Website Design

Top 3 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a website optimized for mobile device

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

Are you having difficulty attracting visitors to your website? Are you looking for a simple, quick method to improve your business’s internet visibility? Or can be you’re looking to increase your sales and leads?

In this scenario, ensure that your site is mobile-friendly. A responsive design can propel your company forward. Global mobile traffic grew by 63% in comparison to desktop traffic in 2016 and by more than 180% over the previous five years. Around 60% of consumers in the United States use their cell phones to research goods and compare pricing.

If you do not have mobile-optimized site, you are potentially losing customers. Consider prominent brands and companies. They all have responsive websites that look fantastic on a variety of devices, from desktop computers to smartphones and tablets. Are you still undecided?

Following are three reasons why you should have a mobile-friendly website:

1. Maximum Users from Mobile

More than half of web traffic is coming through mobile phone. We no longer live in a world in which smartphone users are regarded as an anomaly. We are not even living in a world where excessive smartphone usage is an exception. Today, 1.2 billion people use mobile devices in comparison to desktop users to access the internet.

A staggering 80% of internet users access the internet through a smartphone. In other words, they’re more likely on their phones if they’re online.

Furthermore, today’s numbers only tell half the picture. In the future, these statistics will be much more biased toward mobile. Simply stated, you MUST consider mobile since everyone is on their phones.

As of May 2014 (a little more than a year ago), mobile media consumption was 21% greater than desktop consumption, accounting for 51% of ALL digital media consumption. This implies that mobile accounts for more than 50% of all online traffic. If you want to attract mobile traffic (a.k.a. traffic), you must think mobile. The obvious issue that arises here is, “Why can’t mobile customers just use their phones to access my desktop site?”

Mobile consumers actually spend more than their desktop counterparts across all platforms.

Smartphone users make the fewest transactions. These consumers have been socialized to make frequent modest transactions. Smartphone consumers are an excellent audience if you’re looking to sell anything for less than $10.

On the other side, tablet users have the greatest average transaction value of any device type, including desktop computers.

2. Google favors mobile responsiveness to help your website to get a good rank in SERP.

Optimizing your website for mobile devices is critical for high search engine results. Since mobile devices account for more than half of all worldwide online traffic, your website must be mobile-friendly.

Mobile page load time is an important measure for ranking your website on Google, which accounts for 94% of all organic search traffic. Google provides free online tools to assist you in assessing your website’s mobile friendliness and gives suggestions for improving it.

Digital marketing has risen to the top of the priority list for companies of all sizes. Only generating traffic to your website and landing pages is as essential in digital marketing as ranking highly on Google and other major search engines are components of grabbing new clicks. Businesses can enhance their position on search engine result pages (SERPs) by optimizing their websites and content. This is referred to be an organic search approach, and it has the potential to be very beneficial for your business.

Google’s emphasis has moved to mobile-friendly website optimization as the amount of internet traffic from mobile devices grows. You can be wasting your time and money if you don’t have a mobile-friendly website. Google’s search engine results pages (SERPs) now give preference to mobile-friendliness.

Mobile responsive design is now more essential than ever for Google’s approval and obtaining organic traffic as of April. Google implemented a substantial penalty with its most recent major algorithm change for websites that did not satisfy its mobile-friendliness criteria. It did cause some ripples, with mobile-friendly sites suffering much less of an impact. If you want to keep your current organic traffic, you must make your site mobile-friendly.

3. Mobile Optimized Websites Improve The User Experience When Opened From Mobile

Mobile SEO is essential for attracting visitors as well as ranking higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). More people than ever before are using mobile devices to visit websites. In reality, mobile devices account for more than half of all worldwide online traffic, a proportion that is increasing year after year. If a mobile website is sluggish or difficult, visitors will leave and never return, just as they would on a desktop website.

Mobile websites must be simple to use. Knowing how irritating it can be to visit a website that isn’t optimized for mobile devices. To keep visitors on your website, create a layout that is optimized for mobile devices (think long vertical scrolling & easy-to-push buttons). Small check boxes and drop down menus, as well as a lot of horizontal scrolling, are sure to aggravate a mobile user.

How to Make a mobile-friendly site

A web developer can make a mobile-friendly design. But there are steps you can take. Here are Google’s recommendations for better mobile responsiveness and user experience:

  • Instructions for Google’s mobile-friendly site. This article suggests using a        responsive web design that automatically adjusts the display to different mobile screen sizes.
  • See how mobile-friendly your site is by taking Google’s test. You can test a single page or many pages on your site to see how Google bot perceives them.
  • Create a Mobile Usability Report in Webmaster Tools to find mobile issues.


As you can see, a responsive sites can significantly benefit your company on all levels. Not only will you increase visitors, but you will also enhance your brand and online visibility.

Additionally, “mobile-optimized” website is a handy feature. A knowledgeable SEO expert can quickly optimize your site for mobile devices. Consider it a financial investment in your company that will bring more profit in the coming future.



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