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Types of Security Vulnerabilities in eCommerce and How to Solve Them

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

Do you ever wonder why some websites seem to get hacked every time they update their security measures? Some sites are even hacked multiple times in a day! Is there something wrong with them? No, it’s because hackers are constantly adapting their methods to circumvent the latest defenses. In this article, we’ll tell you about the common types of vulnerabilities and how to prevent them from happening.

Ecommerce companies rely heavily on cybersecurity to ensure customer safety and data integrity. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, cyberattacks happen regularly. Most often these attacks target company payment systems, personal information, or confidential client details. These malicious activities affect a wide array of industries, including retail, financial services, healthcare, and government.

Types of Security Vulnerabilities in eCommerce and How to Solve Them

Here’s a quick intro to the various types of vulnerabilities and how you can identify and fix them:-

1. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are caused when a group of computers infected with malicious software launch a coordinated attack against an unsuspecting target. This can include websites, servers, and other computer systems. The goal is to make the victim’s system so busy that it becomes unusable or crashes. The damage inflicted by DDoS attacks can be costly both financially and politically, as they often knock important services offline for prolonged periods of time.

To prevent this from happening to your organization, you need to adopt strong cyber security measures such as proper filtering and antivirus protection coupled with robust firewalls. You should also have emergency procedures in place in case of a DDoS attack occurring and be prepared to take steps such as shutting down access to critical systems until the problem is resolved.

2. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is a type of vulnerability that allows attackers to inject malicious code into web pages accessed by other users. This can be done in two ways: through the use of injected scripts or via the manipulation of user input. When executed, XSS attacks often result in crimes such as identity theft and stealing data from affected websites.

To prevent this kind of attack, it is important to implement robust security measures, such as using Anti-CSRF tokens and restricting access to privileged functions. Additionally, you should always check for potential vulnerabilities before publishing your content online and make sure to update your plugins and themes regularly.

In addition to preventing cross-site scripting attacks altogether, there are also various fixes available that help mitigates its effects. These include filters designed to detect abusive JavaScript code or CSS files that contain XSS vulnerabilities.

3. Credential Stuffing Attack

A credential stuffing attack is a type of cyberattack where malicious actors attempt to obtain access to user credentials, such as login credentials or account numbers. This can be done by spoofing the legitimate authentication request and obtaining the user’s information in response. Once these attackers have this valuable data, they can use it to steal identities, attack other systems using that identity(s), or exploit security vulnerabilities on those systems.

To prevent yourself from becoming a victim of credential stuffing attacks, be sure to keep your passwords safe and never reuse them across different websites. Also don’t share your personal information like your birthday or email addresses without proper consent.

4. Bot Attack

Bot Attacks are a form of cybercrime that uses automated programs or scripts to engage in malicious activities on websites. These attacks can include distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, phishing schemes, and espionage activity. The best way to prevent bot attacks is to keep your website’s security robust by using up-to-date antivirus software, keeping a firewall installed and configured properly, and using strong passwords for both online accounts and your site’s server. Additionally, make sure you do not publish any sensitive information that could be accessed by bots or hackers.

If you suspect that someone has launched a bot attack against your website, the first step is to contact your hosting provider immediately so they can take steps to block the IP addresses associated with the attack. Then work together with IT staff at your company to investigate what happened and find solutions as quickly as possible.

5. Weak Passwords and Authentication Issues

Weak passwords and authentication issues often occur when people choose easily guessed or simple words as their passwords. This is because these types of passwords are easy for a hacker to crack using one of the many passwords cracking tools that are available online. Additionally, weak passwords can also be revealed by leaks from data breaches in which company personnel has been careless with personal information.

To solve this problem, you should consider adopting two-factor authentication (2FA). 2FA uses something else other than your regular login password to verify your identities, such as a code sent to your phone via text or an app. By doing this, you greatly increase the security of your account and virtually eliminate the risk of someone gaining access by stealing your login credentials.

6. SQL Injections

SQL injections are attacks that occur when malicious code is injected into a SQL query string, which can then be executed by the database server. This type of attack can allow for unauthorized access to sensitive data or even hijacking of the web application. There are several methods that you can use to solve SQL injections, including using parameterized queries, escaping special characters in your SQL strings, and using prepared statements.

However, it is important to remember that fixing an injection once it has occurred is much more difficult than preventing it from happening in the first place. Therefore, having a plan and implementing effective security measures will go a long way in protecting your website against this type of attack.

7. Online payment fraud

Online payment fraud is a big problem that threatens the security and peace of mind of online shoppers. This type of fraud occurs when criminals use your personal information to make unauthorized purchases in your name, without you knowing about it. One way to solve this type of problem is to be aware of the pins and passwords that you have for online accounts.

Make sure never to share them with anyone, especially not strangers who contact you out of the blue asking for financial assistance or other sensitive information. Also, keep an eye on your bank statements and credit report regularly because fraudulent activities may show up there as well. And finally, don’t let yourself become prey to scammers by installing unsafe applications or downloading malicious files from untrustworthy sources.

8. Phishing

Phishing is the act of scamming someone by sending them an email that looks like it comes from a legitimate source, but actually contains malicious content intended to steal personal information or profit from fraudulent activities. Phishing emails are typically crafted to look like they come from trusted sources such as your bank, email provider, or social media account owner.

The best way to avoid being scammed is to be suspicious of unsolicited messages and always confirm the authenticity of any message before providing any personal information. Additionally, use strong passwords and don’t share personal information online unless you’re completely sure who you’re talking to. If something feels fishy, just ignore it!


In order to keep your eCommerce business running smoothly, it’s essential to stay up-to-date with the latest security threats. However, staying ahead of the curve can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to identifying the right type of vulnerability. That’s where our blog comes in! We’ve detailed the different types of security vulnerabilities and given you the tips you need to solve them. So, whether you’re a small business owner or an eCommerce giant, make sure to check out our blog for more information on how to keep your business safe from cybercrime!

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