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How to Choose A Payment Gateway For eCommerce Store

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

Payment gateways allow merchants to accept payments from their customers. They provide a business owner with a secure way to manage transactions and protect customer data. A payment gateway is basically a third-party payment processors that processes credit card payments or other forms of electronic payments. In addition to processing payments, they also act as the interface between you and your customers. To choose right payment gateway for eCommerce store can be a daunting task.

There are so many payment gateways for eCommerce store to choose from, and it can be hard to know which one is right for you. In this article, we will help you to choose the right payment gateway for your business. We will cover all of the key factors to consider, and provide you with a list of the best payment gateways for eCommerce stores.

What Is an eCommerce Payment Gateway?

A payment gateway is a platform that allows customers to make online payments. It allows businesses to process and manage payments and fraud detection and prevention. Popular Payment gateway providers also offer security features such as 2-factor authentication and fraud monitoring. A payment gateway can be used by small businesses and entrepreneurs to accept payments from their customers.

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It can also be used by large businesses to process payments from their customers. Payment gateways are the payment processors for credit cards, debit cards, PayPal, and other online payment methods.

How Does A Payment Gateway Work?

A cycle of a payment gateway from customer to the merchant account.

 A payment gateway is a platform that allows customers to make online payments and conduct online transactions. It allows businesses to process and manage payments and fraud prevention. Payment gateway providers also offer security features such as 2-factor authentication and fraud monitoring. A payment gateway can be used by small businesses and entrepreneurs to accept payments from their customers. It can also be used by large businesses to process payments from their customers. Payment gateways can be used to process credit cards, debit cards, PayPal, and other popular payment methods with some additional transaction fees.

How to choose a Payment Gateway for your eCommerce store

So, let’s see some of the few payment gateway options for your eCommerce store for you to choose from:-

1. Merchant Account Options


Cycle showing how the merchant account works.

Merchant account options are essential for any business that accepts payments online. By having a merchant account, you will be able to receive payments from your customers and process those payments easily and quickly. Additionally, merchant account options come with many benefits, such as lower payment processing fees, higher conversion rates, access to merchant services such as fraud protection, and the ability to accept credit and debit cards.

By choosing a payment gateway that offers merchant account options, you will be able to accept payments from online shoppers in a variety of ways. Some payment gateways allow you to accept payments through PayPal, Stripe, or Square. Others offer integrations with various e-commerce platforms, such as Shopify, BigCommerce, and Magento. In addition to accepting payments, online merchant account options often come with fraud protection and other extra features to help you run your business smoothly.

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2. Support For Payment Methods And Currencies

Support For Payment Methods And Currencies


When selecting for integrated payment gateway, it is important to look for one that offers support for payment methods and currencies. This will allow you to accept payments from a wide variety of international customers and clients. Some of the most popular payment gateways offer support for payment methods and currencies.

Having support for payment methods and currencies makes it easier for you to accept payments from customers and clients who are using different types of payment methods. Additionally, it allows you to process transactions quickly and easily. By choosing a secure payment gateway that offers support for payment methods and currencies, you can ensure that your business is able to grow and thrive.

3. Ensure Your Product Type Is Permitted By The Provider

There are a few reasons why you should make sure your product type is permitted by the payment gateways that you are considering. First and foremost, it is important to ensure that your product is not classified as a prohibited good. This can include items such as weapons, drugs, pornography, and other items that are prohibited by law. Additionally, some payment gateways may not be able to accept certain product types or card type. For example, PayPal does not accept products that are classified as digital downloads or software.

By checking to see if your product type is allowed by the payment gateways that you are considering, you can avoid any potential issues down the road. Additionally, it can save you time and money in the event that your product fails to meet the requirements of a payment gateway. Lastly, it can help to build a positive relationship with the payment gateway, which can lead to more opportunities in the future.

4. Choosing The Right Integration Method

There are a number of reasons why you should choose the right payment integration method when selecting an online payment gateway. One of the most important considerations is the level of security that your payment gateway offers. It is important to choose a payment gateway that has robust security measures in place to protect your data and customers’ payment details. Additionally, make sure that the payment gateway is able to meet your processing and delivery deadlines and can handle a high transaction volume.

Another important factor to consider is the payment gateway’s interface. It is important to have an easy-to-use payment gateway that allows you to manage your transactions quickly and easily. Additionally, make sure that the payment gateway has features such as automating payments, batching payments, and receiving payments via secure channels.

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Last but not least, make sure that the payment gateway is compatible with your business’s existing systems and infrastructure.

5. Hosted Gateway

Difference between a hosted gateway and non-hosted gateway.


In today’s world, there is a multitude of payment gateways to choose from. However, not all of them are created equal. When selecting a payment provider, you should look for a hosted gateway. A hosted gateway is a payment gateway that is hosted by a third party. This means that the processing and storage of your payments are taken care of by the host, rather than you having to do it yourself. This can be a huge advantage, as it eliminates the need to maintain and monitor your own payment gateway.

Additionally, a hosted gateway is typically more reliable and secure than a self-hosted gateway. A hosted gateway typically offers greater flexibility and customization than a self-hosted gateway. You can typically add or remove features or modules without any significant downtime or impact on your system. In addition, you can also access the hosted gateway from anywhere in the world, making it a great choice for global businesses.

6. PCI Compliance Requirements

PCI compliance is becoming increasingly important as more and more businesses adopt electronic payments. Not only does this protect your business from potential fraud, but it also helps to safeguard your customers’ data. By selecting a payment gateway that is compliant with PCI requirements, you can be sure that your customers’ data is safe and secure. Some of the most common requirements that are imposed by PCI include the use of secure card readers, encryption of data, and verification of customer identities. By complying with these requirements, you can ensure that your customers’ data is protected from unauthorized access.

Additionally, by using a payment gateway that is compliant with PCI requirements, you can reduce your risk of financial losses due to fraudulent transactions and other technical issues. When selecting a payment gateway, it is important to consider the size and complexity of your business as well as the vendor’s past PCI compliance history. This will help you to make an informed decision about which payment gateway is best suited for your needs.

7. Non-Hosted (Integrated) Method

There are many reasons why you should look for a payment gateway that is integrated with your eCommerce platform. First of all, an integrated payment gateway allows you to manage all of your payments from one place. This saves you time and money because you no longer have to spend time logging into different systems to make payments. Additionally, an integrated gateway allows you to track your transactions in real-time, which allows you to make better decisions about your marketing and sales strategies.

Integrated gateways also allow you to accept multiple currencies and manage your payments from a single platform. This eliminates the need to set up separate payment processing systems for different currencies. Finally, an integrated gateway offers greater security and data protection because it integrates with your eCommerce platform. This means that your security measures are put in place automatically, and not exposed to the risk of third-party attacks.


Choosing the right Payment Gateway for your online store can be quite a daunting task, but by following these simple tips, you’ll be well on your way to success. First, you need to determine your business’ needs and requirements. From there, choose a Payment Gateway that matches those needs and specifications. Remember to compare the different Payment Gateways based on their features and pricing, so you can find the one that’s best suited for your eCommerce store.

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