign market.

An Example: Ritz-Carlton:

Consider Ritz-Carlton’s website. They cater to guests from all over the world, and their website reflects this. Right at the top corner, there’s an option to choose from a variety of languages, including Spanish, French, German, Chinese, and more. When a visitor selects their preferred language, the entire website content shifts to that language, making it easy for them to understand the offerings, read the descriptions, and make a booking.

Extending Hospitality Beyond Language Barriers:

By offering multilingual support, Ritz-Carlton is saying, “We value you, we understand you, and we welcome you, no matter where you come from or what language you speak.”

So, when choosing a website design template for a hotel, it’s important to consider multilingual support. It’s more than just a practical feature; it’s a way of extending hospitality beyond the boundaries of language, ensuring every potential guest feels valued and catered to, from the first click to the final booking confirmation.


7. Online Booking Engine

Online Hotel Bookings for different hotels on a platform.


Have you ever been so excited about something that you want it right away? Maybe a new video game has just been released, or a new book from your favorite author. You don’t want to wait, right? You want to buy it instantly.

The Frustration of Delayed Bookings:

Now, imagine you’re planning your vacation. You’ve found the perfect hotel. The pictures are breathtaking, the amenities are fantastic, and the reviews are glowing. Your excitement is high, and you can’t wait to book your stay. But then you realize there’s no way to book online. You have to call or send an email and then wait for a response. That’s like finding your dream game or book in the store but being told you can’t buy it yet. It’s frustrating, isn’t it?

The Convenience of an Online Booking Engine:

That’s why an online booking engine is a must-have for any hotel website. It’s like having a 24/7 receptionist who’s always ready to confirm your booking. It’s fast, convenient, and you get instant gratification.

An Example: Marriott Hotel:

Let’s look at the Marriott Hotel’s website, for instance. As soon as you land on their homepage, there’s a booking engine right at the center. You just need to enter where you’re going, your check-in and check-out dates, and the number of people staying. Then, with a click of a button, your reservation is confirmed. No waiting, no uncertainty, just immediate satisfaction.

Real-time Availability and Transparent Pricing:

The booking engine also shows real-time availability and prices, so you know exactly what you’re getting. It’s transparent, which helps build trust, and it’s easy, which enhances the overall user experience.

So, when considering a website design template for a hotel, it’s crucial to choose one that includes an online booking engine. It not only provides a better user experience but also increases the likelihood of direct bookings. It’s like opening the doors of your hotel-wide open, inviting guests to step right in, and assuring them you’re ready to serve them anytime they wish.


8. Video & Audio


Picture yourself watching a trailer for the latest blockbuster movie. The booming music, the dramatic visuals, the gripping storyline – everything comes together to draw you in. Suddenly, you’re not just hearing about the movie; you’re experiencing it. And that’s when you decide: you’ve got to see this film.

Videos: Bringing the Hotel Experience to Life:

The same principle applies to hotel websites. Sure, photos and text can give visitors an idea of what the hotel is like. But videos and audio? They can make visitors feel like they’re already there. They can give them a taste of the experience, the ambiance, and the emotion.

Video Tours: A Window into the Hotel Experience:

Think about a video tour of a hotel room. The camera sweeps through the door and glides around the room, showing the plush bed, the stunning view from the window, and the sparkling bathroom. Maybe there’s soft music playing, adding to the sense of luxury. It’s not just a room anymore – it’s an experience, an adventure, a dream come true. And it’s right there, just a click away.

Audio: Setting the Mood:

Or consider an audio clip of waves gently crashing on the shore, recorded right from a beachside hotel. Visitors can close their eyes and imagine themselves there, relaxing by the beach. It’s more than just a sound; it’s a promise of relaxation, escape, and tranquility.

An Example: Burj Al Arab:

An excellent example of this is the website of Burj Al Arab in Dubai, known as one of the world’s most luxurious hotels. Their site features videos showcasing their incredible architecture, breathtaking views, opulent interiors, and top-notch services. The visuals, accompanied by engaging music, create a feeling of awe and aspiration, urging the visitors to experience this luxury firsthand.

So when choosing a website design template for a hotel, it’s important to consider ones that support video and audio features. They have the power to turn a casual site visitor into an excited future guest. After all, seeing and hearing is not just believing, but also experiencing – and that’s what great hotel service is all about.


9. Drag & Drop Principle

Imagine you’re building a Lego castle. You pick up a brick, find the perfect spot for it, and click it into place. You do this over and over, moving the bricks around until you’re happy with your creation. The process is simple, intuitive, and incredibly satisfying.

The Drag-and-Drop Principle:

Now, what if you could build a hotel website in the same way? Just pick up a feature, like a photo gallery or a booking form, and drop it exactly where you want it on the webpage. No need for any complicated coding or design skills – just simple, straightforward, drag-and-drop.

Ease of Visual Website Creation:

This is what we mean when we talk about the drag-and-drop principle in website design. It’s a feature that allows you to create and customize your website visually, simply by dragging and dropping elements where you want them. It’s like having a box of Lego bricks that you can use to build your dream hotel website.

An Example: Wix Website Builder:

For instance, a website builder like Wix works on this principle. It offers a wide variety of design templates for hotels, each one customizable with the drag-and-drop feature. Want to add a map to show your hotel’s location? Just drag it and drop it. Need a section for customer reviews? Pick it up and place it right where you want it. You’re in control, and you can design the website exactly the way you want it.

Enjoyment and Flexibility:

This feature makes the process of building a hotel website not just easy, but also fun. It’s exciting to see your website take shape right before your eyes, piece by piece, just like that Lego castle. Plus, it gives you the freedom to update and change the website whenever you need to, keeping it fresh and relevant for your guests.

