Website Design

8 Easy Ways to Improve Your Contact Page Design

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

Everyone understands that a company information page is an essential component of any website. The truth is that, regardless of what business you are in, the more unique your Contact page is, the more likely a visitor will be interested in what you have to offer.

A well-designed contact page can deliver the required value and give a consistent user experience for your consumers. That’s why it’s critical to get the design of your contact page just right so that your visitors can find what they’re looking for, get the support they need and have a good customer experience.

Tip#1: Make it Easy to Find contact options

While there is no hard and fast rule about where your contact form should be, it should make sense for your website. When do you need information from visitors to your website? You can add a form in a popup the moment the user appears on your website if it merely asks for an email so you can contact the customer via your mailing list.

However, if you need to collect information to better understand a lead’s demands, you should do so after the consumer has had time to figure out what you have to offer and why they’re interested in it. It’s not easy to determine the optimal location. Experiment with different placements and the A/B test to discover which one converts the best.

Tip#2: Use Fewer Fields

Many studies demonstrate that the fewer fields you have on your form, the higher the conversion rate. The number of conversions decreases as the number of form fields grows.

Examine your complete effective contact form carefully to see what information you’ll need to complete the conversion. If you’re creating a newsletter, all you need is an email address and possibly a first name so that you can customize your communications. Some users may leave your site instead of completing the form if you go into too much detail.

Tip#3: Search Engine Optimization

As a visitor, you would immediately recognize the page’s address. In order for the search engine to recognize diverse elements, it requires some assistance. Structured data can be used to tackle this challenge.

Structured data is a type of HTML markup that gives search engines extra information about the content’s core meaning. You may go one step further by enclosing this block in an address element.

Tip#4: Design for Mobile

Instead of designing your contact form for mobile after you’ve created your desktop/laptop version, you should build it for mobile-first. According to studies, mobile searches and visits are on the rise, and with contact forms generally more difficult to fill on a mobile device, we’re not sure why more businesses aren’t taking this trend seriously.

First and foremost, design your contact form for mobile so that each new field that a visitor must fill out does not cause him or her to leave the site before completing the form.

Tip#5: Make Your CTA Unique

Your calls to action (CTA) have a significant impact on the conversion rate of your form. To begin, your button should stand out from the rest of the page.

This brings it to life. You don’t want the button to blend in with the rest of your color scheme, but neither do you want it to stand out.

The color of your CTA button has an impact on how often people click on it. Users frequently respond better to the color red; however, this differs depending on your site and target audience. Start with a red CTA button and then experiment with different colors and split tests to find which one customers prefer.

Tip#6: Avoid Captcha

Captcha is useful for preventing bot entries, but it irritates users to no end. Have you ever been on a website where you had to click the boxes with the vehicles in them continually, but the graphics weren’t very clear, and you accidentally clicked the wrong ones? Sometimes it takes a few tries to get the “click the image” type Captcha right. Many users will disregard it. They’ll simply depart and don’t bother to contact you again.

According to one research, when presented with Captcha, roughly 3% of users simply jumped away. That adds up in a world where not everyone who visits your page converts. Get rid of the Captcha and discover other ways to deal with spam while keeping your leads.

Tip#7: Include Privacy Policy

Including a link to your privacy policy as well as a brief description is a good idea. You may be forced to share your privacy policy under the new GDPR compliance standards. A simple sentence like “We keep your information 100 percent private” or “We don’t exchange information with third parties” is sufficient to reassure your site users. If visitors to your site have additional queries, you can connect the word privacy to your policy.

Consider your privacy policy. You’ll have to share information if you offer a service that connects potential clients with other businesses. Make it crystal clear what information you’re sharing and how those companies will utilize it. However, if you manage a modest e-commerce company, there is no reason to share the emails or contact information of those who signed up for your mailing list with third parties.

Tip#8: Customer Reviews

After going through an amazing customer review, around 92 percent of B2B buyers are more likely to make a purchase from that site. Use this powerful tool to urge people to take the next step and contact your business if you have some great customer reviews to give.

Including customer reviews on your contact page and throughout your website will reassure visitors that your company is the one they want to work with.

Wrapping Up:

Designing contact pages — and websites in general – is an ongoing, iterative process. We’ve made our decisions based on extensive research into best practices, but the information we acquire may lead us to make changes in the future. The good news is that it is already operational. Although contact pages receive a lot of traffic, they are often used as exit points.

Creating a contact form that attracts visitors and converts them into leads is a question of experimenting with various methods and properly testing them. It’s possible that a concept that works for one site won’t work for another. You’re focused on expanding your company. You don’t have time to worry about how effectively your forms convert, but making these simple modifications can significantly impact your bottom line and give you proper contact methods rather than having it in a complex form.

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