Wordpress Web Development

27 Awesome WordPress Plugins That Every Business Website Must Have

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

With more than 55000 WordPress plugins, it can be a tough task to choose the right plugins. But if you want to take your business to the next level, then you must make use of the best plugins.

27 Awesome WordPress Plugins That Every Business Website Must Have In 2021

We have made your task a bit easy. Here are 11 WordPress plugins that your website must have.

1. WPForms:

Contact forms are an easy way for your customers to connect with you. In WordPress, WPForms is one of the best contact forms plugins. Creating different types of online forms like attractive contact forms, order forms, survey forms, makes use of this plugin. You can also create a customized WordPress user login page and registration form.

2. MonsterInsights:

We are sure you want to connect your website with Google Analytics. Then make use of the MonsterInsights plugin of WordPress. With this plugin, you can see the important stats on the WordPress dashboard. These details will help you with the optimization of the website for more traffic.

3. Constant Contact / Mail Chimp:

Make use of the popular email marketing service to build email lists. You can send newsletters to your clients and can remain in touch with your customers easily.

4. Sucuri:

For any online business, security is of prime importance. Sucuri is a security plugin. It is also a web application firewall. It is one of the best ways to protect your website from malware, DDoS, etc.

5. WP Rocket:

Do you need to improve the speed and performance of your WordPress website? Then make use of WP Rocket. You do not require any technical skills to use this WordPress plugin. Its Imagify option allows free image optimization, and this helps in improving the speed of the website.

6. All in one SEO:

For the optimization of your WordPress website, you can use the All in one SEO. It has many advanced features, and it also has an API.

7. OptinMonster:

If you need a greater number of email subscribers at a fast rate, then use the OptinMonster plugin. It has options using which you can personalize the Optin campaigns for every user, or you can display a particular message at a particular time.

8. UpdraftPlus:

With the UpdraftPlus plugin, you can easily take a backup of the website automatically. This backup is then stored in a secure location like Google Drive, FTP, Dropbox, etc. One can restore the website from this backup with ease.

9. Beaver Builder:

For creating customized page layouts for the WordPress website, you must make use of Beaver Builder. This is a drag and drops page builder, which makes customization of the website design easy. There is no need to write any code, and there is no need to hire a developer. Even a person with no technical background can handle this with ease.

10. Akismet

Akismet is a must-have WordPress plugin to be installed after you set a new WordPress Website. It monitors and tracks all spam activity across the entire internet (which is not an easy task). It also provides an advanced anti-spam service for WordPress.

If you have a WordPress site, Akismet is a good install plugin.

11. Jetpack

Jetpack is a plugin that connects your self-hosted WordPress site to the WordPress.com platform managed. This provides various extra features like Traffic Analytics, Mobile theme, content tools, Site performance, increase security. Go on, and install the Jetpack plugin today.

12. WP Rocket

If You want to improve the speed and performance of your WordPress website then make use of WP Rocket. To set this plugin up you don’t need any technical skills and its imagify option allows free image optimization and helps in improving the speed of the website. It also provides a lazy loading feature which additionally boosts your page landing speed.

13. YoastSEO 

If you want to improve your search engine ranking then you should have Search engine optimization(SEO) plugins installed on your website. Some of the famous SEO plugins are Yoast SEO, All In One Seo, Rank Math. You can choose any one of them as your SEO plugins. It is an active 5 million website and with an impressive 4.8-star rating on more than 27000 reviews.

14. WPForms

WPForms are the best contact form plugin the powerful drag and drop form builder lets you create any form easily. It has an almost 4.9 out of 5-star rating and it’s a smart choice for any website owner.

15. Share Count

Shared Counts is a fantastic social sharing button that lets you use a simple shortcode to insert the share button either before or after post content.

16. Broken Link Checker

The Broken Link checker is one of the most user-friendly and among the best free WordPress plugins ever made.

17. UpdraftPlus 

UpdraftPlus is the best WordPress backup plugin.BackupBuddy is another best backup plugin for WordPress.

18. Envira Gallery

Envira Gallery is the best responsive image gallery plugin for WordPress.

19. Code Snippets

Code Snippets is the best free WordPress plugin for adding PHP code to your WordPress website with ease.

20. Optin Monster

Optin Monster helps as to create beautiful Opt-In Forms and display them strategically on your site. The drag and drop builder makes it easy to create your optin forms.

 21. WP Smush

WP Smush is a free WordPress image optimization plugin.

22. W3 Total Cache

W3 Total Cache is another important plugin for WordPress websites. It is the best WordPress caching plugin.

23. Google XML Sitemaps

Google XML Sitemaps is one of the best free WordPress plugins in the official WordPress plugin directory.

24. WP Call Button

WP Call Button helps you add a click to call button on your WordPress site in an instant.

25. GridKit

The Grid Kit is a portfolio gallery Plugin that wants something more than a simple image portfolio.

26. Gravity Forms

Gravity Forms is an impressive freemium plugin that will enable you to add stylish and highly optimized forms to your WordPress website.

27. Advanced Custom Fields:

Advanced Custom Fields is an easy-to-use plugin that allows you to customize your website as per your needs.


If you want to make your WordPress website one of the best revenue-generating websites, then make use of these WordPress Plugins. Most of them are easy to use, and you can manage using them on your own.


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