So, when choosing a website design template for a hotel, consider the ones that offer drag-and-drop functionality. It simplifies the website-building process, making it easy and enjoyable, and puts you in the driver’s seat of your online presence. And when you enjoy the process, your website becomes not just a booking platform, but a reflection of the wonderful experience guests can expect at your hotel.


10. Cross-Browser Compatibility

when selecting a website design template for a hotel, it's crucial to choose one that offers cross-browser compatibility. It's a way of saying "Everyone's invited, and everyone's welcome" to potential guests, no matter what tools they use to access the site.

Imagine you’re at a birthday party and there’s a big bowl of your favorite candy, let’s say, gummy bears. You reach in to grab a handful, but your friend who prefers chocolate candies cannot do the same because there are no chocolate candies available. You get to enjoy your favorite treat, but your friend leaves the party feeling disappointed and a bit left out.

The Importance of Cross-Browser Compatibility:

Now, let’s apply this scenario to hotel websites. When someone wants to book a room in a hotel, they could use any type of web browser like Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Microsoft Edge. These browsers are like different candy preferences. Just like how it wouldn’t be fair to only serve gummy bears at the party, it wouldn’t be fair to design a hotel website that works well only on one browser. That’s where cross-browser compatibility comes in.

Equal Experience for All:

Cross-browser compatibility ensures that a hotel’s website works equally well on all major browsers. It’s like making sure there’s a variety of candies at the party, so everyone finds their favorite. It doesn’t matter if a person is using Google Chrome on their laptop or Safari on their iPhone; the website’s look and functionality remain the same. It’s user-friendly, and it makes sure no one is left out.

Example: Hilton Hotels’ Website:

For example, let’s look at Hilton Hotels’ website. Regardless of whether you open it on Firefox, Chrome, Safari, or any other browser, the experience stays consistent. The layout, colors, images, and functionality remain the same. This ensures that every visitor, regardless of their “browser preference,” can navigate the website with ease, find the information they need, and book their stay without any hiccups.

So, when selecting a website design template for a hotel, it’s crucial to choose one that offers cross-browser compatibility. It’s a way of saying “Everyone’s invited, and everyone’s welcome” to potential guests, no matter what tools they use to access the site. It’s about ensuring everyone can enjoy their ‘candy’ or in this case, a seamless booking experience, no matter what.


11. Ecommerce Features


Think about the last time you bought something online. You probably clicked on the item, added it to your cart, filled in your details, and made the payment. And voila, the item was yours, all without leaving your comfy couch. This is essentially what eCommerce is – buying and selling things over the internet.

Seamless Booking Process:

Now, imagine if you could do the same thing with a hotel room. That’s right – pick a room, add it to your cart, fill in your details, pay, and bam, your vacation is booked! It would be as easy as buying a new T-shirt or ordering a pizza. That’s why eCommerce features are crucial for a hotel website.

Example: Marriott Hotels:

Take the Marriott Hotels website as an example. You can choose your destination, dates, and room type, and see the total price right there on the screen. If you decide to book, you can add it to your cart, fill in your details, and pay. They also provide options to add extras like breakfast or airport transfer. It’s as easy as shopping online, but what you’re buying is not just a room, but an exciting and relaxing experience.

Beyond Room Bookings:

But eCommerce features don’t stop at booking rooms. They also include things like secure payment gateways, which protect your credit card information, just like a vault protects treasure. They include user profiles, which remember your preferences and make your future bookings even faster, just like how your best friend knows your favorite pizza toppings.

Enhancing Guest Experience:

And let’s not forget about special offers, discounts, or loyalty rewards, which make you feel valued and appreciated, just like when your favorite ice cream shop gives you a free scoop on your birthday.

So, when looking for a website design template for a hotel, it’s important to choose one with strong eCommerce features. It makes booking a room as simple and enjoyable as online shopping, and it takes care of your guests’ needs and desires at every step of the process. It’s like opening a virtual door to your hotel, welcoming guests in, and making sure their stay starts on a high note, right from the moment they book.




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Website Design Template For TheGem

Luxury – Hotel & Resort WordPress Theme

Luxury - Hotel & Resort WordPress Theme


Choosing the right website design template for a hotel is like laying the foundation for a building. It’s an important decision that will impact the hotel’s online presence, customer experience, and ultimately, its success. Different templates cater to different needs, each offering a unique set of features and aesthetic appeal. Whether it’s mobile compatibility, SEO-optimized coding, fast loading times, easy navigation, multilingual support, an online booking engine, or the integration of audio and video elements, these key features play a significant role in shaping the user experience.


Also, implementing eCommerce features and ensuring cross-browser compatibility is crucial in today’s digital age, where users expect seamless online transactions and compatibility across various devices and browsers. Therefore, the selection process should take into account the hotel’s brand, target audience, and specific needs to provide an exceptional online experience that resonates with users emotionally and logically.


Some of the top templates suitable for hotel websites include Divi, Bellevue, Sailing, TheGem, and Luxury – Hotel & Resort WordPress Theme, all of which offer a blend of functionality, design, and user-friendly interfaces. But remember, the best choice will always be the one that aligns most closely with the hotel’s unique needs and objectives. The ultimate goal is to create an online environment that feels like a digital extension of the hotel, welcoming guests from the moment they land on the website until they complete their booking, ensuring their journey is as enjoyable as their stay.

Looking to elevate your hotel’s online presence with the perfect website design template? We’re here to help! Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for guidance, support, and professional services tailored to your unique needs.


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